Candled Swans - Comments

    March 31st, 2012 at 01:50am
  • Hm. I can't really see a hopeless romantic like Kurt being the one to end something, but for the sake of your plot and the bigger picture and all I shall let that one go. XD
    I like that the dialogue and reactions and such are fairly accurate. Like Blaine doesn't have any extreme and unreasonable like or dislike of Sebastian. He just legitimately (and with good reason, I suppose) doesn't trust him and finds him annoying or whatever. It's cool that you didn't write them having like this hardcore hatred or weird sexual tension (right off the bat anyhow...that could always happen later) or anything like that.
    I really liked the last bit, where they were sort of sizing each other up. It's sort of funny that they are both quite territorial acting when it comes to the Warblers and such; that whole interaction is just sort of a pissing contest between them or something.
    I might even check back to see where this goes. :)
    March 9th, 2012 at 08:37am