Oh god I loved the stripper universe and I'm still loving it! Although I was a little bit shocked that gabe killed them :D you are a perfect author! :)
I feel like I'm late but I don't even care because all three of these were so good and I have no idea how you came up with some of the plots behind them but I'm glad you did because they were amazing and I loved everything about it and apparently I also love run on sentences but just wow.
You are one brilliant creature, should I say. I loved this one very much and can't wait for your motorcycle one. I bet that'll be beast. ;) as long as it has Jack/Rian and Martin with someone great and of course Alex with someone too, I will be your biggest fan. As I'm not already. :) haha.
What about Travie and William.!? Btw, loved this whole stripper series, but my favorite would of had to be the first one because you don't have many Rian/Jack stories and to have one with a bunch of male strippers #AWESOME
Wohoo the story continues!! Can't wait to read this, I liked the previous ones so this is definitely going to be as awesome as them. Gotta love the picture of Alex and John, btw. <3