You Still Have All My Heart - Comments

  • FrankJScott

    FrankJScott (100)

    United Kingdom
    Please try Google before asking Recommended Onlne Casino Site 89794f9
    September 29th, 2023 at 08:33am
  • girlygirl.m

    girlygirl.m (100)

    United States
    Please update!!!!
    November 15th, 2015 at 10:02am
  • Fortunate Placement.

    Fortunate Placement. (100)

    United States
    Comment swap!

    This Zack person is is a major ass :/ She most DEFINITELY needs to get and stay with Cass!!! I love this, I could read it over and over again! I also like that you put the outfits in the author notes(:
    March 1st, 2013 at 12:35am
  • feedmetothewolves;

    feedmetothewolves; (100)

    United States
    Zack is being a jerk. He needs to realize that Cass is the one for him before it's too late! :O
    November 22nd, 2012 at 10:29pm
  • AllTimeBatman

    AllTimeBatman (100)

    United States
    Soo sweet but why in the hell would zack do that to her??? He's an ass! I want her and cass to get together :(
    November 22nd, 2012 at 11:51am
  • feedmetothewolves;

    feedmetothewolves; (100)

    United States
    Oh my, so Jason loves her! That's crazy things are getting intense. I'll be honest and say deer terrify me. I'm scared to drive on back roads near fields because that's where they are the most. I hope they get better! Poor Cass and Jason.
    September 17th, 2012 at 11:25pm
  • Anthem.

    Anthem. (100)

    United States
    Chapter Twenty Three: Yeah, i get bored in the car very easily if there isn't anything to entertain me, like music or something like that. damn, i was just called desperate. whatever. yes, i hate the music that is played on the radio. the only reason i sometimes sing it is because its just so damn catchy but it is so horrible. Cassandra is right. Her and Zack are perfect for eachother. why would Jordan ruin that for her?! dont give her thoughts like that about Alan. i mean i love Alan, but still man. Yeah, Alan knows how to have fun but Cassandra needs Zack. AWE! Best friend moments. yay! the pictures of them sleeping peacefully with the boys. man, i must really love both of those photos because i got really excited for them. look at me, im just trying to start drama without trying to start drama. that isnt good. of course Zack would see that. and i mean in a way its like she's leading him on. Cass is right though, you cant go from being engaged to someone to not feeling anything for them. that would be insane. of course it is Austin *smiles* im so glad you added back the national geographic back in there. the friendship they have with one another is amazing. i love it so much. that is us. sex god indeed. one you meet Austin you cant go back to normal thoughts. awe, reading my writing and getting sad because its sorta beautiful. ah, so many feels because of austin and Jordan. thats how i would say that stuff though, like if we really talked about stuff like that. awe Cass, dont have those thoughts. HE LOVES YOU! OH MY GOSH! That was some intense shit. they could have been killed, that cat could have gotten killed then what?! i'd imagine me more screaming for Cass to pull over then just saying pull over. Yeah man, i will drive if i have to. i wanna drive and just jam out to Of Mice & Men. that would be awesome. that is some intense thinking, the kind of thinking that can kill people. ha yeah. she was such in deep thought that you don't even hear your phone. i could never do that. OH MY GOSH! AND IT'S ZACK CALLING! I love how i'm a her now. i'm not even Jordan lol. Lex is still stalking me on twitter?! Damn, i must be pretty amazing and stuff. haha nonchalantly, “oh, that picture” I mean when a guy still loves a girl it's hard to see her actually with another guy. I MEAN COME ON CASS! ZACK IS PLEADING TO YOU! I feel like Cassandra seems to forget that she was the one that cheated on Zack in the first place. and that is just not right for her to be kinda ticked off at him. AWE! SEE THAT IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN KEEPING YOUR PRIDE ZACK! YOU GET TO KEEP THE GIRL OF YOUR DREAMS! *smiles widely* haha Jordan. *shakes head “im so happy for you, i knew you two would get back together.” “i just want you to be happy, maybe you should forget about Zack and be happy with Alan.” so contradictory you are my dear. GARRETT WITH A BEARD, JUST NO! He shaved it but it's growing back again. AH! See even Jenn doesn't like it but shes an awesome girlfriend and is like if he likes it then ill just make him happy. haha all the guys there. this really makes me want to see them the day before halloween. WE ALL KNOW WHO IS CALLING HER NAME! lol

