Itchin' On A Photograph - Comments

  • Thingtastic

    Thingtastic (360)

    United States
    Aaw, I feel so bad for the guy! I wish he could have at least had a say in what happened to his daughter. :< I'm finding that Missy is on my "Ugh" list.
    This is also well written like all of the other stories that I have commented on. Gosh your writing style is awesome. :3
    Ugh the fact that Missy asked for his opinion on what they should have done with the baby, and then just shoots him down, makes me despise her. >.<<br /> Okay now I feel bad, because she's sick and all but she was/ is a bit of a bitch to him, isn't she? Always calling him perfect and what not.

    Anyway, I like the story, although it's a little dark for me. I still like it.
    December 17th, 2012 at 02:49am