Steal Your Heart. - Comments

  • I really loved this! I saw everything playing out in my head like a movie, which made it even better for me to read. A big part of me wants to feel sad for John, but then again, I feel like he's probably had his chances to prove that he deserves Peyton, and has let each one slip past him. Especially when he couldn't even tell her that he believed his own words. I was like, "you're such a dumbass, O'Callaghan!" hahaa. But anyways, I loved this and of course, that song! :)
    January 22nd, 2012 at 03:08am
  • First of all, I love Augustana so wonderful song choice and I love how you tied it in with the quote. I've always thought of the song as him singing it to some girl he wants to be with, not for some girl he had and lost, but wants again. So I love how you put a new perspective on the song.

    I feel for Peyton. There's always that one boy who you can't get over and who always pops up at the worst times (although if that was John O'Callaghan I wouldn't complain too much haha). She knows that John and she will always be "unfinished business" but she can't help but hope that someday, somehow they might finally end up together.

    I love how she says that they shouldn't ruin perfection just to try their relationship again. In all honesty I feel as if the most perfect relationships never last because perfection can't last. Peyton and John are perfect together but obviously aren't perfect for each other (I hope that makes sense because it did in my head but typed out it looks a little confusing bahahaha).

    I also love how this felt like a chapter in John and Peyton's life. They obviously have some sort of history and with John's steal your heart comment it seems as if there's potential for a future for them but this story doesn't go too deep into that. It shows what John is to Petyon and vice versa but it lets you make your own assumptions about their past and their future. I personally think that Peyton will marry her fiance even though John has her heart just because she knows that if they try again it'll just be the same cycle. The good thing about this story though is that someone else can think they'll end up together because the story ends with a loose end almost, letting you believe what you want (and I of course believe the more cynical version where they don't end up together lol)

    This was a super long comment and I'm not sure if half of it even made sense but this was a wonderful story! Thanks for entering :)
    January 17th, 2012 at 11:04pm
  • I don't know how you did it, but this literally goes perfect with the quote and the song. You did such a good job and showing how even though the relationship has ended and one has moved on you can still be in love. This is so perfect.
    January 17th, 2012 at 04:32am
  • i loved this :)))
    January 17th, 2012 at 04:25am