What We Left Unsaid - Comments

  • SynysterVengeance13

    SynysterVengeance13 (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Damn I really cant wait to see what happens. I sort of get why Zack left her in there. He's still not sure who to believe anymore :/ Update soon please
    November 11th, 2013 at 10:58pm
  • H.L.A

    H.L.A (100)

    United States
    no no no! She can't die! NO! an epilogue is not enough! is there going to be a sequel...
    November 11th, 2013 at 10:21pm
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    Oh my god. Oh my fucking god. I can't... I don't even know what to say! How could you end it like this!??
    I really really really hope that what I'm suspecting didn't happen. Please tell me Ava isn't dead ;_; Not now that it was discovered that she didn't really know about the note or the reason for the torture! Oh god, oh god.. I don't even have words to describe what I'm feeling D: She just can't be dead, she can't... Matt and Zacky would go insane with the guilt for what happened... Just... gah, there are so many emotions running through my mind right now asdfghjkl
    I can't say I loved this ending, because I'm dying to know what really happened, and I won't forgive you if you kill her :'( (not really, but I'll be really sad if that's her destiny)
    I can't wait to read the epilogue! I'm hitching to know how things will work out!!
    November 11th, 2013 at 09:41pm
  • mforaker

    mforaker (100)

    United States
    I'm breathless! I understand why Zacky left her in the room,no wait I don't, she came to resue him and obviously slid the key to him.

    So Drake's plan was to lure them all there just to blow the house up? What a coward!! Was I wrong to see that the noise wasn't messing with Zacky like it was the others because he was a mixed blood? I don't know that was the impression I got.

    I can't wait until the epilogue!! Hopefully it'll be soon?!?!
    November 11th, 2013 at 09:36pm
  • ScoutNikhol

    ScoutNikhol (100)

    United States
    What a great cliffhanger!
    November 11th, 2013 at 08:11pm
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    You're kidding me right!?!? You have to be? How can you end it like that?!?! And what the hell just happened???

    I have a question though. How the hell did Zacky get a key? I'm still not getting how that happened. I've reread that a few times and yeah I'm just not getting it at all.

    Can I be totally honest with you though; I kind of saw something like this coming when Brian said that something wasn’t right. When he started pointing out that Drake wasn’t there and there was a lack of guards, I thought to myself that he was going to try and kill several birds with one stone. At first I thought that they were going to take Ava and have her mate with the asshole that she was supposed to from the beginning of the story. Then the guys would go in to rescue Zacky and Ava and he would blow the place sky high and kill the whole pack. That idea went out the door though when they put her in the room with Zacky. So my theory on this is that Drake wanted the whole pack to going into the building (to either come get Zacky, or to come get both Zacky and Ava after they caught her), and then whatever it was that happened would eliminate them all. But that would mean killing his sister, but since she is mated to the mutt it wouldn't really matter much to him anyways.

    I was a little surprised though that Zacky left her in the room. I know I shouldn’t have been but I honestly was. I guess Zacky figured that since she was a pureblood and “an elitist” then she would be safe.

    Right now though I can’t but help feel sorry for poor Zee right now. He has Brian and the rest of the guys pissed at him not only for trying to kill Ava, but also for leaving her in the room. He just escaped from being tortured. He was “betrayed” by his best friend (Matt). And now he finds out that he has been wrong about his mate all along. To top it all off he has to try and process all this information at the drop of a dime and accept everything. And of course now we don’t even know if HIS MATE is even okay now.

    So now I’m going to ask you, what the hell did Zacky do to you?!?! Why can’t you give the poor guy a break! I swear if I didn’t love you so damn much I’d hate you! XD

    AND I’ll go on ahead and say this for you. I still feel bad for Matt. He is stuck between a rock and a hard place and I don’t think anyone really sees that. However I think he is being a little unrealistic in trying to get Zack to believe that everything that he has believed for so long about Ava is wrong. This takes time and Matt wants Zacky to believe it right that second. I understand that Ava was/is peril and they didn’t have the time for Zacky to process. I do. And I do see the line: But the rhythm guitarist only looked just as lost, clearly struggling to try and make sense of everything, which -- although /understandable/ -- there just wasn’t time for. So I know there was some understanding there. And again this is why I really to feel for Matt right now.

