You Still Have All My Heart - Comments

  • AllTimeBatman

    AllTimeBatman (100)

    United States
    uh oh i smell trouble
    July 7th, 2012 at 04:00am
  • not active

    not active (100)

    United States
    Comment swapper here! I love All Time Low. This is well written, although I'm confused as I did not read the prequel. You're a great writer, however, and your portrayal of the relationships are quite literally amazing. You seem to have a lot going for you. I wish you the best of luck with this story!
    July 4th, 2012 at 06:35am
  • Anthem.

    Anthem. (100)

    United States
    wow, that's pretty serious for them being engaged previously and all. man. how do you not notice someone come into your house. you are going to die Cassandra if someone ever robbed your house. you must know i love me some donuts. i'm staying away from them though, that's the good thing to do. and more water less milk and soda. i'm not really a smoothie person I've figured out. and i don't like yogurt. yeah i'm weird and its nasty. damn, it takes that long to edit pictures?? well go you. awe, what a good friend i am. i look at pictures of Pierce The Veil all the time. they come on my dash and i look for them. man, i need some better vocabulary. i sound like a dude (word choice wise). i said to myself as i smirked. WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME?! NOW I'M THINKING OF THE FMK! I STILL CANT DECIDED. *le cries* do you want to do anything that does involve photography?? OH MY GOSH! YOU ADMITTED IT! She does need a nice boy for once. did you know that Vic is 29 years old?! i didn't even know that until today! Man, too bad Ana couldn't go. i understand that work has to go first i mean without work there is no money so there is no place to stay. awe, aren't i so smart. the pap would irritate me. i would want to be like that one celeb that punched one in the face. haha we can do that man. that's going to be awesome. i already have a plan for john and i *smiles* that was a good simple chapter. i liked it.
    July 2nd, 2012 at 05:32pm
  • hidans_hoe

    hidans_hoe (150)

    United States
    Yeah, so I got this for the comment swap. I don't listen to any of these bands and I have no interest in reading it. I'm sorry. I don't expect you to return a comment. But it looks like a lot of people enjoy your stories! :)
    June 30th, 2012 at 09:07am
  • Faux Cattle

    Faux Cattle (100)

    United States
    So I got this story for the comment swap and realized that I had to read the prequel haha, but I actually got realllly into it. I'm actually going to subscribe to this and I'm excited to see what happens with her and Zack and whatever else you do with this story :)
    June 28th, 2012 at 05:08am
  • Anthem.

    Anthem. (100)

    United States
    the first three lines make it seems like they got really drunk last night and shes trying to remember what she did. you know, Zack didn't really specify that they were broken up. what sucks is that shes been faithful the whole time but one mistake changes it all. well i mean they were already engaged so making it to the alter didn't seem that hard. yeah, all four of them need some time away from one another. they should work on themselves before they get back into their previous relationships. GROSS BUT SO FUNNY! BLACKMAIL! awe, that would break my heart if i were her looking at that picture. and i thought it was a year long tour?? i know she did wrong but she need cut herself some slack as well. i mean she was drunk, even though that doesn't really justify anything. WHEN DID THEY GET A CHEF?! *le cries* i wish i could be like a model. never gonna happen. awe, what an amazing friend you are. i want a friendship in real life like this. jelly *sad face again* THAT SOUNDS LIKE A PERFECT CONCERT! AH! Why you do this to me Nikki?! is that how the photography business goes?? i don't know. i thought you had to go through the pictures and decide which are the bests and hand them to higher people that do that kind of stuff. i don't know though. I LOVE LOVE LOVE PIERCE THE VEIL! AH! WARPED 2012 BITCHES! But does Jaime really do the screaming?? AH! *fangirling* I kinda set myself up for this since i recommended the band. hm, well Mikey, that's not usually what happens. you just want the digits. lol. I LOVE THEM ALL SO MUCH! this just means Nikki that you need to listen to them! (:
    June 22nd, 2012 at 07:20pm
  • Anthem.