    Chapter Twenty Four: Of course John Cornelius O’Callaghan. I mean i'm just too attractive for all the guys i date, ha. the men cannot resist me. i wish it was like that in real life. John and Jordan. adorable, but not as adorable as another fictional couple that i know of. SEE! Why is Jordan calling john “baby” then again, she is naturally like that so i guess i understand. man not even there together for five minutes and hes already flirting. i agree, no need to scare her off. GROUP HUG! That sounds so cute. Jenn, just let them help you. you know they are going to try anyways. catching up sounds really good. i feel like that isn't right because Jenn left when Jordan arrived and that means that Jenn and Garrett would be together for longer than five years, but it's whatever. i'm just being anal. How come everyone has heard about my breakup with Alex but no one has heard that Cassandra and Zack have broken up?! what is that?! NOT TRUE! It's mainly that he doesn't trust me in anything that i do. DAMN STRAIGHT! NOT EVEN TEN MINUTES! TEN SECONDS! Lead singer more or less because he does lead yelling. haha. i don't think it's even band guys. it's just lead singers. awe, Jenn is rooting for us. that is so sweet. of course she wouldn't know of Austin though. man, i love me some Austin. awe, no one tells Jenn really anything anymore because she live in a different state and stuff. that sucks. trying to make it better with cookie dough. poor Jenn. true love does conquer all. poor Kenny. no cookies for him. CAMPING! YAY! even though i don't like camping really at all. i'm not being clingy am i?? because i feel like i'm sounding a little clingy. two days isn't that bad i guess. *facepalm! JENN WHY DO YOU NOT SEE IT?! haha lol. HOT DAMN I AM AWESOMELY BLUNT AND FUNNY! That is too rich. AND THEN John’s comment to go with that! FUCKING PRICELESS! Oh my gosh! i cannot wait for this party! I FEEL LIKE THERE IS GOING TO BE QUITE A BIT OF DRAMA! A girl can hope and dream. yeah, break off into couple and there are four people who aren't in relationships, smart one whoever thought of that. WHERE DID THAT EVEN COME FROM?! Saying stuff like that doesn't make girls want to be with you. it gets them very uncomfortable very easily. Cass knows what's up. i have a man waiting for me in California. WOW! JOHN SOUNDS LIKE A FUCKING ASSHOLE WHINY CHILD! Like what the hell?! woohoo going out to dinner! o0o0o0 Ayden sounds like an awesome name. awe man, i'm just getting complimented all the time. GO ME! WELL DAMN JOHN! YOU JUST HAD TO RUIN THAT DIDN'T YOU?! You aren't her father! i bet you Jordan is like a mixture of “what the fuck and i'm so sorry for him *to Ayden*” WOW! if this really happened in real life i think i would be way more pissed. it's like “YOU ARE NOT MY BOYFRIEND AND YOU’RE ACTING JUST LIKE MY OLD ONE! I DON'T NEED THIS! I DON'T NEED A NEW “BOYFRIEND”” it's like. “we aren't even going out what gives you the right to say that?! when john said “but id like to be” i didn't imagine being sympathetic. i imagined her being more angry for some reason. Damn John. that is a little deep. man, if i do that to a lot of guys. just hot hot damn. and then we come to the realization that Pat and Cassandra are at the same table as John and Jordan. AWKWARD! Really Cass?? well of course people are going to be talking about it. i mean you were just in a very long relationship and the next thing everyone sees is that you’re in a bed with some other guy. TRUE WORDS SPOKEN FROM PAT! Pat likes The Word Alive too. that is so awesome. ah, i just can't wait for Zack and Cass to get back together again! i love how calm Pat is and stuff when he hears that Cass cheated on her ex. Wow, so why wouldn't Cass tell Jenn?? that makes me a little confused. YEAH! He might just kill him. i'm pretty sure because i mean this isn't the first time they’ve had a fling. it goes all the way back to high school days. awe, poor ayden. he didn't do anything wrong. man. that sucks. yeah, john just doesn't seem to get the point. it's ridiculous. see, i fall for people very easily. may be one of my downfalls. “certain man in california” ah man. my friend and i were like fangirling a little bit over Austin. it was amazing. i love me some austin. AWE! THOSE LAST TWO SENTENCES WERE FOREVER ADORABLE!

    Chapter Twenty Five: Hm, well that title wasn't obvious to what they were going to be doing. granted i already knew that they were going camping about a week ago or a few days ago, i don't remember. Try new things, well that sounds nice. Jordan doesn't do that too well if you didn't know. Five in the morning?! that's when i wake up for school. how long are they actually driving for and when did they want to get there?? ah, how funny you are. i'm sure NO ONE wanted to wake up at five. I WOKE YOU UP?! That doesn't sound right at all. it seems like it would be the other way around. hm. oh, i didn't even finish read it to see that Jenn woke me up and i woke you up. lol. never mind. Ha, that's what i do all the time. sometimes when i'm really comfortable and don't want to get out of bed ill just ignore my mom but be awake. Seconds on breakfast?? it must be a really good breakfast then because i'm not really a breakfast person. awe, the cute compliment. adorable. well man, they just barged in like it was nothing and then went straight for the food. whatever. awe, the girlfriends meeting us. that's so cute. and Tessa is really adorable. that is her real name right?? AH! ITS LIKE THE DRIVING ORDER WAS SET FOR DISASTER! of course that would happen! WHY DOES HE HAVE TO DO THAT AND MAKE EVERYTHING AWKWARD?! I would roll my eyes at that too. i mean its like just stop. i mean hes just being really pushy and stuff and that is not attractive. Cassandra should just be more assertive with that but i know shes not like that. i would get really pissed though. awe, cute, nature pictures. poke war?? that is adorable. this is why i love every single one from The Maine. i almost bought skittles yesterday but i didn't. so what time was it when they got to the campsite?? and how far is the campsite from the car?? just wondering for future references. i'm just laughing internally because i can imagine the two of them struggling with the tent and then John just being amused by it. Pat just doesn't want the help so he can seem like a man. Jared, the expedition man. so its just Garrett, John, Pat and Jordan then?? i'm thinking so. Jordan is more of a city girl sorta too. she could never go out into the woods like that. awe, i really wish i could take pictures and was photogenic, but sadly i am not. Jordan doesn't do hiking either. i tried once when i was younger and didn't like it. i kinda want to try it again though, later in life. mac and cheese. very gourmet. *smiles* is she the only one inside that tent?? YOU KNOW ME SO WELL! I LOVE YOU NIKKI! Of course Kenny would be the one to say that. sounds like a very filling dinner. they really wouldn't get the full effect in Baltimore. i mean there isn't a desert there so i don't think it would be the same. ew, i HATE like literally HATE burnt things. i don't even like things crispy. i like it just right. i don't know how steak would be around a campfire but that's all good. awe, they're having so much fun. that's great. he was sinking because he was a little buzzed don't lie. John likes to drink. perfect Kodak moments. man, i have a potty mouth but i really want some s'mores. i haven't had them in a long long time. its really sad. haha i love doing that with the marshmallows. manhunt. i’m never good at that game. competition. haha those boys make me laugh with their petty fighting. i feel like a toy at this point. WHAT THE FUCK?! WHERE DID THAT COME FROM?! What is up with John?! what gives him the right to say that?! that doesn't make ANY GIRL want to get with you if you talk to her like that and Jordan didn't even want to be with you from the beginning. maybe before San Diego she had thoughts about you, but now FUCKING NO! Him acting like that is just becoming annoying. the alcohol in his system is probably making it worse. CASS I CHOOSE YOU! haha unintentional pokemon reference. i love it. T MONEY?! that made me laugh. i love it. those are corny code names, but who cares. i love it. flashlights would ruin the whole thing though don't you think because then people could see them. Patty i feel you because i’m always the first one found too. hahaha, i feel like a naughty girl. they freed me from "jail" lol. hm, all returned to their tents. i wonder what is going to happen (:
    September 10th, 2012 at 01:59am
  • feedmetothewolves;

    feedmetothewolves; (100)

