Northern Lights. - Comments

  • This layout is so simple and so beautiful, I like it very much. Could I ask where you found the banner picture? Anyhow, all of the colors blend together extremely well and they look very nice together.

    I love how the shooting star in the banner relates to the story, you did a good job picking out the banner.

    I love how this is dialogue heavy without being overwhelming, it's so light and adorable it makes me happy reading it. I feel as though the quote, "What did you wish for?"
    "This right here."
    is absolutely perfect. I'm not sure if you came up with it, or if you found it somewhere but it's so beautiful and fits this piece of writing so well. I don't think it could be written any better.
    July 7th, 2013 at 07:50am
  • I absolutely love this, it's such a cute scene!!! I feel like there could be a whole story behind or after this, but also just this on its own is perfect too :)

    I really liked how you made it a whole story with very few words and it still had quite a lot of depth, more than I expected. The smoking kinda makes it even cuter which was also unexpected.

    Simple, well written, turning such a small event into something fascinating without overdoing or exaggerating it. Well done!! :)
    May 3rd, 2013 at 03:47pm
  • I came across this on the "List of One-Shots and Drabbles" thread and couldn't help commenting, hope you don't mind. :3 I'm a massive fan of drabbles and this one is right up there with the kind of thing I adore. It's simplistic but in a really sweet, 'young love' kind of way. The whole scene was playing in my head whilst I read it and I could picture the two really easily. I also agree with what someone else said about it having a 'dreamy' aspect. Some people overdo the use of drugs, but this time I felt it actually kind of added that something to it.

    It's really cute and I loved it so I just had to say something. :3
    March 2nd, 2012 at 11:43pm
  • This was absolutely beautiful.
    They're such a cute couple and gah! It's just a brilliant teen drabble.
    February 26th, 2012 at 12:30am
  • Wow, I honestly don't know what to say. This was so simple and yet it left me speechless. I honestly thought I was reading the summary until I reached the end. I was thinking the entire time "this is really good for being just the intro!"

    For some reason it reminds me of a photograph. It's like there was this picture of two teens getting high and watching the stars and you chose to wrote about it. I can't explain it, at least not in English. It just goes to show that the littlest things in life matter, and I love that you choose to write about those little things. I mean somebody has to. tehe

    I have a thing for astronomy so the entire story just made me grin overall. I liked this a little too much. :}
    February 13th, 2012 at 11:04am
  • Just by the summary, I can tell this is going to be absolutely adorable. Yayyyyy for cute stories!

    Immediately, there's something I can relate to. I've never seen a shooting star either.

    Just because I'm a huge punctuation Nazi; “It was right there I swear!” There should be a comma before I swear.

    And again... “Of course, it’s not every day you see something like that.” A period after Of course. :)

    Omg. Honestly, by the end of this, I don't think I can say a single bad thing about it. This is completely adorable and something I want in my life. <3 Amazing, fantastic, adorable, perfect job. It was so simple but you kept such a good emotional connection through the entire thing. Unf. Amazing work, love.
    February 2nd, 2012 at 09:40pm
  • I don't really know what I was expecting when I started reading, but this would have surpassed it. You told a sort of love story using only a few words, and that is really amazing to me. Perhaps it's because usually it takes me thirty words to say something when really it takes three. Though I've never smoked pot before, (or plan to--not against it, honest) I liked that you included it in this drabble. It gives the whole short a sort of dreamy feel, as well as the beautiful layout. Even though this was told mainly through dialogue I still felt like I was right there with your characters, which isn't easy to do for me.
    All in all, a very lovely story.
    See what I mean about the 30:3 word usage? I guess I can sum it up with three.
    I loved this.
    February 1st, 2012 at 01:53am
  • Oh my god, the layout Cheese
    It is absolutely wonderful! Everything blends so perfectly together, the banner into the story content, it is gorgeous.
    I am usually not a fan of shot summaries or quotes like you use but it catches my attention and makes me go 'aw In Love'.
    This was adorable, and I love the fact that they are smoking! I love reading things that deal with drugs and alcohol, just because it makes it that more realistic. I also usually don't like when text is centered, but I think it works with this because it is a drabble. Or I might have just looked past it because the writing was that good. I envy people who can pull off a kick-ass one-shot and you definitely did!
    January 24th, 2012 at 07:18pm