    Anthem. (100)

    United States
    it seems that only one half of All Time Low are in a good relationship right now. that sucks. CAUSE ITS A GIRLS NIGHT! ITS ALRIGHT WITHOUT YOU! haha. don't ask where i got that from. so does that mean Ana is here to stay?? that receptionist as a name remember?? shes still working there. ah, the thought of tattoos, how very comforting to me. i need to say no to that, but i know i couldn't. of course jack would be at the store. i still love how after all this time they used to go out and now everything is all fine and dandy with them. jack must know best because i love me some cookies n' cream *smiles wide* sucks Ana had to cancel on jack and finds out from Cassandra. awe, he had to make that sentimental talk turn into a funny conversation. very special ed. oh Ana, how thoughtful you are. you know us girls very well. Ana doesn't know the half of Alex's relationship with Jordan. so i didn't even get to Ana's opinion of what she thought of the whole deal, okay. I LOVE THAT MOVIE! BREAD MAKES YOU FAT?! i'm just that good, i can read you. and technically you just told him you had sex, not with Jason. i like how no girl in this story if she does wrong gets to explain herself. Cassandra was drunk and even though that is EXTREMELY wrong she was drunk. if people are sober nothing happens. please don't tell me he went to the grocery store to get her a present?! id hate to be jack at that moment. both of his friends angry and a wreck and not knowing what to do. WOW ALEX! That just makes EVERYTHING better *rolls eyes dramatically* go fuck that girl. that's really going to make Jordan want to go back to you. THIS is why their relationship is toxic and they shouldn't be together ever! unless Alex makes some major changes because Jordan isn't the one with a problem. AWKWARD TURTLE! haha, i cant not laugh at the thought of Jack getting hysterical. its too funny. Rian being the mediator, how nice to see. awe, jack really is adorable. MAN! NO ONE EVER LISTENS TO THE GIRLS'S SIDE OF THE STORY! HOW FUCKED UP! Alex broke it off, he always makes Jordan out to be the bad guy. i'd get tired of that way too quick. Jack *shakes head* that wasn't the right time. i'm sorry. JALEX THOUGH! AWE, BUDDIES! whats the deal with cheating?? it seems that's all that everyone in this is doing. they're engaged. i'm sure that they will work it out because that's how they are and they are happy/comfortable together. WHOA THERE BUDDY! CALM DOWN! That was an asshole comment. wow, cant believe that Zack said that. that is true. they are happy together *smiles* they are the cutesy couple. THOSE BOYS ASSUME WAYYY TOO MUCH! NO, THAT'S NOT WHATS GOING ON AND MAYBE IF YOU BOTH GOT IT IN YOUR THICK SKULL TO LISTEN TO WHAT YOUR GIRLFRIENDS WERE ACTUALLY SAYING THERE WOULD BE NO PROBLEM! YEAH! Sorry, had to vent that! see, what if she was raped Zack? then what?? what kinds of parties does Cass go to?? wow, that was interesting. lol. (:
    June 22nd, 2012 at 06:07pm
  • WishingOnFireflies

    WishingOnFireflies (100)

    United States
    Another comment swapper here, and like some other comments have mentioned, I was a little confused because this was a sequel and I don't have a clue as to who the characters are. The description in the first chapter was very helpful for that, and your relationships portrayal is really realistic. Jack's outburst in the dark made me smile. I don't really see any grammar or spelling issues, and I might tweak the layout a bit to be easier on the eyes, but this is lovely and I wish you the best of luck with it =)
    June 21st, 2012 at 02:03am
  • She Said Poptarts

    She Said Poptarts (150)

    Board Moderator
    OK, so... first of all; the layout, it’s simple, but hard on the eyes, bright. I don’t know, it could be just me, but the colors don’t really complement each other well, aqua on blue; would have been nice to see white as the content background. The banner is simple, and adorable! I like it.

    An All Time Low fanfiction, I don't mind that at all. Though I don’t read many fanfics about them, I have a couple of times. But that was a year or so ago.

    Anyways, when I read the beginning of the first chapter, I was confused. Because you started to explain what has happened with the characters, and I was thinking, “Wait… I don’t know these characters yet!” And that was when I noticed it was a sequel! (Comment Swap brought me here) The relationship you portrayed between Zack and Cassandra, is realistic, which I like. I usually read stories where the relationship is too good to be true, so this was a big door opener for me. Haha.