    United States
    I really do love this story, I wonder what Alan has to tell her! :o
    September 9th, 2012 at 12:55am
  • Annabelle Graceton

    Annabelle Graceton (100)

    Hey, Comment Swapper here!
    Ok, so I only read the first chapter and I'm sorry to say that I got kind of bored reading all of the background type stuff that took up the majority of the story. It was just too much and it was all in huge paragraphs, which really turned me off. Maybe if you spaced it out a bit better and not as big paragraphs, it would have been better.
    I did catch a couple of spelling and grammatical errors here and there but it was overall not too bad for them (that's just something that I tend to pick out). The flow wasn't that great, again because of the size of the paragraphs. That just made it drag for me.
    Props to you though for your girl's name. I can't hate on someone with the same name as me :) I wish you the best of luck on this and all of your future writings :)
    August 19th, 2012 at 05:14am
  • Kiss With A Fist

    Kiss With A Fist (100)

    United States
    comment swap!

    So I'm a HUGEE fan of All Time Low, and but I mostly read Alex Gaskarth stories :x so this was an interesting change for me. But i'm looking forward to see what kind of drama comes up. :)
    August 19th, 2012 at 04:42am
  • feedmetothewolves;

    feedmetothewolves; (100)

    United States
    Wow, it's been so long since I've read this story. It's amazing, I'm excited for the drama! :D
    August 18th, 2012 at 12:51am
  • Anthem.

    Anthem. (100)

    United States
    Awe, just the title makes me want to tear up. no, i don't like goodbyes. No one needs to leave.
    So it did end up working out well because i mean since i was paying for the hotel stuff now its cheaper than we all thought. GOING TO AUSTIN'S HOUSE! EVERYONE'S RESPONSE! ESPECIALLY JORDAN'S!
    Awe, Austin poking fun at Jordan and how she said jammies. that's adorable. what kind of jammies are they going to wear?? i'd be fine if it was just some flannel pants/sweats. THAT'S ALL! that is sexy. you know, i thought they were going to go into the bathroom at the same time anyways so i don't know. Cass should have known, plus it saves time that way. ha, wheely suitcases. those make me think of those roll-y backpack things that some kids may have used in middle school. it makes me laugh. HA! What does Alan think they are going to do?? make out in the bathroom and change sexily?? i mean i don't understand. I MEAN JORDAN IS LIVING EVERY FAN GIRLS FANTASY! THAT'S A LOT TO TAKE IN! I MEAN LOOK AT THIS FACE!
    But lets get back to the actual story because i'm sure you don't want me to talk about Austin too much. i'm sure that i'm going to fangirl to you more about him later though. I know you don't want be talking to much about him. NOW really back to story, so i think how you worded Jordan wanting to wear Austin's clothes and yes i know its kinda awkward just in itself, but still. Just ask?! of course i would never think of that. HAHA! Totally feel like that would be us. i'd be like "yeah, sexy time" and you would just stand there looking at me with the face i feel i know you would make. its like i planned on seducing Austin from the start. i knew i would. lol. You think since the guys knew the girls were going to Tempe afterwards then they couldn't believe her about the jammies thing. and i mean they've already been in San Diego for a little while. gotta make it real though. wow, dearest Cassandra. no need for all that now. I don't think it should be different. your best friend that's like a sister who you've known for seven years and your ex fiance. yeah, i don't think that there should be any difference. it takes that long to put on some underwear. MAN I'M THE GREATEST! "don't be shy" haha, that really just makes me laugh. No wonder Alan had those thoughts. two girls standing in front of a mirror having a friendship moment in only their underwear. THAT WAS AN AMAZING SPEECH AS I'VE ALREADY SAID TO YOU! It is a little repetitive though i will admit. haha its just like "GRAB MY BOOBS!" I admire that too. Because Jordan is more like "here are my boobies everyone" and Cassandra is like "keep them put away" then again she's only had two(??) people see her body. maybe three or four. granted Jordan's boobies are bigger than her best friends. i can imagine cass being like 110 and Jordan being more like 125 or something. i wish i was thin *sad face* i can change it though. That whole thing was good. awe, its making me emotional. i need a friend like that, in real life that is. she no needs to feel self conscious. and the no need to cry just perfection. ah Nikki. awe, hugging. *thinks back to what Alan said* yeah, this is what he was thinking about. lol. man, i just feel like a little whore. i love me though. alter ego me. actually its not a dress, its a bralet and a skirt lol. but its whatever. imagine what Alan is thinking as he says they took forever and notices that Jordan still has her dinner outfit still on. yeah, cause Cass is like a xs or maybe a small and Jordan is more of a medium maybe a small in other things. haha smiling, i feel like she'd have more of a evil winning smirk. i feel like Cassandra should have told Alan the truth, but its okay that she didn't. GAMES GALORE! AH! AUSTIN'S INNER CHILD! AMAZING! AN HOUR?! They must be having one awesome time together. haha, poor naive Cassandra. you should know your best friend well enough to know she has a way with the men. i don't think they're thinking about the two of you at this point now Alan. would you??
    NOT ASHAMED OR SORRY! I LOVE MY GIF SELECTION! AN HOUR AND STILL GOIN! AH! AMAZING! Okay, now back to the story. so Alan gives Cass his shirt so then he has no shirt on or does he have another shirt?? i mean he would maybe be cold too. awe man, now they know one anothers life story, that's some hard business. cold in California?? i don't know because I've never been there and in the summer?? just not sure. haha indeed it twas hot and steamy. it was even better than that too. awe, they're hugging to keep warm. i'm sorry that they're out in the cold, but on the other hand i'm not. you know. sex then apples to apples?? man that sounds like an awesome night to me. the funnies thing is that i can imagine the scene at hand. and replaying it
    His cheeks were not pink because of a blush either. lol. haha Jordan's just talking like everything is causal and she didn't just have sex with Austin. Ha, Alan, oh how blunt you are with people. man, be proud of the sex. they are so cute. blushing together at the same thing. CASSANDRA! WHY YOU NO ASK ME HOW MY SEX WENT?! We WILL discuss it in the beginning of the next chapter though, right?? maybe?? please?? poor Jordan, that's why being hammered has its downsides. AWE, I wanted Austin to finish the sentence, "but you're my party animal!" AWE! Poor Vic, he likes her and she only sees him as a friend. FRIENDZONED! I see what Cass means about Jordan telling Vic where she's at, but i do agree more with Jordan. that may be because i'm a little bias though, who knows. I don't ever recall Jordan saying that to a certain Mexican in a band. WOW I would have never imagined Jordan ever saying that to Austin, but i guess it has to happen. JUST FRIENDS THOUGH?! AH! They both have a point though. Who wouldn't be if you had just had sex for over an hour or something like that?! I mean it was after eleven when they got home from the date and then you had the hour everyone was busy so i mean its around twelve-one so she cant be that mad. I FEEL like Cassandra is a little annoyed that Jordan did what she did even though she couldn't help it. well she could have but didn't. i mean when was she going to have this kind of opportunity again?! NEVER! Hm, very good point. no one thought that the two girls could sleep together in the same bed and Alan could go home?? but then again that would make less fun. Jordan sleeping in Austin's bed seems to be the only option he's picking. AWEZIES! THAT IS TOO CUTE! RACING AFTER ONE ANOTHER! Okay, it's official. I ship Austin and Jordan. YUP! Wasn't thinking of going home?? i guess you're staying then. of course he smiles at that thought. pretty girl in a bed with him. *thinks back to the picture of Alan i sent you last time and sighs dreamily* Alan. man. AWE! YOU KNOW ME SO WELL! I CAN IMAGINE THAT BEING AN AMAZING PICTURE! o0o0o some action from the giniger to the pale blonde. hm. okay. *smiles* kissy face. cutie kiss on the cheek
    haha way to go Alan and make it a little awkward. AWE! CUTIE KISS ON THE LIPS! Awe, and she wanted to do that since the party. that is too cute. i still want her to be with Zack though. i mean its really hard. More pictures?! man, we are some awesome friends and know one another so much. ELEVEN?!
    What were you doing Jordan?? i thought both of you were supposed to leave in the early morning. I have a hunch of what you were doing. *winks* or at least i hope that they did that. lol. i'm a pervert! they DID say that they were leaving in the early morning though and now its almost noon. couple of hours?? like two max if it takes six hours to get there. As you're describing Alan i'm picturing that you're picturing the picture of Alan that i showed you. tongue twister wasn't it?? lol. is that maybe true?? WHOA! THAT IS ONE HELL OF A WAY TO WAKE UP! I WANNA BE WOKEN UP LIKE THAT! Haha that doesn't sound to great. it sounds like a one night stand that ran over some time. They didn't change so they're still in there Jammies?? Awezies, and he cooked breakfast. i want to make him mine. i want a man that knows how to cook/can cook for me because i am NOWHERE near housewife material. oh, i see. STILL EATING?! DAMN BOY! TAKE YOUR TIME WHY DON'T YOU! YES! GREAT GREAT GROUP OF GUYS! Haha, alliteration. SEE! Here's what im envisioning.

