The Humane Goodbye - Comments

  • This was the sweetest, yet most heartbreaking thing I've read in a while. I know the feeling of losing a pet all too well, and this brought tears to my eyes to be quite honest. You managed to capture the emotions and the scenario perfectly, and there isn't a single thing that could be changed to make this story any better. It's perfect. Your writing style is amazing as well. I feel the need to read more of your work.
    July 17th, 2012 at 02:36am
  • This is so sad. Your layout is sweet, but it seems almost too happy for the piece, at least in my opinion. "Lackadaisically" is such a great word. Lovely lovely lovely. I love your little "snapshots", they're so sweet. Keep up the excellent work! :) <3
    July 16th, 2012 at 11:33pm
  • Awhh! Haha I enjoyed reading this story.
    It made me cry though because I could visualize through it, but please keep writing more stories. =)
    February 12th, 2012 at 06:09pm