Encoding Love - Comments

  • Okay. I came here with the intentions of reading only the first chapter, leaving a comment, and moving on. However, I've just finished chapter 6. This being said, I have both positive and negative things to say about this story.
    I'm not sure I like Zorah. I like her name, but I think she's far too negative. She wouldn't have gotten a tenure at KT if she weren't good at her job, so I think she needs to take a chill pill and relax. Also, Eric was interested in her from the very beginning. So why does she have so little confidence? Don't get me wrong, Zorah is definitely relatable-- I feel that she's a lot like me. But, I don't constantly think of myself as "forgettable". Instead of letting positive occurrences and comments boost her confidence, she overlooks them, completely, and focusses solely on the negative. It's kind of hard to like a character like that.
    I kind of like Eric. But, I need to see the softer side of him. I've seen the cocky parts, and those are always fun, but I feel like Zorah, since she knows him well, has seen a soft, caring side of him that you have yet to show us.
    Nathan..... Nathan is interesting, but... I'm not sure what to think of him. I feel like he could be a potential love interest, but, at the same time, I'm kind of rooting for Eric, right now. I need to see more of Nathan, before I can form an opinion. So far, though, he plays the role of "bigwig CEO" perfectly.
    Helena's a bitch. I though she might be a friend, but, no. I don't like her. But, do keep her. Every office has someone like her, and to take her away would be to take from the effect she had on Zorah. And right now, I really want to see Zorah take a victory over Helena. So, definitely keep her in.
    Moira is confusing. I feel like you tried to make her the boss that's easygoing, friendly, and that everyone likes, while still making her a very business-savvy boss-type woman. But, so far, I've only seen her as being the type of boss who stresses you out. I'd like for her personality to become more clear.
    I do like the story, itself. While it does feel rushed, and it does need more details, more in-depth insights into the characters, and the work they do, I certainly like the places that it could go. But I think you should give more focus to details, and to editing, in general.
    That being said, there were some spelling and grammar errors that I won't get into unless you ask me to. In fact, I have a knack for editing, if you'd like some help.
    I noticed that you haven't made any changes to the story in a few months. I figure that's just because you're working on chapter 7. I certainly hope so. You can really write, and it seems that you enjoy doing so, which is very important. I hope to see more from you, in the future. :)
    September 21st, 2015 at 02:56am
  • Upon reading the first chapter, I can tell that you write your characters with such depth and brilliant impressions - you described Nathan Klein's attire and features especially well, I thought. His quiet, stern demeanour really created tension in the first chapter.

    I loved how you mixed Zorah's thoughts back into the dry conversation she was having to endure with Helen with "dreadful". lmfao I thought that was brilliant!
    I also love the way in which you show us what Helen thinks of her - she really comes across as an insensitive and narrow-minded character but we also saw how professional she can be when she was presenting to Mr. Klein.

    Your description of not only the characters but also the setting and things that appeal to the senses (like the coffee beans) is really well done.

    The layout is as mature and beautiful as your writing style. I spotted only a few grammatical/spelling errors (if memory serves I think there was just one misspelling of 'both women' somewhere) which I'm sure can be easily fixed when the time comes to proofread the story. I'm impressed!
    September 9th, 2015 at 04:24pm
  • Whoaaaa I randomly clicked this story on my home and I don't regret any seconds of it! This kinda story is what I've been waiting to appear on Mibba! I love how your words are flowing! I'm really looking forward for your updates! Woohoo! Office romance! Hahaha
    September 6th, 2015 at 09:09am
  • Can only subscribe and reccomemd at the moment, but I most certainly will be reading this as soon as I can! :D The summary is wonderful. :)
    August 31st, 2015 at 08:27pm
  • Layout
    The font size and type makes it for me to read the text. Maybe it make the words a little bold or a little bigger? Or possibly make the text times new roman or something. Otherwise the layout is great!

    Okay, so I love the summary, but the one thing that really got me was the mixed up homophones and such (homophones are words that sound the same--or similar--but are spelled differently and have different meanings). In the second sentence when you're saying It's easy to replace your things when their damaged, their should be they're because their is a possesseive noun and they're is a contracted word of they (which is a noun) and are (which is a verb). It's an easy mistake. I sometimes make this mistake. So no biggie.

    Sorry if the comment seems a little nitpicky so far. I tend to spot these kinds of things a lot and I felt I had to mention them.

    First Chapter:
    This chapter starts off really strong, which I like. I spotted one or two mistakes in the whole chapter nothing a quick edit or a beta couldn't fix. Don't worry about fixing the mistakes right away. Save that for when you have writer's block.

    Anyways, I love how you described Zorah's crush on Eric. It's so adorable and cute. At the same time, it was bound to happen. It seems like Eric likes her back, but I wonder who'll make the first move. tehe

    And we go from meeting Eric to Helena. Helena only just appeared for a few seconds and I'm already disliking her, not in a bad way, but in the way that I"d be rooting for Zorah if they were in a competition over Eric's heart (if Helena has her eyes on him).

    I think in this sentence:
    A man like Nathan, who was at the helm of such an empire wouldn’t waste energy on how she dressed, but on how innovate their product was.
    You meant innovative?

    Woman should be women in this line:
    Both woman watched through the glass walls as two men walked down the corridor, led by Moira Holland.

