The Plan - Comments

  • In less than a year it'll mark one year since this has been updated and I am sad
    December 4th, 2014 at 01:36am
  • WOW HI MY NAME IS SIMONE AND I AM THE WORST COMMENTER EVER??? Um yeah I'm sorry about that but I'm commenting now and hey better late than never, right? You always have this thing with all of your updates where you tell so much and are very thorough about what's going on and yet you don't really give much away at all. I know how your brain works too so I know you're hiding big plans but alas I'm not psychic (unfortunately) and I don't know what you're up to. I hope to find out soon!!! This is a bad comment I'm sorry I'll add a legitimate one ASAP but I'm about to work on an update for you while my brain is semi-functioning so what're ya gonna do, you know?
    December 24th, 2013 at 03:41am
  • The first thing I have to say about this 5,999 word monster is holy shit.

    The second thing I have to say about this 5,999 word monster is HOLY FUCKING SHIT YOU AND ANDY ARE FUCKING FINALLY TOGETHER IT TOOK LONG ENOUGH OH MY GOD??

    When Andy was being an asshole about like,'Oh hey I was drunk so it's like nbd stop bein a lil bitch' I wanted to kick his face in and tbh I still kind of do. Like, I'm very very happy that you two are together now but honestly it's because you are happy, not because of him. I've got my eye on you, Andrew Trick. Sleep with one eye open.

    The third thing that I have to say is that I think the length of this chapter really proves how sincere it all was, you know? It's like, I could feel your pain as I was reading and having to picture you crying broke my heart into a thousand tiny little pieces. With the way you just described everything it just, ugh. I'm obsessed with how you wrote it.

    The fourth is what I was saying earlier. I fucking love how for you, having a hair color "that could possibly be natural" is head-turning and concerning for everyone and how you knew it would draw so much attention, so you did it for that reason.


    SIXTH on the list is I'm very very curious for the next couple (or three? I believe there are two more steps to your master plan but I very well could be wrong) steps!!! Those chapters tend to be my favorite and I do believe this beast of an update is a premium example as to why.

    My final point is that I once again point out that I'm super excited that you're officially in a relationship woohoo!! It's incredible and I'm sure there are lots of cute moments and drama to ensue from this point onward buaha.
    June 4th, 2013 at 04:13am
    May 28th, 2013 at 08:54pm
  • aiuydfsdhjfkgdifyughjkvsdfciuvhjkeradfgukhjrgdfsouyhjkaewdfso biudyknvachjrbjvaydzcghg

    okay okay I had to let that out of my system okay we are good.

    Jesus Christ Kelly I am actually, legitimately convinced that you have made it a personal goal to kill me because this update was so cute I do believe I am now dead on the inside.

    Obviously it was cute for selfish reasons (Ex: 'Mike kissed Simone's cheek gently', 'Mike smiled down at her', 'Mike tucked a piece of hair that had fallen out of her bun behind her ear before they both turned back to the book'!!!) and I'm unfortunately the most hopeless romantic you'll ever meet so that made me happy.

    Also though you and Andy are SO fucking perfect together (Ex: "I am yours Kelly and I always will be, even when you don't want me anymore" ((why wouldn't you want him?))) and I ship you two so hard and I will continue to until the day I die. Your text just now of,"It's all part of the plan" makes me nervous though bc I'd think that you asking to be alone with him would be nbd but then again I could be totally misunderstanding which happens a lot.

    Anyway the point is I love this so so much and I'll shut up because now I've got to write my second update and I guess we're racing so okay go!!!!!!
    May 27th, 2013 at 04:29am
  • First of all, I'm so sorry this is a billion years late. :*

    Second of all I'm freaking out because there is literally nothing more perfect than this story, that last update in particular. I can't even deny that as I stood in line to see letlive. I pulled the update up on my phone because I was so excited to find out what was going to happen and I also cannot deny that I smiled to myself like a twat when Mike and I were kissing and I just DIED okay does this mean we're officially back together because I think at that point all my anger and bitter feelings would melt away (although that realistically would've happened ages ago).

