It Wasn't Supposed to Be a Love Story - Comments

  • lovelyhope

    lovelyhope (100)

    United States
    You wrote this story around the quote perfectly. Even though you ended up making Elle and Micah fall in love it still went with the quote because it took them a while to realize their true feeligns and even longer for them to admit it.

    I liked how Elle and Micah were opposites but they fell in love anyway. As soon as Elle said something about the deal I knew the deal wouldn't work out because those types of deals never work out. I just wasn't sure if it'd end well or end badly. I'm glad it ended well though because Elle and Micah were so cute together.

    The last two lines were my favorite. They were so cute and I felt as if they summed up both the quote and story perfectly.

    Thanks so much for entering!
    January 24th, 2012 at 04:56am