What We Left Unsaid - Comments

  • Liera_Fufu

    Liera_Fufu (100)

    United States
    I'm really beginning to wonder if Ava likes Zacky. I hope to read more on their relationship. Update soon please :3
    July 23rd, 2013 at 07:40am
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    Yeah a new chapter! I wasn't expecting it at all!!!
    Oh shit! Brian and Ava's families killed Zack's! That is so messed up, the poor guy! No wonder he is an asshole to Ava, but I wonder why he isn't much of one to Brian. I wonder what Kat and Zack were doing while everyone else was together. Why does it always seem like those two are always "left out" of everything? I am with SynysterVengeance13 on this one, what is so bad about doing a festival? Is it because of Jimmy (foREVer)? Do they need to find a new drummer and therefore a new pack mate? Oh the possibilities....
    July 23rd, 2013 at 05:48am
  • SynysterVengeance13

    SynysterVengeance13 (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Awwwww loved it again XD I wonder what so bad about them having to do a festival I guess I'll just have to wait and find out :)
    July 23rd, 2013 at 04:43am
  • Koschka

    Koschka (100)

    I just started and see theres a Johnny scene *yay* You kept your promise :)
    Brians Mom showed her to cook? That's so sweet. But somehow it's sad, that everybody thought Brian and Ava would mate - must be why Brian has been more destroid, when he found out about Ava and Zack.
    Okay I take it back. Brians mother isn't so sweet anymore. But Johnny is, while pointing out that she hasn't a slight idea how to cook. There's even a Post-It? The guys doesn't have a clue how to cook also, huh? Sometimes I do forget, that Ava is an Beta also.
    So the dinner with the council has already been? Maybe it really has been boring, so you didn't write it. But as she's explaining it to Johnny I will be okay.
    And oh my Gosh I just want to take his cheeks in my hands and squeeze them! Isn't he cute?? I think you just made this chapter for me, I don't have to read further - just kidding.
    Maybe Zacky could be nicer when she even makes him the tea. “Somehow, that’s actually more comforting to me.” - totally sums it up.
    I would give something to have seen the last scene. I can imagine it so great, Ava and Zacky with the batter everywhere and Johnny stealing the kitchen.
    I really do like this chapter - even if it wasn't as long as always. But there was so much Johnny in it, I#m good with that :) Oh and I forgot that they're also a band and was slightly confused why mad hat to give an autograph. But I'm glad you mentioned it again. And I'm proud of you that there wasn't a Matt scene it it xD As always I'm looking forward for the next update :) Oh and I bet her cooking should bring her on the good side of Kat - but I'm not sure if that backfired ;)
    July 21st, 2013 at 02:37pm
  • Bunny-on-Drugs

    Bunny-on-Drugs (100)

    United States
    awwhh we definitely need more johnny time that was just too cute!! why is it so weird she wants to make pancakes they should all know by now that she's different and full of surprises!! Im thinking it has something to do with the council meeting, if i were her ida smacked johnny upside the head and told him to just drop it tho lol. and I burn my pancakes to im not much of a cook either but at least she tried!
    July 20th, 2013 at 04:45am
  • SleepPatterns

    SleepPatterns (100)

    United States
    Hey girlie, just dropping off some love for the latest chapter!! :) I very muched loved Johnny in this update and I especially love the pancake battle between Zacky and Ava xD

    Update soon!!
    July 20th, 2013 at 03:19am
  • MoMo_92

    MoMo_92 (100)

    United States
    Johnny is a mess, he left during the fight between Zacky and Ava, pretty smart actually can't wait to read more update as soon as u can :)
    July 20th, 2013 at 03:08am
  • SynysterVengeance13

    SynysterVengeance13 (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Loved it as usual XD I love how when Ava and Zack we fighting how he took the pancakes and just left them. That made me laugh XD Matt's gonna go crazy when he sees the mess
    July 20th, 2013 at 02:16am
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    I liked the chemistry between Ava and Johnny. I'm curious to see what is eating at Ava because even though I'm not her biggest fan I can tell that cooking is not something she readily does just because or for just anyone. I'm curious about the comment Ava made to Zacky: “It’s right there on the table; talk about not seeing what’s right in front of your face!" I wonder what she means??? Besides the tea of course because that statement seems loaded. I liked the 'food fight' scene at the end between Ava and Zacky as well. I still wish I need why those two hate each other so much. I know you told me that we will find out more later but the more they fight the more I grow curious to know.
    July 20th, 2013 at 02:00am
  • SleepPatterns

    SleepPatterns (100)

    United States
    Ugh! Just when I thought those two would have a special moment, Ava had to go and punch Zacky in the jaw. *Sigh*

    Even though I completely agree with Ava. Zack was being a selfish bastard who did put the pack in danger. Anyway, as always, your writing is amazing. 

