Gunslinger - Comments

  • hmm yeap that was a good Morning read.... ;D
    hahahahah damn to have to pee wearing those clothes ^_^
    yeah, i bet Brian got some kind of radar to know when Dana is on her way to shower :D IN DUNNS BED!!! PMSL!!! hope he doesn't find out.. geez!! rabbits :P *not that i can blame them, i wouldn't be able to keep my hands off Brian if i were Dana...*
    February 29th, 2012 at 10:19am
  • Oh my goodness I'm so freaking happy you are back... It felt like an eternity.. Why is the airport so far... Well I guess I could understand because when I go to Mexico on vacation we go to the airport in Tijuana. Which from orange county is like a two hour drive but what sucks the most is waiting to cross the border ugh... Anyway back to the subject at hand, I'm glad you decided to have them finish the war. I also really enjoyed the update... Dana and Brian are funny and cute... It was a while since you went to the present.. Oh and I have a question, so Dana and Brian in present time have been gone for two weeks right? Because in WWII time it seems longer... Oh and I have another concern, are you going to abruptly end it like, oh they woke up and explained everything and they lived happily every after... Or are you going to have an epilogue of some sorts?
    February 28th, 2012 at 04:00pm
  • i've missed ya! :D aawe, from warm weather to cold.. that sucks.. :/ aweee Jimmy <3 we're slowly getting spring over here, well it was spring weather this weekend, then snow yesterday and today spring weather again O_o hahah :D

    hahahah yeah, brian keep ya dick in your pants, wouldn't want it to freeze and fall off ^_^ ooh so the scars they get in the war they get in the present time as well, that's awesome :D poor jimmy and the others.. but now they know what's going on :D
    February 28th, 2012 at 12:55pm
  • Great updates!
    I really like how close Dana and Brian are.
    I'm happy and also sad that nothing happened to Brian.
    I want to know that if they wake up from the coma, if they are going to remember everything.
    Brian's perverted comment was funny.
    I also like how he worries about Dana.
    They are just so cute together!
    Really loved the updates and I can't wait for more!!!
    February 20th, 2012 at 08:44am
  • ah man you did not just mention laying on the beach?? *looks out the window at the snow falling*