    I think now that I can breathe and kiss Mike all I want (wow that's amazing to say tbh) my main focus is getting you and Andy to be officially together because I mean I know you guys are p much together and you act like it but for some reason the fact that there's no clarification of your relationship is bothering me to no end and forgive me if I am wrong but I do believe that's a step, right? I'm sure I'd be willing to help with whatever to make that happen. For sure.
    April 2nd, 2013 at 01:30am

    Okay. Now that I've gotten THAT out of my system (ahjdhfbiuaghjkd) I can speak. Sort of.

    I'm so excited I don't really know what to say actually but there are two things I can for sure tell you.

    The first is that if you ignore Andy again I will run after you and kick your ass because he's so sweet and he fights asshole exes for you and gets all bloody for you and then just comes up and fucking kisses you right on the mouth and does not possess a single flying fuck as to who sees and that is so amazing so don't be ungrateful.

    The second is that it's seriously stressing me out how much I miss Mike and I know this is just a story but my actual real life heart is aching because we're close physically but mentally and emotionally we're not at ALL and that hurts so I am extraordinarily excited for the next couple days so. You know. Thank you. x
    March 6th, 2013 at 05:27am
  • Tears. Screams. Cries. Shakes. Dies.

    Okay so first off, I'm incredibly happy we are once again updating yes this is good yes very good indeed very dandy and good and great and fantastic and exhilarating and even d) all of the above!!!

    Okay so anyway that was irrelevant um okay so I'm going to try to stay calm and be clear but you know I just type as I think and I don't really think straight so be prepared to read this comment a million times over so you can make sense of it all.

    Second of all, I'm really curious about this Dillon character. I know he was hardly mentioned and didn't even have a cameo as an actual character but, hey, I am sensing that he is in fact a very sensitive subject to a certain individual and I'm almost hoping that more light will be shed on the subject because there's always the high chance that Kelly's past with this Dillon asshole is highly affecting her and Andy's current relationship friendship thingy they've got and I want things to be smooth sailing for the two lovebirds okay.

    Third, Simone is a bitch because I mean wow she should have just accepted his apology and the flowers and the looks and the guilt and the FEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLSSSSSSS. Sure there was the thing where Mike was being a bastard for no reason and he kissed her best friend and then you know flipped her off and was being rude when he shouldn't have been but I am a firm believer that he is genuinely and sincerely sorry and if Simone feels like being a ho and acts like there's even more he needs to do for forgiveness then that's stupid. (So the thought just crossed my mind that oh hey Simone never said that he needed to do more in order for her to forgive him this is all Kelly''s plan hence the title The Plan and Simone didn't have anything to do with it at all but I typed all that out and I didn't want good effort to go to waste so I'm leaving it but HEY just scratch all that out and act like it's irrelevant because it is and I'm an idiot O.K.)
    September 9th, 2012 at 04:09am
  • Wow okay wow.

    I don't even know what to say right now. No words. Words cannot be spoken. Words cannot express my love for this.

    I think this is one of my favorite chapters. I got find of teary eyed and especially the end hurt when you talked about his wet hair and I pictured it wet and then I remembered how I commented on how I liked it but he probably thought I was being a sarcastic little bitch wow shocker like I've never been told that before wow okay irrelevant moving onward.

    I still kind of hate myself for not immediately forgiving him. As a female who is in the position I understand the hesitance. However, as I believe I mentioned earlier, Mike could easily have his way with me and I'd be pathetic and suck it up. I'm usually good at holding grudges but with him I feel like they'd melt fairly easily, especially if he got me my two favorite flowers.

    I'm wondering if your other steps for the new plan are thrown of because you didn't know I had a cold storage unit where my heart should be (YES that was a Scream 2 reference holler) or if the rest of the steps were planned in case I didn't forgive, or if they were going to happen no matter how step one went? My questions. I want answers.
    July 3rd, 2012 at 07:37am
  • Please excuse me while I cry.

    I was in a sensitive state as it was and I just watched the season premiere of Awkward so I'm dying because first I was SOOOO Team Matty and then Jake came along and Matty was a douche and then in the beginning of this episode I felt so bad for him but then he hooked up with Sadie so now I'm back to Team Jake what the fuck this is irrelevant and I sound like a fourteen year old girl.

