Dear Munchkin - Comments

  • holli.sullivan.sykes

    holli.sullivan.sykes (150)

    United States
    I absolutely loved the idea behind it--what I presume is the idea, anyway. The letter format was very different; like a breath of fresh air after reading the same kind of stories over and over again. It's very mysterious! I'm generally not into original fiction--just because fan fictions is easier for me to visualize--but I genuinely liked this story. I may even try to write one using this format one of these days :)

    I found the background to be a little "busy", but it was nothing that took away from the story. I just kept catching myself glancing at it from time-to-time.

    All in all, though, this is a great story! Very creative!
    June 4th, 2012 at 03:56am
  • Under the Stars

    Under the Stars (100)

    United States
    Sorry I'm so late at getting around to this, but anyway.
    I have to say I absolutely loved the story. The layout was slightly distracting, but it didn't bother me too much. At first, I thought the letter was written to a lover, but as I read on it became clear that it wasn't. That left a little bit of mystery that I found interesting. Throughout the story, the gratitude was staggering and it made me a little sad that the person who the letter was for might never recieve it. My favorite part of the story was the signature 'Your Knight in Rusty Armor,' I just thought that was really creative.
    April 16th, 2012 at 12:08am