The Hardest Part of Letting Go - Comments

  • Cool story!
    April 13th, 2014 at 06:24pm
  • Well now...

    This one was... interesting?

    I mean... you just jumped right in there with Brian and Emma. Well at least sorta.

    And I can't lie. I laughed at Zack. I mean, his emotions were flying from one end of the extreme to the next... like a menopausal bi-polar woman.


    And then there's Johnny, and his now dead wife. I mean, don't get me wrong... I want to feel bad for him... but it's a little difficult to do so when I'm still not happy about what a lackluster (And I'm being extremely nice using that word) parent he's been to Hayden.

    I mean, shit... Matt has been a father figure to her for all of like a month, give or take some, and has done more for and been a better parent to her than Johnny has her whole fucking life.

    I mean, suree... he's doing a better job at being her dad now and all, but it doesn't make up for the years he's been everything but.

    It just doesn't.

    I must admit though... I was very amused by the ending.

    Her reaction was pretty awesome.

    I won't lie... I couldn't help but giggle.

    It was funny.

    Anyways... update this.


    I want moreee.

    February 28th, 2013 at 04:02am
  • not laceyyy :/
    February 14th, 2013 at 10:11pm
  • not laceyyy :/
    February 14th, 2013 at 10:11pm
  • Well...

    this was all just one big, unexpected twist, now wasn't it?

    Some of it in a less good way than others, but hey, at least no one important has died.

    At least not yet.

    Jussayin'. I mean, let's face it... I know you, and therefore I know the frequency with which you randomly kill off major players in plot lines.

    At least Johnny is finally behaving like a father. Kinda sad that it pretty much took his wife getting kidnapped by some bat-shit crazy bastard to get him to do it though.

    And lookit that... Emma is getting her memory back.

    And bonus, she feels like complete shit about what she did to Brian... maybe they have a chance after all.

    What? You know as well as I do that he was pissed at her, even with the memory loss.

    I mean, let's face it... its one thing to be sorry for something you're not even really aware you've done. It's entirely different when you're sorry for something that you're completely aware of having done.

    Hopefully things work out for them, even if they don't end up with each other ultimately. I mean, they are having a kid together... they should at least have the ability to be civil to one another.


    I wanna know what happens next.

    Update it.


    I want moreee.

    January 31st, 2013 at 01:36am
  • I just don't even know what to say about this one.

    I mean... just...

    There are so many things that I have running through my head and I don't even know where to start with this one.

    I mean... I love how I'm still sitting there going 'You are so full of shit right now' even though both Zack and Kaylee are being very serious. It's seriously amusing to me, mostly because that is probably exactly how I would react to someone telling me something like that.

    And poor Lacey. I mean, not only is she being held hostage/captive by some psycho bastard, but he just forced her to miscarry. It's just not right, regardless of how little I like her in this one... because I'm sorry... regardless of how fine fictional me seems to be with her, real me is still not her biggest fan as far as this ficcy is concerned.

    At least the bartender and his dipshit girlfriend are taken care of though.

    I mean... last thing anyone needs now that Lacey's been kidnapped is cops getting all curious and snooping around. Would definitely make getting Lacey back quite a bit more difficult.

    Anyways... update it.


    Really, really soon.

    December 30th, 2012 at 11:21pm
  • ...



    That... that was unexpected to say the least. I mean just... what the ever loving fuck?

    It started out innocently enough what with Johnny deciding to be a dad still, and me and Matt threatening his life if he fucks up, and then... then THAT.

    And her fucking parents? Fucking really? I mean, Jesus fucking Christ! They are going to rot in hell for a very fucking long time because of all this.

    Though I get the feeling there is more to that story than we know right now, and I wanna know about it.

    All I know is this...

    That Ian guy? His world is about to get totally fucked and there's nothing he's gonna be able to do to stop it.

    On a slightly less serious note though... thank fuck it isn't me getting kidnapped this time.

    I've had enough of that to last me a while, probably a life time. Though I'm sure the specific reasons for that are there would be absolutely nothing left of the moron that decided taking me was a good idea in this one...

    But yeah, back to what the point of this is... I just cannot believe that this one took this drastic a turn...

    Definitely curious as to where it's gonna go, so update it.


    I want moree of this one.

    November 10th, 2012 at 11:36pm
  • Well would you fucking look at that...

    Johnny has finally pulled his head out of his ass and wants to be a father like he should have been doing for the last five years.

    About fucking time.

    I hope he doesn't expect me to suddenly just start being nice to him.

    It's not gonna fucking happen.


    I will tolerate him, but I'm not going to be exceptionally nice to him and if he expects that, well then, Matt and Brian clearly caused some brain damage with that beat-down they gave him after he ran his fucking mouth.

    Personally, I can't wait 'til he man's up and talks to mine and Brian's dad about why he decided it was perfectly okay to act like Hayden fucking exist up until now.

    Should be fun.


    Update it.


    I wanna know what happens.

    November 4th, 2012 at 12:57am
  • Mmkay...

    So both the updates were awesome.

    Although you and I both know I preferred the second one for obvious reasons.

    I mean, c'mon. It was Me/Matt fluff. Obviously I liked it over Zack/Kaylee cute-ness.