    So with all of that said, GOD I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS!!! I don’t want to assume anything BUT I am going to assume that Ava lives. I mean there is a sequel. However I know that she doesn’t have to live for there to be a sequel, but that would really suck because…well I can just see the strain between Brian and Zacky if Ava doesn’t live. Not that there won’t be a strain there even if she does live. Which really breaks my heart because you know I love Zee and Bri together (and I mean bromance not romance XD). I just… yeah I’m just going to go on ahead and say this, I REALLY REALLY hope that Ava lives! AND you did say we would find out about the money and the document (again of course she doesn’t have to live to find out about those). Plus I really don’t want to imagine the guilt Zacky would have to face if she dies. Holy shit! Who would have thought I’d be begging you to keep Ava alive!
    November 11th, 2013 at 07:37pm
  • Bunny-on-Drugs

    Bunny-on-Drugs (100)

    United States
    how the hell could you end the chapter like that what the hell woman seriously!! WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME! really like just when it was getting good you go and stop it like that UGH what the hell happened!
    November 11th, 2013 at 09:44am
  • Golden

    Golden (100)

    United States
    I seriously NEED him to understand what they're saying. I just wanna hit him over the head and just yell in his face that she wasn't apart of it like seriously. It's like his pride doesn't even want to listen.


    That just made me so anxious for the epilogue and the sequel.
    November 11th, 2013 at 09:29am
  • OMFGitsBeckiie

    OMFGitsBeckiie (100)

    United States
    Oh my lordddd! I need to know what happens next!!!
    November 11th, 2013 at 05:27am
  • Ailurophile

    Ailurophile (100)

    Puerto Rico

    Now this is the worst cliffhanger ever!!!!

    While reading the chapter, I wished Zacky was in front of me just so I could slap his face and scream at him: "TEAM AVA DON'T YOU GET IT? SHE'S ON YOUR FUCKING SIDE! SNAP OUT OF IT!"

    I have to say, it's been a while since I've read a story in Mibba that's made me go through so many emotions xD

    Can't wait for the next update!!
    November 11th, 2013 at 04:10am
  • madi220

    madi220 (100)

    United States
    You are amazing! Three updates in one day! This story never ceases to amaze me( in the good way) and I can't wait for the sequel.
    November 11th, 2013 at 03:50am
  • Codikins5

    Codikins5 (100)

    United States
    Oh My Gosh!
    November 11th, 2013 at 03:50am
  • Aly!

    Aly! (150)

    United States
    I have been so mindfucked by this story since the very beginning. So many twists and turns and I'm so sad that it's nearly the end of the story. (But I've loved every single chapter of it!)

    I can only hope that since the guys were so busy yelling at each other and not paying attention to video monitors, that Ava somehow managed to get out. The fact that she knowingly risked everything - her life - just to save her mate speaks volumes. If she didn't make it (which I HOPE is not the case), that's going to haunt Zacky for the rest of his life.

    There is a sequel to this, right? hahah

    Can't wait for the next chapter to see how this turns out!
    November 11th, 2013 at 03:24am
  • abnurmel

    abnurmel (100)

    United States
    *growels in frustration* but Ava is in the house... I just, don't know what to say. Oh, Zacky is an idiot.
    November 11th, 2013 at 03:21am
  • MoMo_92

    MoMo_92 (100)

    United States
    U blew the house up with Ava inside!?!?!? Omg I can even deal right now omg, can't wait to read more update as soon as u can :)
    November 11th, 2013 at 03:17am
  • Heaven_syn_gates

    Heaven_syn_gates (100)

    United States
    The end kinda confused me a lil bit
    November 11th, 2013 at 03:05am
  • madi220

    madi220 (100)

    United States
    I loved this chapter! Can't wait for you to post the last one!
    November 11th, 2013 at 01:25am
  • mforaker

    mforaker (100)

    United States
    Wow! Okay now everyone knows about the torture,BUT why didn't Brian piece it together? I mean if he was there.