    aawe wiiieee 2 chapters at once, AWESOME!! heheheh shot in the ass, again ^_^ pmsl!!!
    Dunn seem scary but 1000 times better than that a-hole that took off on them, again O_o
    <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
    February 19th, 2012 at 02:09pm
  • I loved this update it was super funny... I love Brian and his blabber mouth... Ok so I was thinking I like the ideas of them being seeing the war end but at the same time it would be interesting to see what happens after Dana saves Brian... It's a major conundrum... I'm sure what ever you choose will be spectacular so I'm looking forward to your next update...
    February 19th, 2012 at 04:43am
  • ah seriously i don't want this to end ^_^ hahah it's just so different from all the other A7X-related stories that i've found and i lovelovelove the whole thing :D heheheheh the new soldiers, i kinda felt sorry for them, get shot in the ass, ouch!! baahahaha.. and 2 dead :'( can't wait til i get to read more <3
    February 18th, 2012 at 12:04pm
  • Great updates!!!
    I'm so happy that Brian and Dana finally said that they loved each other and they finally slept together.
    There was a lot of tension between the two.
    It's so sad that while Brian and Dana where finally admitting their love for each other that their friend would get seriously injured.
    I had a feeling that Carlisle was not going to live up to how Thompson was.
    I really thought that they were going to wake up from their coma soon.
    Madeline said that Dana had save Brian from dying but I hope nothing bad happens to her in the process.
    I really like how this story always leaves me wanting more!
    Really can't wait for the next one!!!
    February 13th, 2012 at 08:09am
  • I liked this update... So when Brian saved Dana, it changed part of their fate... So now Dana has to do the same... Very interesting... I would have thought that once they did the deed and confessed their immense love that they would wake up from their mysterious comma... But I guess not so now we must wait for Brian to almOst die... Man this gets better and better. I wonder if it's going to go until the end of WWII?
    February 13th, 2012 at 02:20am
  • found this story today, and once i started reading i just couldn't stop <3 it is totally different from anything i've read here on mibba before and i frickin LOVE it!! :D Syn mixed with WW2 that is just pure epic <3
    and the details of the missions and everything, it's just mind-blowing :D can't wait to read more of this <3
    February 12th, 2012 at 09:23pm
  • Wow, dude that was awesome and very original never read about a couple getting it on during a war before... That's new and very good... I had a feeling something was going to happen to Pagliaro... And now I'm happier than ever because they finally admitted their love for each other... You know I was wondering what happened to Carlisle... You havent mentioned him in awhile but you know what I think... I think he's a mole for the other side... Or like Dana said probably getting some coffee ...
    February 11th, 2012 at 02:43am
  • Great updates!!!
    I am glad that Dana now knows why this happened to her and Brian but I really wished that she would have talked to him about it.
    They need to sit down and talk about it because it's not only their hearts that are at stake but their lives too.
    I really hope that it was Brian that saved Dana and after that they can probably fix their relationship, but they are both so stubborn I'm not sure if it'll happen that soon.
    As always amazing updates!
    This story always keeps me on the edge of my seat!!!
    Can't wait for the next update!!!
    February 10th, 2012 at 08:51am
  • Omg I think I know what's going to happen ... I hope my suspicions are wrong about the sad part but I hope they are good on the good part... That had better been Brian grabbing Dana because I am missing some Brian action... Geez this just gets better and better... It's been a while since I last read up on WWII and this is really good...
    February 10th, 2012 at 02:27am
  • I absolutely love and adore this story! I can't wait till the next update.
    February 9th, 2012 at 03:23pm
  • Would you look at that, now Dana knows the truth. I guess I understand where she is coming from when she says she is not ready to fully trust Brian... but dang I would have at least tried something... I mean she doesn't know exactly when they died in the past she should at least make amends with him and try a friendship before its too late... I think Pagliaro and O'shea should give Brian a hand as well... Seeing as Brian is totally avoiding Dana. Oh and thanks for the shout out!!
    February 8th, 2012 at 03:03pm
  • I really like this story. Can't wait for the next update!
    February 8th, 2012 at 11:52am
  • Sorry it's a bit late but great update!
    I can't believe that they lost a good leader.
    Hopefully Carlisle is just as good as Thompson was.
    It's so funny that Brian never says the right thing to Dana.
    If he was able to express how he feels, they would be together now.
    I hope the little pep talk from O'Shea and Pagliaro helps in getting Dana and Brian together.
    Can't wait to see what happens next!!!
    February 8th, 2012 at 09:31am
  • Aww that was sweet and damn so close poor Brian and Dana too... But it's love that makes him say stupid stuff... I'm just glad Dana has friends she can count on I hope none dies on her she would be devistated... So now that she knows she loves him and that he loves her what is going to happen... It makes me nervous... I was actually going to wait to read this at a more reasonable hour (since its 3:51 am in California) but I had a feeling something was going to happen and eek! I was right but I sure as hell didn't expect that and I love it... He should go with the flow more often and keep trying to win her... She should also let go and go with it live a little right... Move on and embrace her feelings
    February 6th, 2012 at 12:53pm
  • That was absolutely fantastic. I loved that update and am I sensing a new ostical for Brian in the replacement officer... Hmm the cliche part of my mind is what thought of that but hey who knows. I might be totally wrong... I also can't wait for Dana's next shower...
    February 5th, 2012 at 06:40am
  • I really liked the updates!
    I can't believe that I missed three update.
    I'm really happy that Dana didn't get mad at Brian when he called her by her nickname.
    The both of them almost kissed!!!
    What I can't believe was that they got interrupted...
    I really wanted to see what would happen after they kiss.
    Aside from them seems like the war is getting intense.
    I hope nothing bad happens to any people in their company.
    Really liked the updates and I can't wait for the more!!!
    February 5th, 2012 at 12:40am