    Aside from what I found, you should get someone to look this over but otherwise, this was a great chapter. I loved the meeting between Klein and Zorah. It was quite interesting actually and thier interaction felt so real.

    Well, thanks for a great start to a great story.
    August 28th, 2015 at 07:22pm
  • I don't know why but it didn't send me an email for this update!!!!!!! I've been deprived of the last chapter for thirteen days. I'm pretty upset about this. Particularly because she went on that date with Eric. Which was adorable and I found it hysterical that she was yotubing videos cause its so like realistic. I can't wait for the next update!
    June 25th, 2015 at 10:14pm
  • I don't know why but it didn't send me an email for this update!!!!!!! I've been deprived of the last chapter for thirteen days. I'm pretty upset about this. Particularly because she went on that date with Eric. Which was adorable and I found it hysterical that she was yotubing videos cause its so like realistic. I can't wait for the next update!
    June 25th, 2015 at 10:14pm
  • I love this
    June 25th, 2015 at 09:58am
  • OMG.
    WTF. That first paragraph nearly gave me a heart attack.
    But she only had her glasses off. lmfao

    I don't find Eric to be a distraction at all from Nathan. Zorah has her own life and Eric helps to solidify that. Also, I kinda like Eric. I think they have the potential to be a pretty amazing couple.
    June 12th, 2015 at 11:07pm
  • That's last email killed me. Great update!
    June 9th, 2015 at 05:13am
  • Um i absolutely love this!
    June 6th, 2015 at 05:47am
  • love this so far and even though you just updated I am looking forward to your next one, hopefully they come sooner :3
    June 5th, 2015 at 11:17pm
  • Great chapter like always.
    You go Zorah, tell Nathan his program ain't all that and a bag of chips.
    I so hope her program can deliver on her guarantee.
    I really like how the emails between them were separated by writing. That really helped with not being bogged down with just the emails.
    June 5th, 2015 at 10:44pm
  • Okay, so Eric seemed like an excellent candidate for Zorah. I feel like he was kind of painted as the office eye candy and I expected him to be douchey and like into himself but he's so nice to Zorah, and I feel like genuine vibes from him. And that's so great for Zorah. Howeverrrrrr, I think I'm gonna have to go with Nathan cause he has that whole forbidden fruit over confident cocky cold thing going on. I like that Zorah hasn't really expressed an interest in him though because it's the typical route to take making her instantly fall for some hotshot big time guy ya feel me? Anyways, Rebooting was such a great chapter. I felt anxiety for Zorah the whole time she was presenting.
    May 29th, 2015 at 11:40pm
  • Okay, so Eric seemed like an excellent candidate for Zorah. I feel like he was kind of painted as the office eye candy and I expected him to be douchey and like into himself but he's so nice to Zorah, and I feel like genuine vibes from him. And that's so great for Zorah. Howeverrrrrr, I think I'm gonna have to go with Nathan cause he has that whole forbidden fruit over confident cocky cold thing going on. I like that Zorah hasn't really expressed an interest in him though because it's the typical route to take making her instantly fall for some hotshot big time guy ya feel me? Anyways, Rebooting was such a great chapter. I felt anxiety for Zorah the whole time she was presenting.
    May 29th, 2015 at 11:40pm
  • So yeah, I'm pretty much obsessed and I'm only up to the rebooting chapter. 8D
    May 29th, 2015 at 11:31pm
  • Thanks for the shout out and I always have to leave a heartwarming comment since this story has slowly become my favorite. Cute I adore the maturity and it’s a breath of fresh air to read (since almost all stories on here are centered around teens, sigh). And it doesn’t hurt that your writing is flawless. Lick

    NO NO NO Zorah, stop thinking about Eric. My ship lies with Nathan. (Please tell me that will be a thing!?) Don’t sink my ship without at least giving them a shot. XD Zorah's office sounds amazing. Who wouldn't want to work for Klein Technologies?

    The professional relationship(s) have been laid out fantastically so far. Dance

    There is nothing worse in a story for me, when it is breached straight out of the gate or out of the blue for no reason (ex. 'x' character becoming instant BFF'S with 'y' character and they trash talk the boss or 'x' character falls instantly head over heels for the boss or vise versa). Also, the professionalism of Nathan's character (way he acts, talks, gestures) is dead on. Clap

    Where is the love for this? It should have way more! Don’t let the lack of comments deter you, this is an amazing story! Every aspect of this story is spot on : character development, writing style, plot, originality, realism, and maturity. Happy face

    Like always, looking forward to the next chapter!
    May 29th, 2015 at 11:21pm
  • Oh my god. I simply adore the description. The modern edge to it already has me sucked in. BRB gonna' speed read these chapters. xx
    May 29th, 2015 at 11:16pm
  • Love the new update. Why Nathan got to act so standoffish? Hopefully he will warm up soon. Love the simple new layout and the summary is beyond amazing. So many quotable sentences.
    May 11th, 2015 at 02:01am
  • I did not see Helena getting kicked off the project. Well actually I had a suspicion since Zorah was like "your program got a big problem mister know it all" to Klein which piqued his interest in her and not so much with Helena.

    Oh, I can't wait to see how this meeting between Nathan & Zorah plays out. Put that genius hunk in his place! Did I mention how much I love the name Zorah? (I have a thing for unique Z names.)
    May 3rd, 2015 at 08:24pm