    I hope Ava gets to him in time without being caught!

    I guess we'll have to wait until the last chapter for the woman and such...OOh can't wait!
    November 10th, 2013 at 07:24pm
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    Well fuck! I didn't see that coming, but then again I kind of did. When we first found out about what happened I tried to find a way to redeem Ava and this was my thought on it: “did Ava really send her brothers or did they find out and take action themselves? This was a thought that kept running through my mind when I was reading and rereading the chapter. You know I’ve been taking the story’s title into consideration and I’m wondering that if Zacky had said something to her about it he would have found out that it didn’t really happen the way he thought. That her brothers found out and took the actions they deemed necessary, and when asked about it by her brothers she had told them that she had planned on telling them and then went along with everything afterwards to save her own skin. It still wouldn’t be forgivable by any means but at least she wouldn’t be directly responsible for what happened.” So I wasn’t totally correct but I was kind of close. Who would have thought?

    I guess I can’t really blame her for being upset with Matt. It is understandable, and I (like Matt) feel kind of bad for thinking so badly about her. So I guess she really does like Zacky. But this still doesn’t explain why he was left there to endure four days of torturer! Ava was there right? She knew Zacky was being held and so if she really liked him, again why didn’t she sneak out and let him go? NEVERMIND I just went back and reread chapter 31 and realized that she wasn’t there when he was being held and tortured, but there after the fact when they were beating the shit out of him (which also explains how Brian was there too).

    On that note tough, I can tell you this: Brian didn’t win any points with me! I get he said that he couldn’t do anything but yeah he is so not my favorite in this story anymore! I like Johnny and the Berrys more than him.

    BUT how did Ava “know” what the note said (and by know I mean able to paraphrase the note)??? Some things still aren’t adding up.

    So when Ava was “acting like a bitch” and watching Zacky get his ass beat with a smile on her face till she got bored was actually her way of protecting him? In a way it makes sense because if she showed that she cared then Drake would only make it worse for Zacky. But at the same it is so fucked up!

    And now I think I understand the title of this story!

    So now what I am wondering is why does Drake want Ava so damn bad! Is it because of the documents and the money? Is it just because of Zacky? Is it because they had a deal to bring Brian back and she broke it?

    What’s really funny is I was on Ava side for once on something! I was pissed at Matt for choosing that time to hash out what happened! Zacky needs help and he wants to get into it. When Ava said, “I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about! But for fuck’s sake, we can deal with this later. Right now, we have bigger things to worry about!” I actually cheered her on. And I actually felt bad for Ava when she got sick. I guess I actually like Ava more than I thought.

    So now I’m dying to know what is going to happen next! I can honestly say that I was speechless after reading this chapter. Oh how I can’t wait to find out what is going to happen next!
    November 10th, 2013 at 07:21pm
  • MoMo_92

    MoMo_92 (100)

    United States
    My mind just exploded OMG Ava is the good guy and had nothing to do with Zacky gettin beat up or his kidnapping, I'm sure Matt feels like a super asshole right now, he definitely needs to apologize to her see Matt this is what happens when u don't ask the source of the secret regardless of what Zacky's wishes were u should of asked Ava if it's true instead of goin all overprotective alpha on her and threatening to kill her on a mission of saving ur beta dumbass, and on top of tht Brian was there to watch Zacky get hurt so Ava definitely has a strong and reliable alibi, anyhoo u my dear author blew my mind away I was not expecting tht bombshell to drop but hey Matt was getting to crazy and irrational he had to spill the secret becuz Ava was literally confused about the entire note thing anyhoo amazing chapter the suspense was just wow, can't wait to read more update as soon as u can :)
    November 10th, 2013 at 05:59pm