    I would like to know, though, a little bit more about Jimmy and what his roll was in the pack. He obviously meant a lot to  everyone, especially Ava, but I can't help but wonder how he acted separately with each member. Maybe a flashback and/or memory? 

    But! You are, after all, the writer so it is your decision. But I have awesome ideas, if I do say so myself! xD 

    Anyway, I cannot wait for the next update! Hopefully things between Zacky and Ava will smooth over soon. Get your ass back here, babe! 

    Until next time :)
    July 17th, 2013 at 01:38am
  • Koschka

    Koschka (100)

    Zuerst muss ich sagen, dass es mir leid tut, dass ich das Kapitel erst jetzt lese. (First of all I have to say I'm sorry for not reading your chapter sooner) Aber ich hatte ja Besuch und dann war ich auf einer Geburtstagsfeier und deine Geschichte ist keine, die ich mal eben zwischendurch auf dem Handy lese. (But I had guests and then I've been on a birthday party and your story isn't one I read on my phone in the meantime) Du sollst es nicht glauben, aber es fällt mir wirklich schwerer, das jetzt auf deutsch zu kommentieren, wenn ich es doch gerade auf englisch gelesen habe. (You wouldn't believe me, but it's more difficult to write in german after reading it all in english) Übrigens schreibe ich, während ich lese (By the way, I'm writing while reading)
    Du musst wirklich aufpassen, dass dies keine Matt Geschichte wird. Und irgendwie habe ich das Gefühl, dass Matt immer das ausspricht, was ich denke. Team Matt, haha. (You really have to be careful, so it doesn't turn into a Matt fanfiction. And somehow I feel like Matt is always telling the things I think)
    Irgendwie finde ich es lustig, dass Ava, selbst wenn sie Zacky hilft, ihren Spott zum Ausdruck bringen muss. (Somehow I find it amusing, that Ava has to express her sarcasmn, even when she's helping him) Und Zacky könnte ein bisschen dankbarer sein, aber da sein (und jetzt musste ich wirklich "jaw" nachschlagen, weil mir das deutsche Wort nicht einfällt) Kiefer so weh tut und ich vermutlich auch nicht netter wäre, wenn mich jemand immer beleidigen würde, verzeihe ich ihm das nochmal. (And Zacky could be more grateful, but as his jaw is hurting so much and I mostly wouldn't be so nice when someones mocking me permanent, I'm going to forgive him)
    Und oh Gott, jetzt habe ich fast rumgequietscht, als sie ihm die Heilung verraten hat und es dann doch fast schon ein bisschen zärtlich wurde. Vielleicht, weil die Schmerzen nicht mehr so schlimm waren, oder weil es einfach etwas nettes war, was sie gemacht hat. Das verwundert mich immer noch, aber man darf nicht vergessen, dass Ava ja keine böse Person ist. Trotzdem war diese Szene gerade ziemlich, ziemlich toll x3 (Oh my God, I almost squealed when she showed him the fix and it almost got tender. Maybe because the pain wasn't as strong, or because she did something nice. I was also surprised but we can't forget that she isn't a bad person. Still... the scene was awesome!)
    Als sie anfing den Tee zu brauen, hab ich mir schon gedacht, dass Zacky denken wird, dass er vergiftet ist. (When she started cooking the tea I thought Zacky will be thinking it'll be poisioned.) Ich hatte so Angst, dass du vielleicht den Bogen nicht kriegst, dass sie sich wenigstens etwas Zuneigung zeigen, aber du hast es geschafft. Und das sogar ziemlich toll, weil ich das echt süß finde, dass sie Zacky aufgefangen hat und dann noch da sitzen bleibt. (I was afraid that you wouldn't find the turn, so that they'll show affection somehow, but you did it! And that was pretty awesome because I think it's cute that she caught Zacky and stayed by his side.)
    And just when I was about to tell you how surprised I was that it stayed the "sweet" way, she punshed him in the jaw. So the normal Ava is back, but I have to say I liked that. But I also liked that she referred Zacky as her mate towards Matt. I want moooore. I think I'm going to start a fanclub for your story, like really! Buuuut it's a pain in the ass, to write a review in both languages, so I guess you have to stay with that. So, what else can I say? I guess this has to do for now.
    July 14th, 2013 at 01:40pm
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    Okay, sorry it took me so long to read this and comment, I was crazy busy with homework. So let me start off by saying FINALLY!!! I now get the whole jaw thing, that was really bothering me. I didn't quite understand Matt's comment about Ava being disloyal. Was that about her 'pretending' that Brian was her mate rather than come straight out and say that it is actually Zacky? You know for a minute there I thought that things were going to get better between that two of them, what with the fix and her holding him while he was passed out. And then she to go and ruin it by acting like a bitch! Oh and what was with her and the caressing of the bite mark she left on him? Do this mean that there between her and Zack, at least on her end? Why does Ava care so much about Kat liking her, I mean I get it that Kat is the alpha female but still why is it so important to her. Also why do Ava and Zacky hate each other exactly? I don't think I remember reading that. One last question what it necessary that Zacky bite her before he drank the tea?
    July 13th, 2013 at 07:46am
  • Bunny-on-Drugs