    Haha, I love Jack, he is my favorite, such a hyper bastard. I see you kept him in character, I like that very much. And it was exciting near the end when Jordan and Cassie decided to sneak up on the guys. I enjoyed of what I’ve read so far. Good job!
    June 17th, 2012 at 04:08am
  • Nathan Sykes.

    Nathan Sykes. (100)

    I'm not a huge All Time Low fan, so I inwardly groaned when comment swap brought me here. But I was grateful it wasn't another fangirl who loves Alex story. I like the chill attitudes Zack and Cassandra have towards each other. I was saddened when you left them as broken up, but I'm sure you'll end up putting them back together. I'm certainly curious to see how it happens. That being said, I do feel there could be more detail and/or character development. It sometimes feels hard to keep up with at some points. But great job otherwise :)
    June 17th, 2012 at 02:09am
  • Anthem.

    Anthem. (100)

    United States
    I'm glad that Jordan did that. Personally though, i think i might have held it off. then again you know i haven't been in any situations like that. I do love me that word legit. you know me so well. oh man, i do get violent when people do that. i do play. I must be a mind reader. Lex has to stop with those thoughts, its going to kill him in the end. YEAH MAN! I DID THE All Time Low SYMBOL! Tattoos really do make me get lost in thought, thinking about them in general. Of course he would come home and bring food. Yeah we should let him settle for a little bit and give Jordan time of what exactly to say because as conceded as Lex is he is very fragile. Realistic relationship i want. He does make me laugh. that comment was good. Their relationship is so cute. i want it. i want it all. Of course beer, ah typical Alex. i'm laughing as i can visualize the awkwardness in the room. that is a big problem. how can she bring it up? SEE! THAT'S WHAT SHE WOULD LIKE TO THINK! NO NO *shakes head* ITS NOT GOING TO BE LIKE THAT. Yeah, i would too, i'm a VERY curious person.OH MY GOSH! I do the exact same thing. if you bring something up and don't finish it i will not stop annoying the person until i know. I imagine as Jordan is quickly jumbling the topic she is moving her head and then she rubs the back of her neck with her hand. awe, 'seemed like he almost knew what she was about to say' that made my heart break because i feel like Alex's (heart) is already slightly cracking at this point. She didn't really kiss him though so i don't see how its that bad. He's totally taking that out of proportion. he needs to stop. i'm not even at the preheat of the fight. i think that's really arrogant the way Lex worded that "someone other than me" like i know some guys may say that but i don't like that phrase. i'm surprised that he didn't ask who it was almost immediately. that shocks me. I'd be getting mad along with Alex. cause that is bullshit like I've said. did I really start it?? i don't remember. the news had sunk in for her or for him?? throw this one at you Alex: what gives you that excuse when you're on tour to kiss other girls?? hm, same question. DESPERATELY MY ASS! I WOULD NOT BE LIKE THAT! ID BE YELLING TOO! she paused because it seemed so surreal that he was actually yelling at her because of this. EXACTLY! HOW IS THAT OKAY?! HYPOCRITICAL! That's really interesting. why is he more concerned with this than when she slept with John (one of his BEST friends). COMPUTERS ARE EXPENSIVE! FUCK NO! Bipolar enough for you Alex. that was weak. a knuckle sandwich Nikki?! i know you're very nice and all but ah, that just make me laugh. now, if I meet Kellin Quinn and really talk to him, i don't know. that's a different story. YEAH MAN! He does need to get that through his thick skull. i mean hes a man not a teenager anymore. handle it like an adult. I have another question, how does Kellin having a child have anything to do with Jordan hating Alex?? WHAT A DRAMA QUEEN! SHUT UP ALEX! Now you're just being really annoying. Jordan seems to trust him WAY TOO MUCH for all that she knows he does but if she makes one fatal mistake then shes always called out. that's not fair at all. i'm REALLY not liking that Nikki! A strong relationship on one side doesn't make a good relationship. exactly, the younger you are the more professional you need to seem because people are still going to treat you like a kid. Spencer Reid, criminal minds is a prime example, hehe. i love that show. *smiles* i don't like how i'm sorta acting defenseless though. its weird to me. work after all of that?? damn, what a trooper. just to let you know, tattoo artists don't have their own room. there's a back lounge usually though. every employees areas are out in the open. i feel self centered right now. i'm calling my friend and then hear that her voice sounds like shit i want to ask about how she is doing first. yeah, that's a lot to take in and its not even the first time ago around about them fighting. i mean they always fight about the same thing, Alex and Jordan. are they really broken up though?? because in the previous chapter Alex didn't say anything about them breaking up and even so they share an apartment. cant really go far from that?? besides living with the parents. who is to say?? i mean they TOXIC together. maybe they do need to break up. AH! SEQUEL IDEA! Hm, well that sucks. poor Jordan *sad face* i dont think her life really was perfect, it depends on what she calls perfect though. this whole thing sucks. damn, her life.
    June 9th, 2012 at 11:16pm
  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    I hate to start off on a negative note, but I did feel that both the disclaimer and the links to character pics in the summary were unnecesary. The character page was created just for character information and pictures. Disclaimers are not required on this site, and since this is labeled as fanfiction, it's safe to assume that you do not own any characters that I may recognize.

