The Honest Theory of Reality. (Short story) - Comments

  • lady of the sunshine

    lady of the sunshine (100)

    United States
    I'm just going I start off by saying that your story is absolutely beautiful. You captured such a strong emotion and injected it into so little words. By the end of the story I was on the verge of crying. Most books can't even get me to cry, much less a short story. This only shows how talented a writer you are. On another note, the figurative language you used was excellent. The word choice you used was extremely original and made me wonder how you could have possibly come up with that perfect way to describe something. Overall, your story is incredibly well written. You definently have a special talent for writing, and I could easily see you becoming a published author, if you aren't already. I wish you the best of luck in whatever you do, just keep writing(:
    March 3rd, 2012 at 01:52am