Spiraling Downwards - Comments

  • cloud nymph

    cloud nymph (100)

    United States
    I really liked this. I liked how there are no names, just two people trapped and resulting into a damned act. You don't know why they're trapped, you don't know if they'll die there, if they'll be killed, or if by some shot in hell, they'll be released. You don't know what they look like, just that they crave each other for companionship and lust. This seriously was an awesome chapter and I wish I had more to read, but if it's just a one-shot, you did really, really, really amazingly.

    The only thing I had a problem with was the first sentence of the summary, it kind of confused me in a way that I can't really relay. But besides that, beautiful performance, just beautiful words and description and beautiful feeling. Well done. (:
    July 17th, 2012 at 05:38pm