    Moving on to the actual content of the story, I really enjoyed the laidback tone of the story. It's been a while since I've read something that's not crazy intense or crazy dramatic, so this was definitely a refreshing break for me.

    I thought the relationship between Zack and Cassandra came across as very realistic. I also enjoyed the witty banter between the characters towards the end of the first chapter, and I thought the conversations between them flowed very naturally.

    My only concrit as far as the actual content goes is that, as someone who isn't familiar with the fandom, I felt like I wasn't able to get a grasp on the characters at all because there wasn't really a ton of character development or description in this piece. Granted, I am aware that this is fanfiction, so the majority of people that read this are going to know who you're talknig about, but that isn't always the case, especially if you're exposing the story to other people through comment swaps and the like. My suggestion would be to give the story more appeal to those outside the fandom so that they'll be able to comprehend and enjoy the story.

    Overall, I feel like this fic has great potential, and I wish ou luck as you continue working on it :)
    June 9th, 2012 at 09:10pm
  • carriesometimes

    carriesometimes (100)

    United States
    Honestly I found your story with comment swap and was so happy to see it was an All Time Low fic. I love All Time Low and rarely come across a Zach fanfic. That being said as soon as I read your summary I was so excited to actually read it i couldn't wait. First,on a really not huge note I really love your background. It's really nice and doesnt take away from the story or make it impossible to read. Besides that your story flows really nicely and there were little mistakes just a few little things that arent a huge deal and can be fixed quite easily just by reading it over. :) I really loveyour story and thought it Was really cute and good story. I already subscribed and can't wait to read the rest. Good job, :)
    June 9th, 2012 at 05:48am
  • Anthem.

    Anthem. (100)