    Bunny-on-Drugs (100)

    United States
    AWHH they had a MOMENT! made my heart melt even if it only lasted like a second it was still a moment of kindness towards eachother!!! I'm glad she helped him with his jaw, even if he deserved it for being a tard if she didn't help him his attitude would have just gotten like ten times worse tho I wasn't expecting her to let him bite her! I can't believe Matt would think she'd actually hurt zack tho I mean really does he really think that little of her he's been accusing her of bad things lately and I don't like it one bit!! apart from my little rant absolutely loved the update like always you never fail to impress!!
    July 12th, 2013 at 02:53pm
  • SynysterVengeance13

    SynysterVengeance13 (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Awesome. Loved it, cant wait for the next update :)
    July 12th, 2013 at 01:48am
  • MoMo_92

    MoMo_92 (100)

    United States
    Ummm y does Kat hate Ava I mean what the hell did she do to Kat like honestly what did she do to her, can't wait to read more update as soon as u can :)
    July 12th, 2013 at 01:38am
  • MoMo_92

    MoMo_92 (100)

    United States
    Love it, this chapter was amazing...Matt was a bit overreacting especially about the whole money thing like u could of had tht conversation privately but seriously Ava fifty million dollars what was u goin to buy a cure for fucking AIDS like damn but Matt's apology was sweet and I teared up when he said tht he didn't want to bury another pack member, now Zacky dude I understand tht u r pissed off but seriously u should have just listened to Matt but ur pride took over and now u r at war with Ava's brother thanks a lot dude and an applause for Ava for tellin Zacky off letting him kno tht he will sellout his own mate but not his friends a little bit fucked up dude I get it u dont like her but damn dude u hate her tht much tho like come on now a little too much anger don't cha think, can't wait to read more update as soon as u can :)
    July 5th, 2013 at 11:29pm
  • Koschka

    Koschka (100)

    Long chapter, long review... I had to take notes while reading so I will remember the most of it xD First of all I thought maybe I'd write in german, but that would have been too much ^^

    You're absolutly on the right track, because this chapter also was amazing. So I think I need to point out why and what I really liked:

    (oh, but before I forget... I think there are 2 typos in it because you said she didn't have amber in her eyes, I think if I'm right it should say anger ^^)

    I love her way of "calming" herself down. You have a way to explain things and I feel like I'm the one who needs to calm down. I do the same thing - without much success, to be honest.

    And I actually clapped when she throw Zacky the "but you'd sell your own mate" at his head. I was like "that's my girl". I really liked this. But as she talked with Matt I felt bad for Zacky, because what must it had been for him, when she talked him down in front of Drake.

    And maybe Kat's a bit jeaouls of Ava? I mean I would have been too (and I'm not the jealous type of girl) when there's a woman you haven't seen at all and all (almost everyone) loves her and Matt especially. Sure there's only this friendship thing, but they hug alot.

    So I really like the relationship between Matt and Ava and I almost teared up when he said he won't be able to have another funeral :'(

    So as always I want mooooore! I can't wait for the next update (oh and Mibba still doesn't send mails so I have to check my subscribtion list every day -.-)
    July 5th, 2013 at 05:47pm
  • SleepPatterns

    SleepPatterns (100)

    United States
    I fucking adore Matt in this chapter. The way he handled the situation with Ava was a little overbearing, but he was so damn adorable with his apology. Zacky is still deemed a prick in my eyes but a have a feeling he'll lighten up sooner or later. I still wonder what the pack would be like if Jimmy was still alive and how he would treat Ava? But, as always, you're writing is kickass and I cannot wait until the next update!! Later, girlie! :)
    July 5th, 2013 at 04:36am
  • Bunny-on-Drugs

    Bunny-on-Drugs (100)

    United States
    Geeze why in the world did she take out that much money in the first place! and I can't believe matt would let his anger get the best of him and treat her like that! poor girl's been through a lot!! Totally understand why zacky got pissed tho, I mean ava shouldn't be lieing but she did do it for a good cause! dinner with the council memeber should be interesting I wounder if zack and ava can play nice for even a little while!!
    July 5th, 2013 at 04:28am
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    I don't think Ava is being fair with the whole Zacky thing. Matt made a really good point about how she gave a that speech but wasn't standing by her actual mate. I mean I get why she did it, but still I think that she is being a bit of a bitch to Zacky when he was doing exactly what Matt would have done if it had been Kat. Can't wait for the next update!
    July 5th, 2013 at 03:33am