You're My Only One, the Only One I Ever Cared For - Comments

  • In all honesty, I don't think that you could of ended this fic any better. Gregory Hojem Sanders is

    indeed mine and upon reading this, its easing me back into CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

    more and more. Its sweet that he cares enough to do all that for me and it would of been even

    better if he was watching Nightmare Before Christmas with me (I have not seen it a

    thousand times...I've seen it more than that!)

    Great ending and can't wait to see what fic follows this one.
    February 26th, 2012 at 11:41pm
  • Nick...starting a family?! I'd love to say that I'm happy to hear that, but I shall not allow it! For

    starters, you are my supposed sister in this fic and I will not allow you to make children with this

    man who is either getting, stalked, a gun pointed at, pushed through windows and other such

    catastrophes! It is out of the question, having Brandon around him is bad enough!

    Its good to see that you can get through that paperwork but not your Uni work, tut tut Miss.


    Greg playing with Brandon...he is basically a kid himself, at heart but he lets it rise to the surface

    occassionally :D

    This was a great chapter, shame to hear that its the next to last one.

    Can't wait to read more
    February 23rd, 2012 at 10:25pm
  • "Various ideas for Warrick and Lottie..." - Surely that should read, Warrick and Sara, not me.

    Brandon is the sweetest little guy, ever!

    He could stay round for the night too if he'd like too.

    I can just picture you sitting inside all day and getting ready to throw something out of frustration.

    Another difference between us, you don't like staying in while I on the other hand, do. You're just

    going to have to get used to it, your own fault for getting yourself busted up so much. Greg and

    Warrick would agree with me there too. (Which, I shall be taking Warrick back from you, *evil


    Really good update, can't wait for more.
    February 23rd, 2012 at 06:58pm
  • "...knowing i wouldn’t sleep at home if i couldn’t have Lottie there." - Greeeeg, you are

    absolutely the cutest guy in existance! (Apart from Jack - no one can beat his perfection!)

    Aww, Brandon and his little kiss :3 I'mma take him to the zoo and then the tour store, then Disney

    World, then I'mma gonna get him a puppy *nods*

    Warrick didn't want to come? I feel unloved :(

    Though when I get released from hospital, I shall be in the most depressed mood ever, it will scare

    Greg shitless!

    How could you tell me all that so soon after I came round? I would of been groggy and told to take

    this easy and to not get worked up - that's basic hospital routine, Gregory House and John Carter

    say so!

    Loved the update and I'm glad that Greg is holding me and is pleased that I'm awake. It was good

    and I can't wait for more.
    February 22nd, 2012 at 01:15am
  • "normal life would be able to continue..." - You do realise that it's YOU that's writing this fic,

    right? You could never write a 'normal' fic with everyday 'normal' things happening because you

    focus too much on what you can do to yourself in fic form -shakes head-

    I'm a little disappointed that Greg wasn't in the room as I was waking up, it would of been nice to

    see a familiar, adorable and loving face instead of one of a nurse.

    'Uncle Warrick'...Not going to lie, that bit slayed me! Brandon is so cute! Warrick, my big brother,

    he best come see me soon and give me lots of hugs :3

    I love how cute Greg is, he's practically flawless!

    You and Nick -shakes head- you really need to be nice to each other, no practical jokes, if you do

    then I will send you BOTH to the most disgusting crime scene ever where you have to find

    evidence in a nasty swamp, a contaminated / polluted river bank AND a horrific dumpster, all in

    ONE shift, so get your act together, the pair of ya! Bosses order!

    Can't wait for more
    February 21st, 2012 at 11:44pm
  • I just want to say this now...Greg and Brandon, get here now - my little family :3

    Though...I am favouring Jack more than anyone right now...well, apart from George...I guess...

    It's good to see that Steph is now awake - no more pain, people would start to think that you

    hated yourself!