    United States
    I still cant get over the fact that you named the chapter perfect girlfriend. ah. I wish Zack would hold me like that. i wouldn't mind at all. *smirks* Like I said before, Cass should know Zack by now and know that he doesn't like to make big scenes or be the center of attention. all you have to do is watch an All Time Low interview. YEAH SHE NEEDS TO TELL HIM! O0O0O0O I'm kinda really nervous about the fight between them. how would he find out before he told her then?? ME EITHER! Once I wake up I cant go back to sleep what so ever. i wouldn't feel like I would be wasting time though. awe, that's a cute image in my head. Zack hugging a pillow and smiling. awe, adorable. that's even more adorable. how would he sleep when they were on tour then?? shes not there then. Everything Zack does right now is adorable to me. AH! and he got worried. i want to marry this side of him. I LOVE Ketchup on my eggs too. we're soul mates, lol. just kidding. a girl can dream though. HAHA alone time?? you know quite truthfully if my long time boyfriend was on the road a lot and i hadn't seen him for a year i don't think id want to watch movies all day if you know what i'm saying *wink wink* i'm imagining the scene on the couch and smiling to myself! whats up with the pillow always being there?? MMHM! Sexy men in a photo shoot! WELL HELLO TO YOU TOO ALEXANDER THE GREAT! Bitch! Alcohol is not going to solve the problem Alex dear. you should know that. he must look like a madman right now. HE IS NOT PRISSY! HES A NICE MAN! (Due Date, watch it, this would make a lot more sense and be way funnier). *furious face now* WHO GIVES YOU THE FUCKING RIGHT TO SAY THAT STUFF?! CALLING YOUR GIRLFRIEND A SLUT?! FUCK NO! THAT WOULD NOT HAPPEN! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO A) BASH A BAND LIKE THAT AND B) HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU CHEATED ON YOUR GIRLFRIEND VS HER CHEATING ON YOU?! 5 OR SO TO 2! HM! THINK ABOUT THAT DOUCHE BAGEL! OH! Its also wrong the way Cassandra worded that too "oh you found out?" who says that?! Ah! I don't want to say this but i can see where hes coming from with the what kind of friend are you. why would they ever laugh at him though? and how did Alex find out in the first place?? I love how it goes from happy to drama, bravo for messing with my emotions Nikki! *little glare* he is going a little overboard for not knowing the whole story. that sounds really bad when Alex words it that way! the whole what he thinks the story is. i can see how he'd feel betrayed. TEARS! YOU'RE MAKING HIM CRY?! I MAY CRY!! Hold down the fort Cass! haha that made me laugh. You're calling one of your best friends a fucker?! Whats wrong with you?! DAMN! He's in denial about everything, that's why hes acting like that. ah! kinda poor Alex THOUGH that gives him NO FUCKING EXCUSE to act like that! FUCK YEAH! HE NEEDED THAT REALITY CHECK SLAP! CRYING ALEX AGAIN! AWE! POOR BABY! I LOVE YOU! I'm sure Zack woke up to quite a lovely sight *smiles sarcastically* AH! You cant do that Lex! Tell people how you're feeling! sing about it god dammit! SEE! He's too stubborn to want to know the whole story because hes insecure right now and that's what it really comes down too! he feels like his girlfriend cheating on him is not only a slap in the face but that shes "looking for other men" when in reality shes not and that really hurts guys ego even though they don't want us to know that. I feel bad for him even though i don't want to. Is Zack thinking that I cheated too?? whatever. a lot of emotional drainage in me now. I WOULDN'T DO THAT TOO YOU! GOT THAT RIGHT! Awe, insecure Alex. Just to let you know from personal experience Kellin is short. hes not that much taller than me, maybe a couple of inches and i'm 5'4" i do love me some chest tattoos on men, its kinda sexy although I find all tattoos sexy. i need a man like that. You know whats kinda getting me angry?? the fact that Cassandra isn't telling him that Jordan only did it to make girls back off of all of them so they could have fun. I know its kinda not her place, but still Cass should stick up for her friend. AND Alex cant make it seem that hes never done wrong either when hes cheated on Jordan more than enough times. He's kissed PLENTY of more girls than Jordan has guys. Its like this Jordan isn't tired of Alex she's tired of all of Alex's bullshit. AHHH! MORE OF DIFFERENT PEOPLE DRAMA! I would hate if someone called me the perfect girlfriend and i had cheated and my boyfriend didn't know. why would alex say that in front of Zack "why cant i be dating you" like he doesnt even want to go out with Jordan. what a douche. and then Cass is getting uncomfortable and shes like "really, you can stop now" see, i thought she cheated on Zack before with Jason, but then i looked back and they were broken up when she hooked up with Jase. OH! SHE IS FUCKED! After Zack complimenting her in every way and then Alex too. FUCKED! Oh and then Zack has to go in and bring the "i'm so glad we were in an arranged marriage" ALEX IS COMPLETELY DISSING ME! WHAT THE FUCK?! He's like "i wish i could have something like that" first of all Lex is way different than Zack and because Alex and Jordan have VERY similar personalities they clash for dominance a lot. Zack is a backseat quiet guy and Alex needs to be the center of attention quite a lot. AWE! I can feel the heartbreak that's about to come. The love in Zack's eyes. no, i don't want him to hurt. hes too fragile. and then he doesn't hear her the first time and thinks that shes playing around with him. NO ONES PERFECT ALEX! PERFECTION DOESN'T EXIST BECAUSE PERFECTION IS DIFFERENT IN THE EYES OF EVERY SINGLE INDIVIDUAL ON THIS EARTH! Wow, what a speech that was Alexander and then leaving right after saying that, bravo yet again. he is right though. people are going to disappoint sometimes. she should not be looking at the floor, but straight into his eyes. THOUGH you cant expect him to not be angry and forgive immediately. that is a lot to digest. awe, i just kinda feel bad for everybody but then i don't. if that makes any sense. YOU LEFT IT LIKE THAT?! HOW COULD YOU?! BLASPHEMY! YOU BLEW MY SOCKS RIGHT OFF! I NEED MORE CHAPTERS LIKE THIS! GREAT! I'm proud and knew you could do this chapter amazingly. (:
    June 3rd, 2012 at 03:11am
  • Anthem.

