Set the World on Fire - Comments

  • Shocking_Instability

    Shocking_Instability (100)

    United States
    I'm really digging the swiftness of this. I like that you were able to pack so much emotion into such a small piece of work. I'm not entirely sure what the concept was of this, but I think that's the point. To leave the mind wondering. I liked it. I think you can do a lot more with this if you wanted to. But I like it this way too. Great job
    June 12th, 2012 at 10:46pm

    ALLSTARLOVE333 (450)

    United States
    It was a very interesting story. The writing style is unique and detailed, though at times it can be a tad too detailed. The story was good, but I wish there was a more solid story behind it... if you get what I mean... not more solid, but more seen in a way, though I realize it's a drabble, but I felt it has a lot of potential to be more than what it is if that makes any sense...
    June 10th, 2012 at 07:24pm
  • CharmedMiss

    CharmedMiss (100)

    This short piece was very captivating, and your words have a great flow to them. You were able to express so much in such a short number of words; I am very impressed. Your descriptions are wonderful, and several lines really struck me like :

    "Wrapped in a suburban cocoon she longed to escape."


    Tears pricked behind her hazel eyes, and her head fizzed, aching with too many thoughts.

    However, for some lines I would maybe look to use another word, like this sentence you use 'house' three times. Maybe use home, dwelling, etc.

    "Rows of houses beyond her house, that was next to rows of houses."

    and at the end maybe use a synonym for regret to change it up.

    Overall, I loved this piece though! Great work! (:
    June 10th, 2012 at 06:11pm
  • Ronnie Mac

    Ronnie Mac (100)

    For a drabble, you've written it quite well. I've seen plenty of drabbles and a lot of them didn't interest me and/or weren't written that well. However, yours kept my attention throughout the entire thing, especially when you mentioned wanderlust. I have a pretty bad case of wanderlust that I just can't seem to satisfy and it's nice, even though it's just a story, that this girl is trying to find a way to do so. Again, very well written and I hope you enjoyed writing it.
    June 9th, 2012 at 02:37pm
  • outtahereyall

    outtahereyall (150)

    United States
    wanderlust caught me immediately because i have the absolute worst case of it- i've never been more than 300 miles away from my home at any time in my life, nor have i ever left my state (or even been to my state capital okay)

    this whole piece is beautiful. there's a certain delicacy with how you presented all of this - and i love the sly dig at the internet there - that makes you sort of sense the excitement but the fear. sort of like a good guitar build up in a song right before the chorus. or like the song where it's all soft and then TONIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT WE ARE YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUNGGG all loud and goddamn Queen-esque. the very end is the perfect open ending to this. there didn't need to be anything concrete. she's getting away from where she doesn't feel comfortable, and she doesn't give a flying fuck about what ANYONE has to think about it. that's perfect. or at least that's what i got from it. and those final lines, where it'd be a regret to stay home, unf. just right to end this out.
    June 8th, 2012 at 10:15pm