    Vic: *walks up next to Jordan* "So this is it"

    Jordan: "Yeah, i'm afraid so. I'll keep in touch though!" *says this with a smile but kinda feels awkward. does want to keep in touch, but doesn't want the flirting.

    Vic: *looks around for a few seconds* "That's good. So, do i get a goodbye kiss?" (the fact that he had to ask probably means that she didn't want to give him one) *Vic smirks*

    Jordan: *smiles at him not really wanting to kiss him at all. annoyed at the thought so ends up just pecking his lips for a quick second and wanting to say goodbye to other people*

    Awe, we do make a cute couple don't we?? thank you Alan for stating the already obvious. You know deep down those words are killing Jordan to say. she NEEDS Austin. Maybe she can settle down with him. and still have fun this summer. YEAH! I'm so sad for Alan. He is being truthful. there is no way that he and Cassandra are going to get together. Jordan may have tried to lift his spirits but Alan's right. awe, i would push him to her. Austin saying hes going to miss Jordan
    I think they should have gone into a corner or something, but whatever works for you my dear Nikki. AH AND JORDAN'S RESPONSE!

    CHAPTER ENDS! I'M DEAD! So wow, this was quite an emotional ride for me as you can tell. i'm sorry for the ominous amount of gifs, but at the same time i'm not. i love this story Nikki! Keep doing what you're doing. i CANT LIVE until next Friday!
    August 13th, 2012 at 05:22am
  • l0stinNeverland

    l0stinNeverland (100)

    United Kingdom
    So, yeah, I recommended and subscribed. I only read the first chapter of this as I'm in a rush, meaning this comment is in a rush as well :P Sorry. But I will comment later as I read on, I like your Chracters. I thought you got all there personalities well. Your writing flows which is alway sa nice thing. I'm not sure if I like your theme but who cares because it's more about the writing then the actual theme you use. I will read the prequel. Can't wait to comment again, read ya later :D
    August 12th, 2012 at 12:59am
  • sowrongit'sSHANICE

    sowrongit'sSHANICE (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Comment swapper here! :)
    Wow, I truly love this story! All Time Low have been my favourite band since 2008 so I'm so glad I got brought here by comment swapper, I've truly enjoyed what you've written and you have such a great way of writing and a great ability of setting the scene! I'll definitely be sticking around to read the rest as I love what you've got so far as I've already said and I'm dying in suspense to read what you're going to post next! Very Happy
    August 5th, 2012 at 09:28pm
  • Anthem.