    Anthem. (100)

    United States
    Chapter Ten: Ah, surprise party at Isobel and Peter's house! I'd love to know them and the boys when they were in high school. damn me for only being sixteen right now. i'm sure they wouldn't want to perform unless it was karaoke and they were extremely drunk. AWE! ANA'S COMING HOME! YAY FOR JACK! i'm glad she is going to stay for the story now. to the airport all alone?? she could get hurt. you know what i love?? the fact that Jack and Cassandra used to be a couple and now they are all affectionate but its okay because they are just the best of friends. awe, that's adorable, her and Zack. POOR LEX! *sad face* you shouldn't have said no one Cass, but that's just my point of view. i adore small cars so much. they make me smile. not clown car small though, that doesn't make me smile. blindfolding them?! really?! then they'll know that they have a surprise coming. AWE THAT IS JUST ADORABLE! I CANT HELP IT! One year is a long time to be without someone. i don't think that i could ever do that. and then the little side conversation with Zack and Cass, just beautiful. REALLY?! THAT RUINED IT! SHES GOING TO WAIT UNTIL HE'S DRUNK?! *shakes head in disappointment* i thought better of you Cassandra. this is not right.
    Chapter Eleven: Was everyone really that drunk that they got into a conversation about which bears look cuter?? that is adorable though, the thought of them arguing about that. personally, I'm more of a panda bear fan. they are just the cutest. COCK BLOCKER! that makes me laugh when someone says or does it. even though Jack's only blocking the conversation from happening. Where'd i go?? did i just randomly go home?? okay then. I'm hoping that no one was heavily intoxicated then behind the wheel so that there would be no accidents even though there wasn't one. we aren't encouraging drunk driving Nikki! TUMBLR! MY LOVE! of course she would drop her phone. damn, i'm now famous. i'm in an article. there are A LOT of pictures of me and Kellin kissing?! FUCK YEAH! AWESOME! If only this were reality, well a girl can dream. i do wonder what is going to happen to me though, i mean Alex is a jelly type. THAT IS STEREOTYPICAL! Of course you make him Asian. why cant he be black or something?? haha lol, i'm just playing with you. I don't have a twitter, but whenever i'm on tumblr I see some of Zack's post from twitter and fall in love with him even more. awe, hes so perfect sometimes. I think its kinda stupid of her how if the article was still up that he wouldn't read it. it involves him. that's why you always make sure that you exit out of things. Zack isn't a confrontational kind of guy. hes not going to yell at someone. He's more quiet about mostly everything. so yeah, I did expect him to act that way. he trusts her even though he shouldn't because she did cheat on him again when indeed she cheated she should have immediately told him. you know what Zack was thinking, he didn't just want to cuddle. FUCK! That's when you know you have some deep guilt to deal with. she shouldn't have gotten drunk at Jason's party in the first place, that's all i have to say. I DON'T WANT TO READ ABOUT ZACK MAYBE CRYING! I MIGHT CRY TOO! OH MY GOSH! There is a guy code so what if Zack gets to Alex before "I" can?! that would be horrible. I need to know what happens to me and Alex! IT IS URGENT! I NEED MORE OF THIS!
    May 26th, 2012 at 11:39pm
  • Anthem.