    At least he's being nicer to her though. I mean... I get it, and can't really fault him for being a dick but still. Doesn't mean the poor girl deserves to be treated like she's got the plague for the rest of her life.

    I do have this to say though...

    Morning sickness is an evil bitch.

    That shit was just not fair.

    And Brian needs to shut up with his whining about what me and Matt talk about in our house. Besides... its not like we were extremely detailed about what it was we were talking about.

    In fact, we were so vague we could have been talking about almost fucking anything. And that kiss was nothing obscene either. I mean, Jesus... It's not like we were orally raping each other.

    That last half was fucking adorable by the way.

    I want more of this soon, though.


    I can't help it... Matt is just...


    October 15th, 2012 at 02:07am
  • Well...

    Safe to say, not at all what I'd been expecting.

    I mean... just yeahh.

    Brian should really be less of an asshole. I mean, I get he's pissed. He has every right to be, but... she did almost die.

    And she has no memory of pretty much anyone.

    Soo... maybe he could cut her a little slack?


    I did love the update though.

    I want more.


    Very soon.

    October 10th, 2012 at 11:10pm
  • omfg
    September 26th, 2012 at 09:16am
  • Great update :)
    Poor Brian.
    September 13th, 2012 at 09:20pm
  • Yeahh...

    I won't liee... I feel really terrible for Zack. I mean, really terrible. He clearly is not happy about his new living arrangement, not that you can blame him.

    I'd be just as fucking pissed off too if I was forced to marry someone just so her crazy fucking family wouldn't go and kill me.

    As for Brian... I feel really bad for him as well.

    At least he has a pregnant, sure to be all hormonal and bitchy, little sister to come to his defense if need be though.

    Besides... I may kinda owe him since he did kick the ever-loving shit outta my baby daddy with Matt after the asshole called me an easy piece of ass and a whore.

    Yeah... Johnny totally had getting the shit kicked out of him coming with that one... anyways, I think you get my point.

    But yeah...

    Update this.

    I want more.


    Very, very soon.

    September 10th, 2012 at 08:47am
  • Well...

    i loved both of the updates.

    The cuteness at the park was probably my favorite. Especially since it seems that Brian really is warming up to the idea that Matt and his baby sister are together, regardless of how it came about.

    I feel bad for Zack though. I mean, not only did he find out that his girlfriend has been lying to him and killed his best friend, now he's being forced to marry her.


    He has every fucking reason to be pissed at her.She should just go ahead and get used to it.

    She made her bed... she needs to get comfortable and lay down in it.

    I'm such an unsympathetic bitch, huh?

    Oh well.


    Update this.


    Very soon... I wanna see how pissy Zack is.

    That's terrible of me, isn't it?

    September 4th, 2012 at 07:16am
  • Zack's comment was painful. I hope everything turns out for the best with those two.
    September 3rd, 2012 at 03:00am
  • Wow it seems that the only way for Kaylee to save Zacky is to get married with him. I hope her and Zacky can work things out.
    Great update :)
    September 3rd, 2012 at 02:19am
  • Great update :)
    August 10th, 2012 at 06:20pm
  • You...

    I could kill you for that fucking ending.

    I mean, seriously?! What the fucking fuck was with that?! That's just... its sooo far past right that it loops back around and fucking goes by again!

    I mean, Johnny shows up, is a complete and total asshole and I still don't get Matt smutty goodness?

    There is something so fucked up about that I can't even begin to put it into fucking words.

    You owe me.

    You owe me soo big its not even fucking funny.

    I want something smutty and fluffy and wonderful...

    and I fucking want it now.

    Right now.

    It better magically appear as soon as I press the 'submit' button...



    P.S. I totally debated ending this thing with the hearts...
    July 30th, 2012 at 07:40am
  • None of the last two chapters are even remotely close to what I was expecting from this one.

    Like, at all.

    And duude. Zack is gonna be super pissed when she confesses that his friend is dead because of her. What? you know its truee.

    Seriously though... there better be a lot of making up for the major lack of cute Matt/Me fluffies in the last couple of chapters.

    I mean, suree... there was some in chapter sixteen, but not nearly enough for my liking.

    What can I say? You've spoiled me with this one and I've come to have very high expectations for cute fluffies that involve Matt.

    It's your fault.

    Anyways... I loved the updates. I knew that douche-y brother was gonna try and kill her. You and I both know I called that shit.

    But yeah...

    Update it.


    I want moreeee.

    With cute fluffies.

    Have I made my point?

    July 30th, 2012 at 03:41am
  • Well...

    Kaylee is certainly going to have a whole hell of a lot of explaining to do when Zack finds out what she really does.

    And that Damon dude? Total fucking dick. I wish he'd have gotten shot.

    As for Emma? The fuck is she doing, using Brian? I mean, seriously? What's her fucking angle here? I'm very unhappy about that. I mean, sure he's been a dick for a good part of this one, but he doesn't deserve that shit.

    And I especially want to know how the fuck their "job" is going to affect everyone else.

    Anyways... I want to know what the fuck is going on, so update it.


    Very soon.

    July 25th, 2012 at 09:00am