    Anthem. (100)

    United States
    JUST THE TITLE MADE ME THINK OF THAT DUMB SHOW ON DISNEY! AH! You know, if Jaime was actually drinking, even though we don't know how much he drank wouldn't he not be in the best mood either?? i wonder what time it is?? because the more and more i thought about this if they got home near three they aren't going to wake up at ten. HAHAHA EVEN JAIME KNOWS! lol. that means Vic knows. oh damn.
    Yeah, not all breakups do that to people, guess she's just lucky. awe, we were going to leave at noon today?? that doesn't sound like fun at all. you know Jordan would love that brunch. awe, what a good friend Cassandra is to Jordan. i feel like i would have said more about the hangover like "i haven't felt this bad in forever, or i don't think I've ever gotten this drunk before ever."
    No one has yet to bring up to Jordan what happened the previous night if she was so drunk than she wouldn't remember what all happened the night before. Austin is the best medicine. the Mexican?? so much love and respect. ha, when Jaime said fucking fun i immediately thought of King for a day. still in bed?? YES! man, you know me SO SO WELL! Sometimes i think you know me better than i know myself. damn. yeah, you can do that. i'm not really a suspenders kinda, that's exactly what i thought. twelve people. couples. fuck em. i'm not going to lie that would creep me out. Vic's just like "hey, whats up" all like up in your business kind of thing even if he wasn't trying to be. i need a visual of where everyone is sitting and how the table looks or i cant visualize it. yeah, you tell him Jaime. its the perfect seat. across from Austin that is because you could look at him and just say you're looking past him. yup. creeper skills. i mean wouldn't Vic's smile falter either way because she wasn't sitting next to him?? i mean who would complain? both are adorable and coincidental?? i don't know. to hard to tell. lol. i think the girl should have been more subtle about it, but i'm sure if it were happening to me in real life i would be just like that. that is going to make her life. awe, that's like us. the sixteen year old. awe. i don't even want to imagine how hard it would be trying to get a picture with all of them there. impossible. AWE! TOO CUTE! "So Jordan . . . " AND SO IT BEGINS! Hm, Vic if you were in the living room the whole time wouldn't you have seen Jordan making out with Austin?? *raises eyebrow* FUCK! TINO! Of course you would ruin the moment. i would be ashamed if i was actually like that. its not good to be one of those girls. poor Vic. hearing it through the grapevine. tino's mouth. Jordan's all worried
    I feel like the second part of Tino telling what happened he's like proud of Jordan or something. its weird. that's what i got out of it. Why did Austin say that?? is he trying to change the topic or something, to divert the attention away from Jordan's drunken night?? its like "TINO! SHUT THE FUCK UP!"Austin blushing. awe. perfect. that's a weird thing for Vic to say. i don't know that may just be me. wow, Cass is paying more attention to Vic than i am. wow, imma bitch. see, causal. Jordan single and isn't looking for a relationship. she's checking out the fishes. that was a romantic comedy?? i found nothing really funny about it.
    Reaction to what Alan loves:
    Damn, and im not noticing Vic at all?? man im a bad mamajama. i'll love you if you know that reference just a little bit. distracted by Austin. he does tend to make people do that. jealousy is a bitch. Alex would know that. ha, see what i did there?? ew, syrup, gross. i can really only have it when i have pancakes made from scratch. that's it. and it has to be the regular kinda not the sugar free nasty kind. WHOA THERE CASSANDRA! Well, okay. number one hottest ginger. matty being second. haha i love how hasty Vic is being when he speaks. i don't know how that would go if he would be there. awe, i can feel his heart kinda cracking. of course keeping in touch with their friends from the west coast. why not?? of to the gingers home. there is no soul there. just kidding. i loved the beginning part. OH MY GOSH! THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I WAS THINKING OF! I hadn't even read that far. man me and Austin are awesome. we thought of the same thing. Ah, indeed i felt like that was some bullshit. doesn't matter that he met autumn. double date. everything Jordan ever dreamed of. awe, so beautiful. its like when he talks sparkles come out, not like some Edward Cullen sparkles either. those are slack as fuck. hm, seems like Jordan's attitude is now rubbing off on Cassandra. i love it. Austin could never look homeless. he could wear his skinny jeans and slipknot tee and still look like a god. way to be classy Alan. GINGER JOKES! AMAZING! Cant go wrong with Italian. nice job boys. I love how Alan worded that whole thing. i mean once you're with a musician you cant be attracted to people that aren't musicians. i know that that's not true, but just go with it. pink hair, yup. i mean she did date him at one point in her life. you mean it was an arranged marriage. of course it would be good for you Alan, i'm sure that the distance wouldn't be good though. he doesn't need brownie points and we all know that. speakerphone. oh. doesn't that mean that everyone in the restaurant can hear the call then?? speak of the devil and the devil shall appear. its like Jordan cant be fully happy because Alex is lingering. ah, what an ass. man, i would be drained just after saying just that. Lex needs to chill the Helen Keller out. I bets its really awkward for Austin and Alan at this point because they're just seeing this fight happen and stuff. i don't think it was smart of Cass to say that they were on a double date, but she already said it, cant take it back. he doesn't like the phrase moving forward because he cant seem to do that. WOW, AREN'T YOU BODACIOUS TONIGHT ALEXANDER! He has no right to say all those things he said. no one should have to put up with that. I'd be pissed too if i was Alan. ah, the first sentence and he has me laughing. awe. he called them beautiful. Alan's speech was good BUT AUSTIN'S WAS GENIUS! I WANT A MAN LIKE THAT! SCREW ALEX! he needs to leave her alone. awe, compliments! SO MUCH BLUSHING! THAT ALL HAPPENED BEFORE THEIR FOOD EVEN ARRIVED?! WHAT THE FUCK. Haha Austin wasn't hesitant when that phone went off. he went off. its only Vic. nothing bad happens with Vic. yeah, i'm kinda surprised he's being this forward too. five years apart isn't too much right?? I wonder what Vic thought when he saw her response. i'm sure he wanted to be the one on the date with her. gossiping to one another ladies?? lol. pretty late?? what do you call pretty late?? ten o'clock?? old men. excuses just to hang out with them. its all good though. Jordan is loving it on the inside. i mean she's single and feels no strings attached whereas Cassandra feels like Zack is still pulling on her and vise verse. she does have a point. they had just met the previous night. it is going fast. plus she still loves her ex fiance. are they still in the restaurant at this point or walking?? WHOA WHOA WHOA! BIGGEST INNUENDO OF THE CENTURY! THAT WAS SEXUAL AND I KNEW IT! hm, i don't know if you should be so quick to think like that Cassandra. awe, holding hands with Austin. and interesting night indeed.
    who wouldnt love waking up to this every morning??