    Anthem. (100)

    United States
    Chapter Seven: I'm not even going to comment about how short this chapter is. OF COURSE SHE HAD SEX WITH HIM! yeah, you forget Zack, Cassandra?? hmm. not to good. he kinda should hate you, at least for a little bit. i know that she was drunk but sometimes that isn't an excuse and she shouldn't have gotten drink in the first place. I agree. i think it'd be worse to sleep with someone that your fiance did know rather than a stranger. man, hit and run is a harsh move but i guess i understand. if Cass didn't remember how did Jason know he slept with her?? wow, i am not giving the best advice right now. never make it seem like nothing happened or it'll bite you in the ass. either way it isn't going to be good when he finds out and the longer you keep it from Zack, the worse. awe, well isn't john being very mature. i love that to death. you don't even know. AWEZIESS!! BEST FRIENDS FOREVER POWERS!! WE SHOULD DO A PHOTO SHOOT!! we have pretty awesome lives as besties. hmm, this really think of how the others perceive me. my character that is. haha the last three words of the chapter. what a nice ending you up in there.
    Chapter Eight: The only think she can do no is be calm about everything. but she really does need to tell him. awe, that is so cute, the way they interact to one another is adorable. how would he know how the party sounded like?? of course Jack would do that. what the jokester. one more week until all the drama starts. man, that sucks. i'd actually really want to know what goes in jack's head. i'd really love to get into photography, but we have a not so good teacher at our school that teaches it. i might get more into it though. i want an old Polaroid camera. OH NO YOU DID NOT! SLEEPING WITH SIRENS! MY LIFE! KELLIN IS ONE SEXY TWENTY-SIX YEAR OLD! Awe, my babies. so cute. J to the third, Gabe, and Kellin. You really cant blame Cass for having those thoughts, but i do agree after the last stunt. . . shouldn't be doing that. REALLY JASON?! BACK THE FUCK UP! YOU'RE NEVER GOING TO GET HER! ZACK IS JUST. . . *dreamy sighs* SEX! I find what he's doing there very unprofessional. like he's going into her work while she's working and wanting to talk to her. just how i feel.
    Chapter Nine: WE'RE THE THREE BEST FRIENDS THAT ANYONE COULD HAVE! o0o0o0 she got some numbers. I'm sure you gave me Kellin's number so i could stalk him. HAHA LOL! Is it just me or did i get disgusted at the fact that he came to her job and came with flowers. maybe its just the fact that i don't like him that doesn't help either. AWKWARD TURTLE! you know what i just thought about?? she just cheated on her fiance. HER FIANCE! WHAT THE FUCK! OF COURSE SHE WONT FEEL THAT WAY YOU HOMEWRECKER! I thought that he worked at that ice skating rink?? does he have two jobs now?? him name is Jason Carson. wow. didn't remember that. his parents must have not liked him. that really awkward to me that they're talking about sex with different girls and they just had sex with one another. I would not want to keep those flowers mam'. WHY is it that I can imagine Jesse and Jack doing that?? damn, i love those boys. AWE *blushes* I kissed Kellin Quinn Bostwick on the cheek! SCORE! ENGAGED TO KELLIN?! EVEN BETTER! LOL! They're not married yet Nikki! THERE'S STILL SOME HOPE! I can never take that game seriously anymore. bobbin and bobbin and bobbin. think about it. Justin is sooooo adorable, i agree. WHAT?! WHO IS WATCHING HER?! YOU BETTER TELL ME RIGHT THIS INSTANT! YEAH! I really do love this story Nikki, you're doing a great job. *smiles*
    May 13th, 2012 at 10:50pm
  • Low_Tolerance

    Low_Tolerance (100)

    United States
    Yay for longer chapters. (:
    May 11th, 2012 at 11:56pm
  • june1998

    june1998 (100)

    this is amazing update soon please!!!<3
    May 5th, 2012 at 04:06pm
  • Anthem.