    Brandon is a little angel, taking care of my Greg while I can't. Him and Warrick are amazing, they

    shall get a shed load of presents when I awaken, as well as a kiss each and a huge teddy bear

    hug :)

    Nick, Nick, Nick...recovery is a good thing, you can't look after Steph without being ABLE to

    move yourself, jeez, sometimes I think that you need to be hit round the head -shakes head-

    Really great update, can't wait to read more.
    February 21st, 2012 at 06:02pm
  • *Shakes head*

    Honestly Nick, if you seriously think that Steph doesn't love you, then you need your head

    examined boy! Don't pay attention to that video, don't take it seriously and most definitely, don't

    take it to heart because if you do, then you're stupid...well, stupider than what you already are


    Aww, my big bwother has gone to see me...I just wanna hug him and Greg and never let go of

    either of them, they mean too much to me :3

    Hopefully there's another update up soon
    February 19th, 2012 at 01:20am
  • You changed it...but, I liked it better than what you had originally wrote.

    Greg, you are absolutely correct, I would have wanted you to take charge of little Brandon, he

    needs his big brother there for him, just like I need mine (Warrick, get your ass up to that room!

    You have more muscle than Greg to protect me, Brandon is fine with Sara and Grissom - his

    Grandparents...of sorts)

    Damn, Ecklie does not know when to give up - he must be completely stupid! I hope that Nick

    finds Steph in time and kicks Ecklie's scrawny ass. That would probably give Nick a sense of


    Really great update, hope to read more soon!
    February 18th, 2012 at 09:39pm
  • Jeez, Nick is such an unstable man...even more so than Ecklie, and that's saying something.

    I love how Grissom is the stale one, he's always like a really tough dad / grandad who knows what

    to do even in the toughest situations. Power to Grissom!

    I really hope that Steph survives, Nick needs her as well as Brandon - how do you think he'll cope

    if she dies?!

    Really great update, hope to read more soon!
    February 11th, 2012 at 06:34pm
  • Ecklie. Is. A. Jerk.

    I always knew this but still wanted to find some good in him...well, that's been chucked right out of

    the window...(see what I just did there? ;]) I hope that Brass gives him the death penalty...or just

    point a gun to his face...(see what I did there, again?)

    This update was very well detailed, so much drama! *Sigh* they shall never live a simple life...

    Poor Brandon, I'll give him a nice big hug, that should comfort him, failing that me & Greg will

    give him a hug and a nice mug of hot chocolate.

    Love this fic, hope you update it again soon.
    February 8th, 2012 at 12:05am
  • Hmm...analysing the crime scene...that could take a while.

    Grissom will get everything done at top speed BUT without the likes of Greg in the lab, the results

    will come back a little slower than normal...well, a lot slower as Greg is always the one to break

    the case and get the criminal locked up!

    Hopefully, Brass will be able to get the team and some officers to the location that Steph is in, if

    not, then I will indeed kick all of their asses combined.

    Really great update, hope another one is up soon
    January 30th, 2012 at 12:21am
  • I've said it before, but I'll say it again...Ecklie, you have just reached a new level of evil. Sick son of

    a twisted...I'm not going to finish that sentence, but you get the basic jist of it.

    Nick will be crushed when he hears that message, but Catherine will be there comforting him.

    I wonder what Warrick thinks of all poor bwother, I hope that he's okay!

    Grissom, hurry up and locate Ecklie, kick his ass into the next century for me, that way I don't have

    to use that much energy - which could be used cuddling up to my baby boy, Gregory Hojem

    Sanders <3
    January 27th, 2012 at 12:25am
  • are sicker than sick. You absolutely disgust me! Eurgh, when i'm out of the hospital

    Greg is going to have to restrain me because I swear to high hell that I will find you and beat your

    sorry, pathetic, sick ass into next century!

    Hurry up and find her Nick. You lazy ass.
    January 26th, 2012 at 11:40pm
  • Aww, my poor baby! *Holds him close to me* Don't cry, sweetheart...

    Damn, Ketamine is some serious medication...I am one lucky person (at times, I wouldn't say that

    I was a continually lucky person) which reminds me to never want to be hit by a car or anything

    else harmful, I wanna be safe.