    AND YOU SAID THIS CHAPTER WASN'T GOING TO BE INTERESTING! I BEG TO DIFFER! And you know what I've realized about us and our style. You are more of the adorable innocent look. and i'm more like the bad ass sexy look. i mean we contrast each other in a good way. i love it. sleepover time is going to be quite interesting i feel. hm, we'll see. *smiles* SINCE YOU ARE GOING TO BE BUSY THIS MEANS A LOT OF PRE-WRITING! JUST TO LET YOU KNOW! I'LL MAKE SURE OF IT FOR MY SAKE!
    August 4th, 2012 at 07:00am
  • Anthem.

    Anthem. (100)

    United States
    AWE I JUST LOVE THAT! It's also because both of them are two mature adults unlike the other couple we all know of. really now?? she must not know that on the west coast they have a pre-party, then the party, and then an after party. haha i'm just joking. its all good *smiles* I LOOK SEXAAYY! MAN I SOUND AWESOME! Well here's the thing too being in a long distance relationship is hard it sometimes gets harder as time goes on. They've been going out for almost six years. THAT'S A LONG FUCKING TIME! I mean and they've only had two bad breakups. this one and the one from last summer. that's it. Lex does all the partying he wants while Jordan doesn't do it that much. i know you already know all of this but i just wanted to point it out. you know me. She's like IDGAF! I mean they're relationship isn't stable and its not balanced and or fair at all. tehe! I REALLY cant wait for the party. I'M SORRY YOU'RE ALWAYS THE DD! I CANT HELP IT! I'M AN ANIMAL! You are so right. this is why i love you. AWEZIES! DON'T MAKE ME CRY! I LOVE ZASSANDRA SO MUCH! Yeah i just made that up. i don't care. NO MAS PANTALONES?! I'm rocking no pants right now. whatevs.
    Well that isnt awkward at all. good thing the guys came in almost right after Vic went to put some pants on. pre-party drinking! that's how i want my college years to be like. haha i feel like i know what shirt he's wearing. so much love. i feel like that is only half of the truth Victor Vincent Fuentes. you want to know more about a certain blond don't you?? advances and making me blush, man you must be special. I bet that that was awkward. the last one standing up and everyone else is sitting down. let me just sip on my alcohol and be on my happy way
    WELL! MR FUENTES! WAY TO BE FORWARD! Even more awkward, perfect! Man, he must really like her. hes all touchy feely. i'm more of a vodka fan myself. eh, i know that's bad to say, but i don't care. Now what do you mean by "get together"?? like hooking up/having sex or like be in a relationship?? because those are two different things. i don't even know how that started. the two of us making out, weird. It feels like if someone were to bring up the name Alex Jordan would be like "Alex who?" oh my gosh. you do not know how hard i am falling in love with this chapter. i feel like that'd be awkward for anyone to see. SAVE IT FOR THE BEDROOM! Haha, see what i did there?? know the reference?? I've never heard the term "i shot not" that's so weird. i like it. Who all have I been kissing Cassandra?? man i sound like a whore. I JUST LOVE WHEN I CAN IMAGINE THE SCENE! I just love that whole paragraph. pure perfection Nikki. Yes! make out then party. awesome! AWE! EVEN STORY AUSTIN CARLILE IS PERFECTION! AH! THE FEELS!
    Me getting another drink?! HAHA DIDN'T SEE THAT ONE COMING! lol. I love Jordan's nonchalant reply. "you know, just here and there" indeed you are not a child. i'm sure that Cass doesn't want to deal with too much trouble though. ha let me come! that was too hilarious.
    Did Jordan really just say that Austin is the most attractive person on the planet right in front of him to hear?? i don't oblige. that is completely true and no offense he is WAYY prettier than Alex and better! AWE! What an awesome fangirl moment. what if i met the real Austin Carlile?? oh my gosh! SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS!! YUP! That's me. wayy to drunk for my own good. man i'm going to have a KILLER headache in the morning. DAMN! THAT QUICK! I'M A FUCKING WHORE! i mean wouldn't you feel like you were invading their privacy and just awkwardly there. i LOVE how you said that it was like watching free porn! JUST AMAZING! Cassandra is so cute, i love her. Jordan and Cassandra balance one another out because Jordan is the reckless one that doesn't think things before doing them and Cassandra is more mature about things, though she knows how to have fun, and more i don't even know the word but its there. I'M GOING TO DIE WITH THAT AMOUNT OF ALCOHOL! THAT WAS ONE OF THE SEXIEST SCENES I CAN IMAGINE! You were all awkward writing it and it was just perfect Nikki! if only dreams were a reality. man though, you must know how shots work. or did you look that up?? OH MY GOSH! That would be the worst not remembering the kiss. good thing for Cass to take a picture. pictures or it didn't happen! that is probably the worst feeling in the world, not remembering you kissed a person because you were literally SHIT FACED! man crowd, you guys are a bunch of perverts, but it probably looks hot. I have a back pocket in my dress?? how the fuck did that happen?! the epitome of my life in this chapter: what a whore! Man, leaving Cass all alone, that's not cool. can always make new friends though *smiles* is it wrong that i keep reading the shots scene?? its just so good. Attractive Ginger?? has to be Alan Ashby! Awe, cutesy Kodak moment! Both DDs. awesome. Of course Alan would say that instantly. You only need to know two facts about Alan Ashby. he LOVES cats and Zooey Deschanel. that's really it. always reliable. i mean he has a freaking sharpie in his pocket! how legit is that. preparedness. so does that mean she included her relationship part then or not?? GOOD TASTE! I wouldn't be proud of the last two either. they're horrible. well Katy Perry used to be good. i cant deny that. i wouldn't be proud of the last two either. they could be just guilty pleasures. awe, a cute little banter by the two. how adorable. even more awes because Alan wants to hang out with her more. number exchanging too?? Austin is the sweetest isn't he?? passed out?? yeah, i think its time to go. what a gentleman he is. awezies. Man, if only Jordan was awake and not drunk she'd die. WELL! What an awesome night that was wasn't it?! I don't even know what to say now. the chapter was pure perfection Nikki! I LOVED IT SO MUCH AND CANT WAIT FOR NEXT FRIDAY! I hope that you love my comment. Sensing that it is eight minutes until three i want to be the first one on here to tell you happy birthday. i'm not going to say more because that's what your gift is for. I KNOW you're birthday is going to be as amazing as you are. I LOVE YOU <3
    July 28th, 2012 at 09:02am
  • Anthem.