    Anthem. (100)

    United States
    Chapter Five: Oh, its just a party. nothing goes wrong at a party. *raises eyebrows in disbelief* We are going to be great girlfriends. or we just seem like really bad ass girlfriends. Random side comment: I agree with Garrett. someone was talking about fan fiction and he was like " at least it makes us sound cooler than we are." i was like "TOO PRECIOUS!" back to the story, that would totally be me. id be like you gonna cry now?? *laughs* Awe, daddy time. Does she ever see or speak to her mom again?? her daddies name is Viktor. that makes me laugh for some reason. third daughter status?? that is amazing. How old was Kelsey when Admiring started?? five?? and how old is she now?? There's not really a lot to say about this chapter. its more of a filler type of chapter. it was good though. like always. *smiles*
    Chapter Six: I already know that something bad is going to happen and I know I'm not going to like it. If only it were reality what some of us write. I'd love to have Alex and John in the palm of my hand. Zack *inserts dreamy sigh* awe, hes so adorable. did you know his birthday was yesterday?? like i said only poly, I want a dress next time. How did you know that i wanted Alex to be just like that?? You seriously have some amazing powers. that would be me at the party, the drunk, but you know i would probably be an awesome drunk. not those annoying ones that wont shut the hell up. I'm pretty sure i wouldn't kiss anyone in my eye range. I LOVE ME IN YOUR STORY!! Alex needs to stop being like her daddy. you are giving me so many ideas for You Had Me At Hello its not even funny. Yeah that's what the story is called, just to let you know.GRODY! That is so demeaning. why do guys think that we cant see them looking at our chests. Imma get myself out of that awkward situation. OH MY GOD! JOHN! REALLY?! I cant seem to get a break! how does Jason even know John. he's not that cool. Man, where did his manners go?? out the window with the beers?? HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT TOO?! I talk with my hands too whenever I'm trying to get my point across too. that is so weird. you know me oh so well then. *smiles* WHAT THE FUCK NIKKI?! NO YOU DID NOT MAKE THAT HAPPEN!! STOP!! You think this girl if she was thinking of Zack she would be like "fuck no, this isn't Zack and this is really wrong!" maybe shes sexually frustrated, but that is no excuse. Shes going to end up sleeping with him. I can feel it. I'm not happy Nikki and you should know that.
    April 22nd, 2012 at 07:07pm
  • Anthem.

    Anthem. (100)

    United States
    Chapter Three: haha the awkwardness of it all. I'll let Jenn have Garebear this time, only because I have Alexander. Awesome that you know I don't like ginger ale. That shit is nasty to me. OH NO SHE DID NOT!! making out on the couch already like that?! NO MAM WE ARE NOT GOING TO HAVE THAT!! LOL! Well well well, John and I. I don't know how that is going to go but i'm sure that you will make it perfect. Its gettin hot in here so take off all your clothes, that's what Kenny made me think of. CHECK OUT THIS GIF --><-- you'll love it. I LOVE LANKY MEN! AH! *dreamy sigh* Dick in face. haha. well damn, that didn't sound like a happy conversation between the two. I LOVE LOVE LOVE THAT SONG!! Its one of my all time favorites.
    Chapter Four: So it was a year ago when that happened?? you need to give more more of a background story on that. speaking of the story you are making me want to start it right now. i already have some planned out chapters and many outfits on poly made. John and Alex both want me, well hot damn, i must be sexy, haha lol. but wow, what a sort of douche. desperate seems like the wrong word in my eyes. i don't know. I mean John kinda has a point though. he cheated on her whats stopping him from doing it again. and i don't think hes so secure around her finger. just my point of view. ICE SKATING! oh my gosh, i don't even want to begin. I SUCK (understatement) at ice skating. you don't even want to know. wow cheating or flirting goes both ways now doesn't it Jordan. wow that was really weird to type because its my name. well Jason seems to have a nice job *rolls eyes and laughs sarcastically* I am a size seven, how did you know that??we just know things about each other. I can imagine that look now that i'm supposed to be giving. I hope Jason does not confess his love or some bull like that. we don't need that. he needs to leave forever. LOVE THIS!! (:
    April 1st, 2012 at 06:00pm