    Glad to know that Nick is being calm for my angel, he needs to be otherwise I know that Greg will

    break down and...wait a minute, if Nick isn't allowed to drive's he getting to the lab from

    the hospital?

    This is an amazing chapter, I love how you've written it and the detail you've included is exquisite.

    Makes me feel as though Greg is actually here <3 I love it!

    Can't wait to read more of this :D
    January 26th, 2012 at 01:27am
  • You should know not to attempt to escape when you're up against someone like Ecklie, it will only

    get you into more trouble than you're already in -shakes head- and its like judging a book by its

    cover - you don't do it. Just because Ecklie is an 'old man' doesn't mean he's slow.

    I can tell that some serious shit is about to go down within the next few updates and because its

    you writing it, I can be almost positive that there will be a great deal of it.

    *Sigh* I hope that Greg will be okay and that the rest of the team is about to recover you from

    Ecklie's fury.

    I really hope that this gets updated again soon :D
    January 25th, 2012 at 12:06am
  • Oh, Greg...*pulls him close for a hug* you don't need to be so worried...I'm right here...

    When I wake up, I'll have to thank Sara, maybe get her some flowers or take her out for a thank

    you meal somewhere...Greg is lucky to have her as a friend, and Grissom too - he's the stable

    rock in all of this.

    Greg, Greg, could you have those thoughts? What I did was my own actions...why

    would you want to hurt your best friend by wishing that his girlfriend was in the predicament that

    I have currently found myself in? -Shakes head- I love how Greg cares so much...he's an absolute

    sweetheart <3 I hope that he'll be okay and doesn't break down into anymore tears - though that

    would be friggin' adorable!!

    Really love this story, it's amazing and so drama-filled already!

    Hopefully another update will be added soon :D
    January 24th, 2012 at 11:11pm
  • :O oooo.....Ecklie; the jerkiest, unlovable, kissass of thewhole dayshift. He's so totally not going to

    be able to get away with this. Not if I have something to say about it. *Looks over to Greg* Look

    what you did to him, Conrad, you made him cry! *Slaps him across the cheek* How dare you, you

    complete and utter b***ard!

    Shit is definitely going down between you three; Ecklie, Nick and you. You need to give yourself a

    break woman! All this drama is not good for one person, you know that?

    Saying that though, you do write it all down so well. Can't wait to read the next update, should be

    a good one (though they always are :D). Update again soon please :D
    January 24th, 2012 at 08:50pm
  • ....W-what did you do that for?!

    You're going to make Greg a wreck, I can tell...though it is extremely cute how much he cares for

    me :3

    Damn, complete and utter waste of space! How could you do that?! I'm not the one

    who got into an arguement with you, I'm going to friggin' well kick your scrawny ass as soon as I'm

    back on my feet, I can garauntee it!

    At least Steph got lucky, Nick wouldn't know how to breathe if something worse happened to you.

    It's nice to see that he pulled Ecklie out of the car...he should of let him at least back the car away

    from me a bit though...with a car going that fast, I would be in a very, very, very bad way...Oh well,

    at least it wasn't my Greg that got injured, I'm happy with that :D

    Can't wait to read more of this, it's awesome and drama filled :)
    January 24th, 2012 at 01:19am
  • *Groan* why would I have to get up? I'd MUCH rather spend my time lying in bed with Greg...he's

    so much more inviting than a trip to the bowling alley. A lot safer too. *Sigh* he's so cute in the

    mornings...well, technically the afternoon :3

    This is an amazing start to an amazing fic, I can tell that you're going to add a whole new bunch of

    drama to this fic because lets face it - 1. It's you writing it and 2. it IS a CSI fic after all, they all can't

    have peace and happiness, otherwise it wouldn't be an interesting show - though I'd still watch it

    if Greg was in it :3

    Can't wait to read more of this! It's awesome as are you :D
    January 19th, 2012 at 10:34pm