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  • spacejunkie

    spacejunkie (100)

    First comment here...? Whoa!

    Okay, so to begin with, I love the way you're starting with a poem. I'm a little excited, not just because my story does that too, but because I absolutely love Robert Frost! His poems are great for encapsulating concepts and feelings, and this one is a gem! I think a little more information in the summary would be helpful, like maybe a synopsis to place the poem in a context other than, 'this is part of the story'. As it is, it hooked me because I love Frost, but it might not resound so well with others.

    The only chapter you have up currently is the prologue, so I'll have to direct the rest of my comment at it.

    Firstly, I really love the way you tie the poem in directly with the first sentence. The impression it gives is that this is a well-rounded, cinematic kind of narrative. It's as though the music from the opening credits has just faded, and dumped us in the middle of this scene. In other words, your opening is beautiful!

    I also like the way you've managed to weave a bit of literary analysis into this- in particular, with your comment about the serene darkness of the night compared to the artificiality of the city.

    I feel like you give away just enough information in every paragraph here. Honestly, there's nothing for me to fault. Your prologue is introspective, but it doesn't drag. I didn't spot any errors, either. Generally, I think the success of the overall story will turn on what is to come, since there isn't much of it so far, but you're off to a great start!

    Good luck finishing this!
    January 27th, 2012 at 04:22am