    Anthem. (100)

    United States
    IM SO FUCKING PISSED AND SAD! SOMETHING TOTALLY SPAZZED AND ALL MY INTERNETS WERE GONE! I GUESS ILL HAVE TO START FROM THE BEGINNING AGAIN! It may not be as long just to warn you because i dont feel well now because of it. im sorry in advance. im going to try my best and seem as interested as i REALLY was the first time. Pokemon and Mario cart time! JALEX EXISTS! Yeah, Alex is really playing it up, on the inside he probably is hurting a little. WHOA! I didn't even see the second half of Ana's statement. the part about the surfing guys. WHOA WHOA WHOA! THAT WAS UNCALLED FOR ZACK! WHAT AN ASSHOLE DOUCHE BAGEL! Yeah, Rian is right. Zack has no right to say that about Cassandra. at least he knows that what he said was wrong. yeah, get your emotions in check! Cassadee and Rian started dating in December of 2009 and it is now early august of 2012. something inside of me says that's not right but i really don't want to do the math on that one. I'm sure if I was in Zack's situation i wouldn't want to listen to my friends gush about their relationships either. i mean its hard. awe, that is just too cute. hes looking at the pictures of him and Cass and really misses her. THEY NEED TO TALK! I MISS THE TWO OF THEM! AWE! And the fact that he was looking at it for a long time. so precious. haha i can imagine Lex being snarky when he said "why" to checking Jordan's twitter. i bet you all of them are like "how can they already have friends there?? they just got there?" THE MEXICAN BAND! *dun dun dun* How would Rian know that they are nice guys?? okay. whatevs. SEE! This is why Zack is so smart. putting two and two together, well done. haha man, Alex your jealousy is showing and its not making you look good. See, how do they know them and their names?? unless there is a caption but if not i don't understand. so it was Tony that Jordan kissed on the cheek?? yeah, listen to Zack Lex, you might learn a few things. haha little did Jack know that by saying yes to looking at more pictures that his best friend was getting angrier as the seconds passed. Ana making funny faces in San Diego?? you mean Jordan?? HERE WE GO AGAIN ON FIRST NAME BASES AND ACTING LIKE THEY ARE ALL FRIENDS! I DON'T UNDERSTAND! Do they all know each other or what?? Alex you and i both know that it wouldn't be the same. you all wouldn't be having as much fun as their having and it'd be more awkward than anything else. we all know that. awe, that's sweet, im sure that Alex and Zack don't want to see their best friend and his girlfriend being all lovey dovey because they don't have anyone to be like that with them. THERE ARE SIX OF THEM! PYRAMID! I really wish i could see that picture if all of this was real, but tis not. *sad face* Hm, why did i like that statement question too much?? me on Vic. lol. YEAH! LIKE AN OVER PROTECTIVE FATHER! See and it doesn't seem to help that he's actually not confident because he wouldn't act that way if he was confident in himself. don't look at the picture too hard Lex, you might not like what you find. AH! I CANT WAIT FOR THIS FRIDAY! ACTUALLY Saturday because i have a party on Friday. Zack has a very viable point. Alex cant be jealous over who Jordan may or may not be with because they're broken up. AWE! THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL ZACK! *le cries* THEY NEED TO GET BACK TOGETHER! Wow Lex, you are really making your ex girlfriend want to come back to you. obsessive much. his pink hair. awe. god bless. OH MY GOSH! PERFECTION! "Maybe she doesn't want to talk to you?"
    Image JUST YES! Dont you sound desperate young Alexander. twenty times. tsk tsk. i wonder what he would of said had Jordan answered the phone. man, ex fiance. that's freaking big. hm, i see what he means with the pride thing and all. Alex doesn't seem to have any pride at this point. i can almost see him groveling. wow, now that i actually re-read that part Alex really seems like a dad. of course she has nothing to say to you Alex. what a child he is. damn. awe, Cassandra being all thoughtful and nice. that kinda makes me seems like a bitch though. you are the bigger person out of the two of us though. Cass more than likes Zack. she still loves him. you cant go from being engaged to being nothing at all. that's insane. awe, see, you have the civilized and very mature relationship/break up than you have the childish, immature and very chaotic relationship/break up. AWE! ZACK! MY HEART PINES FOR YOU! They're going to get back together though. i know that. it has to happen. man Alex, way to be subtle. go straight into desperation. he has no faith or trust in his girlfriend and that may just be one of the main if not THE main problem in their relationship. He does know Jordan very well. who knows. it may go even further than just some flirting. Zack is completely right. they are halfway across the US. there is nothing that they can possibly do. he's such a girl, Alex i mean. AH! too much. i love Zack so much. I HAVE TO MAKE MY OUTFIT FOR THE PARTY! PRETTY PLEASE?! AH I CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER! YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW NIKKI! AH! JUST AMAZING! (:
    July 23rd, 2012 at 05:52am
  • Anthem.

