Where the Light Exists - Comments

  • Heartswell.

    Heartswell. (400)

    Greetings, Isa :cute:
    I know I might be 43553 years late in commenting this but anyways.. :shifty
    You know I think it's scary that I read this one-shot since over twoweeks [two three months now :XD] and I still remember most of it disregarding its brief content O_O
    Since I don't have the best memory, that is proof of your pwnfulness :coffee:
    Anyways, ingore Fatma's senseless rambles that kept you waiting for the review :cute:

    I simply thought that it's beautiful In Love because of... gah everything... your words, the analogies that burst with emotion and the general atmosphere surrounding it.
    Even though I've never read a GerBert before [Yes... I know. :shock: ] I believe you did a great job representing the relationship of the two messed up men as one of them dragged the other towards the darker routes crouching within themselves in just one simple night.
    Well, it wasn't that simple for them afterall, was it?
    I love using resembling the wounds with crayons, because... crayons resemble innocence to an extent, right? That stood out in scenic contrast to the sensed atmosphere to this situation and just... In Love

    I re-wrote this comment like... three times already, once every month I want to post this :lmfao :XD but I loved it, it really sticks and tattoos itself to your mind.
    Crappy review not needed but hell :XD by the way the layout is outstanding In Love Kudos to whoever drew it :cheese: she/he [I'm leaning towards she :tehe: ] deserve a good pat on the back. :mrgreen:

    [OMG I checked when I created the file in order to write this comment; 12th of April :lmfao Laziness has reached a new extent :XD So basically you got three comments, June, May, April :XD :omfg: I'm going off topic, am I? -spazhead- -goes to read one-shot again and add things- :shifty]
    June 8th, 2008 at 09:01pm
  • Frank Lero

    Frank Lero (100)

    United Kingdom
    DAYUM. I cant describe this without making it sound worse than it is.
    That has gotta be my favourite Gerbert ever.
    Bert's characterization was perfect
    March 24th, 2008 at 06:03pm
  • sketch.

    sketch. (355)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Clap Well, damn

    There's one hell of a lack of Gerbert in the world. And there is even more of a lack of good Gerberts.

    You succeeded, i'm ecstatic to say. :cute: *favourites*
    Absolutely brilliant. Nyam
    March 24th, 2008 at 12:31am
  • GayChubbyDater

    GayChubbyDater (100)

    United States
    That was so beautiful <3

    ^_^ I loved it!
    March 22nd, 2008 at 06:02pm
  • NecyMorphine?!?!

    NecyMorphine?!?! (100)

    United States
    awesome story i can't wait to read more Clap
    March 21st, 2008 at 11:08pm
  • Final Tragedy

    Final Tragedy (100)

    United States
    This was so beautiful, Isa, that words do not suffice at the moment. It was such a gorgeous moment between the both of them and I cannot seem to find a favorite phrase out of the whole story. I simply loved everything. You are so very amazing; I'm so glad to see how you have written this.

    I wish I could say a whole lot more but honestly, at this moment I'm at a loss for more adequate words.

    <3 Jenn
    March 21st, 2008 at 08:13pm
  • Jepha Howard.

    Jepha Howard. (500)

    United States
    Gawd, Isa, you make it difficult to comment.

    Bert smiles, if it can be called that, a bit on the dopey side, the kind you'd do when you're in love, and also a bit apologetically, ruefully, because he knows the kisses wouldn't make everything all right, wouldn't stop all the noise of mistakes and faults and recklessness and the future from coming between them, but at least for a while, for the moment that a kiss can last, everything was a bit better than they were before.

    ^'Tis my favorite part. For some reason, it just stood out. The entire thing was written beautifully, but I loved that part.

    Happy ending, maybe. Always makes for a good story.

    There's no way I can review this and be happy with it, but, know that I loved it, more than words can say.
    It's a KTGB. (:
    March 21st, 2008 at 05:35pm
  • z3ez

    z3ez (110)

    United States
    This is beautiful. In Love

    Bert's characterization is perfect, he's still the tough guy
    yet if you look closely you can tell he's just as hopeless as

    My favirote line.
    Bert smiles, if it can be called that, a bit on the dopey side, the kind you'd do when you're in love, and also a bit apologetically, ruefully, because he knows the kisses wouldn't make everything all right, wouldn't stop all the noise of mistakes and faults and recklessness and the future from coming between them, but at least for a while, for the moment that a kiss can last, everything was a bit better than they were before.
    To me that just summed them up so perfectly.

    I'm horrible at leaving reviews, so I'll just say this is one of
    the best Gerberts I've ever read. Lovely.
    March 21st, 2008 at 04:59pm
  • Northern Downpour

    Northern Downpour (350)

    Czech Republic
    Gerbert *giggles* I really like it!
    March 21st, 2008 at 04:54pm
  • Bert McCracken.

    Bert McCracken. (150)

    United Kingdom

    Isabel, I am...speechless. In Love
    I mean, you are one the most talented writers I have ever had the pleasure of meeting, but to have such an amazing piece of work dedicated to me is absolutely...In Love Right now, smileys have more to say than I do.

    Dark-lashed eyes fluttered open, perplexedly, their owner seeing through nothing but dark cobwebs and alcohol-laced hazes.

    As much as I loved the whole work, this was my favourite line (although it was hard to choose). I loved the poetry inked between the words, and the way the just flowed together.

    I think you definitely got Bert's personality down to a t. Him being the aggressive, assertive figure in the story, while Gerard is the hopeless, hung over guy. The way you made him swear consistently through the story made much more real. But also the way you made him almost as hopeless as Gerard, for Gerard, for the love was amazing. The way he just looked at Gerard and everything melted away. The reader could really see the love in his eyes, metaphorically, of course.

    I also loved Bert's clear desperation at the beginning, while Gerard was just...there, too intoxicated to care. Then for him to come alive as Bert touched him, but still not caring shows us how pathetic the drugs and alcohol in his system made him.

    All in all, this is definitely, without a doubt, my favourite Gerbert one shot...ever.
    In Love
    ily! :arms:
    March 21st, 2008 at 03:29pm