Ignorance Is Your New Boyfriend - Comments

  • great story :)
    November 11th, 2012 at 07:25am
  • oh how i love Synacky, was sooo hot!!
    August 31st, 2012 at 09:56am
  • :D CUTE.
    July 4th, 2012 at 09:07am
  • I never ever ever read this stuff because usually it's really weird and gross.. But this was absolutely adorable (:
    March 17th, 2012 at 07:28am
  • That was great
    Loving and sweet
    But still smutty
    Awesome job

    March 11th, 2012 at 11:23pm
  • First of all, my heart broke when I learned Zacky was awake and had heard the whole thing go down. And when he was nearly in tears... it torn even further into me...

    I loved that he ran through a list of potential problems and found none with Brian and then ultimately realized it was him. The situation turned from Brian just complaining about lack of sex to actually understanding why he was so put out by it.

    I loved how you used the lyric. I wasn't sure what to expect but it was wonderfully placed. Zacky felt ignorant because he didn't notice Brian's need until it was too late.

    Reading the way Zacky set up a romantic evening was too cute. I literally started squealing when Brian saw everything and started turning to goo. Major brownie points for that.

    My first real concern during this chapter was you used the phrase 'sharing a few kisses' and then in the next sentence used 'shared a kiss' I felt like this idea was stressed a bit too much. Perhaps instead of somehow sharing a few kisses that didn’t involve too much teeth you could say something like they kissed tenderly, both letting their feelings pour into each peck.? Not saying you should change it obviously, but just for future reference.

    Next, Brian hastily moved I also felt like the word next shouldn't be used here. It seems so much like steps and takes away from the passion of the moment.

    Conned or caught? Just wondering...

    I loved the moment on stage. It explained the picture beautifully and smoothly. And you kept the ending going strong all the way.

    Overall: I adored your entry. You definitely stuck to the rules and requirements. There were some really nice touches here and there that earned you some extra points. This includes the tiny pic banner at the end of it. I will keep in touch with the winners. Thank you again for your entry ^_^
    March 8th, 2012 at 05:31am
  • I really enjoyed the first chapter. It really was a different take on the Synacky love affair for them to already be together but drifting apart.

    Reading Brian touch himself as he remembered Zacky was just adorable and sexy all at once. We are given an insight to the relationship while maintaining a separation. I hope that makes sense...

    I am a bit confused and maybe you can clear it up for me. When he was remembering their best bathroom sex with each other, it seems like they were already in a relationship. Yet further into that small paragraph, you mentioned them accepting each other as lovers. Was it that they were together without being completely together or what?

    I do admit that the whole promise that they were each others pleasure (and neither would touch themselves again) was so cute. Brian's panic over what he felt as a betrayal was a brilliant addition. I will be very interested how it plays into the next chapter. As well as how the line of your song choice plays with it.

    Lovely layout and I adored that you used the pictures as part of a makeshift banner. Very clever and original. All together, its simple and readable yet unique and creative.

    I eagerly await your other chapter and thank you for entering my contest ^_^
    March 4th, 2012 at 06:39am
  • loved
    March 4th, 2012 at 06:29am