    Anthem. (100)

    United States
    OKAY! SO I JUST READ THE TITLE AND MY EYES WIDENED SO MUCH! AND THE EXCLAMATION POINT! AH! Wow, I kinda noticed a bit late there. if it really were a rapist Cass may have been gone. my alter ego can kick some ass though so its all good. EVEN THOUGH YOU DIDN'T USE TONY I still love Mike *smiles* I love them all. haha i love how i'm like "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING" that makes me really laugh so much. awe, that sounds really cute. Cassandra checking out Mikes leg to make sure he was/is okay. wow, i'm a great friend. dragging my best friend away. lol. i feel like when i asked "who's that?" that i was rude and not looking at Mike with my hands raised, cause you know i talk with my hands. *smiles* man, i really made Mike not like me. I'm a charming person. i love to party. how can people not like me?? *biggest grin ever* not like me, he did not. later. of course it is always later. i hate waiting. when i said the whole Fuentes thing more than once i imagined myself snapping my fingers, a thing i do when i try to remember things. just to let you know. i can totally imagine that that would be me in the scenario. id be like "really, can we see them?" and you'd be like "yeah" i still to this day right now believe that Vic is almost thirty. he looks twenty seven at the oldest. i'm liking older men now. Kellin being twenty six and Vic being twenty nine. yes! i have a way of getting what i want when i want it. lol. LOVE IT! I'M FANGIRLING RIGHT NOW IMAGINING MYSELF HANGING OUT WITH THEM! SO MUCH LOVE! I feel the need to kinda apologize to Mike. you know, for never being in San Diego Cass seems to know her way around the place. yeah, you walk you die. neon pink umbrella?? really?? very manly guys. i love them anyways. i don't know how many times i'm going to say that but its true. i might cry when i see them. yeah, not the typical California native. but neither is Avenged. i think it really doesn't matter because i mean we are all people. that sounds cute. the bone crushing hug only because i can visualize it. adorable. yeah, new people meetings are shyer than friends. i don't disagree with Vic. he is sorta better looking. wait its not that its just that hes more of my taste even though he has NO tattoos. mike has a shitload though. when Vic flirts with you, you blush ladies. lol. I LOVE JAIME SO MUCH! Earlier today when we were talking, well yesterday because its like almost two here, but i was thinking to myself I REALLY WANT A FRIEND LIKE JAIME! Like he is very optimistic, hes crazy energetic, has loads of fun, always smiles, and is just an all around nice person. HAHA! i feel like when tony said "i'm thinking about getting another tattoo" and when Vic said "really" he was actually thinking "really, there's enough skin for you to actually get another one" i laughed to myself. it was good. I LOVE TONY! Honestly because hes okay with flirting with other girls and complimenting them but loves his girlfriend and wouldn't ever cheat on her. i'd assume he would be even hotter in person. more life like. i mean Kellin. amazing. OH SO I HAD AN IDEA! ABOUT MY STORY AND ILL TELL YOU IT TOMORROW! But it deals with Jordan and her relationship with Alex a year ago. BINGO! VERY ON POINT AND TRUE! SHE IS COMPLETELY RIGHT! He did have all the fun. Jordan really does deserve some fun because its really not fair to her that she has to sacrifice for him but he doesn't do the same for her. wow, well i did not expect that reaction out of the two, you know what i really want to see. Alex and Zack's point of view and how they're doing. i don't know. Alex just needs to grow the fuck up. its insane how much of a teenager hes really being. no wonder Jordan is going for older men now. haha lol. its all good. i cannot wait for the next chapter. i don't want to wait until this Friday. that's too long. MORE NOW!
    July 15th, 2012 at 08:18am
  • ATLlover77

    ATLlover77 (100)

    United States
    I'm glad comment swap brang me here! I love All Time Low(as you can see from my username)!
    The layout is clean, nice, and simple. You do not have many grammar mistakes!

    I only read the first chapter but since I liked it so much, I'm going to read the prequel first! You're a great writer:)
    July 13th, 2012 at 08:26am
  • Anthem.

    Anthem. (100)

    United States
    Damn, well what all are we going to do for five days in San Diego?? okay, you make so many ideas pop into my head its not even funny. i am not that kind of person. i have to have a schedule. they could rent a car or something. Ah, well what a nice friend Ana is. she wont be seeing them for almost three weeks so i understand. she'll have Jack though, so that's good. well damn, the luggage case doesn't seem big enough for all the shit you're putting into it. shit too many damn bags. awe, helping her with her stuff. what a good friend. i wouldn't do that. well it depends. i wouldn't want Ana to see me when i get in the west. the heat makes me crazy. lol. its been so long since I've been on a plane i don't even remember doing any of that stuff. airplane food is pretty horrible and not everyone likes peanuts. first class with both of their jobs?? even with the discounts?? i find that impossible but whatever floats your boat. awe, that has just got to be the cutest thing ever. i can imagine you (as Cass) buckling me up. awe. well damn, i must have some good money to be paying for all this now. hotels don't come cheap. yeah man, San Diego in the summer on the beach is bound to be crowded. if only i loved the beach and could wear a bikini everything would be good in the world. but sadly i cannot do either. i just cant stop talking about tattoos and work can i?? i love it. i'm serious about working at a tattoo place. once you get your first one its usually hard to stop. technically the picture is side rib just to let you know. yeah, that may be an understatement of how much pain those actually are. MAN! *shakes head with big smile* i just love me some tattoos. yay, planning time. tanning. . . *sigh* something i really really wish i could do but sadly i cannot. Italian. i could go for some of that. too bad i don't have any money.OH MY GOSH! That would e the most terrifying thing ever if someone did that to me on the streets where i'm not too familiar with. crazy. I KNOW WHO IT IS JUST BY THE PERSONALITY! Well i know who i want it to be that is and it is NOT a certain lead singer just to let you know. guess who you think i'm thinking of and we'll see if you are right (:
    July 7th, 2012 at 05:50am