    OKAY MIKE YOU LITTLE FUCKING CUTIE WANTING TO APOLOGIZE TO ME IN PRIVATE. He knows me so well. I don't know man, I'm a little freaked out because that sounds super uncomfortable and weird but knowing you it'll be perfect just like you awW.

    I know this is a short comment and I thoroughly apologize for that but I just remembered I have a doctor's appointment in the morning and I should definitely be sleeping right now. YOOUUUU should hurry up and work on that next chapter because all your updates are perfect and they're especially perf when you're excited about them and I feel like the next chapter will be correct with this.

    I will update tomorrow hopefully in the morning when I perfect my outline. Maybe a double update if I can coax you into giving me that apparently uber exciting chapter tomorrow because I have the patience even a three year old kid with a sugar rush can beat.
    June 29th, 2012 at 08:13am
  • Oh.





    Another plan. I don't think my heart can take it.

    None of this shit is even real and those fans still made me feel uncomfortable. I mean hello Mike is SUPER private and quiet kind of like how I am so the fact that fans can still find shit like that out, let alone that they have the guts to say anything seriously freaks me out and makes me feel super awk. I love how you put the bit of me making a fab face in the background is incredibly accurate though because I do enjoy photo bombing time to time and I certainly think creepy fangirls are up for consideration for one of those times.

    BUT MY FAVORITE PART. Yeah remember that one time when I loved your character because you finally come to the realization or at least now verbally mention that you're going to be official with Andy yeah that happened and that makes me excited however I'm not excited for the rest of your plan or rather I am quite anxious because I'm not sure how that'll go but obvi it'll be perf eventually but I'm not looking forward to the rocky parts but at the same time I am because you write drama so wELL.
    June 22nd, 2012 at 06:11am
  • Oh hey I forget to comment last night OOPS. MY BAD.

    First of all, I'm incredibly happy that (for the sake of me not getting confused while I write this, I will refer to us in third person to separate us in real life to our characters) Simone and Kelly are friends again. I hate my character so much, even though I apologized for being a bitch. I irritate myself, although I'm extraordinarily proud of myself for not falling for Mike again. I'd like to think I could stay pretty strong, as I could usually hold a grudge fairly well. Realistically speaking though it's Mike and I love him and there's a 827356% chance that if he were to do anything bad I'd still run back to him in a heartbeat with my tail between my legs because I wouldn't leave him unless he wanted me to wow okay this is pathetic and irrelevant ANYWAY.

    I understand the hesitation between you and I. However, Mike is going to need to do a hell of a lot more than be a sorry ass behind my back and covering it up by being a major asshole when I'm around and aware of him. I want a parade. Flowers. My name tattooed on his forehead in neon script. A car. Winning lottery ticket. The whole nine yards. You feelin me homequrl?

    I hope nothing goes wrong while you're in New York visiting your family. I have a feeling that it will go well, for two reasons. I feel like since you've been through so much drama with the bastard kissing you in the bathroom (which still irritates me almost more than the actual kiss. 1) Creepy 2)INSANITARY. COME ON, MAN.) and trying to figure out what's going on with you and Andy and those men all over you and me being a bitch whether I was being rational or not, that you deserve a break. I think all of those things surrounding you would in itself make you slightly more passive, if nothing else for the sake of peace and quiet for once.

    That was a run off sentence. My bad.

    Anyway, I'm looking forward to the next update as per usual! I want it soon. Now.
    June 21st, 2012 at 07:51pm
  • Okay, so I lied. I was too anxious. I will shower after I type this though.

    Ouch. I don't like me anymore. I don't like Mike. I don't like anyone. Sure, I was a massive bitch, but I don't get why Mike had to flip me off. Um, rude.

    I am also hesitant of Max, but maybe that's because I'm hesitant of anyone that gets close to you if their name isn't Andy.

    I hope you will update tonight, I am anxious to see Mike and I be um, CIVIL. Or something happening that doesn't involve middle fingers and death glares. I'll pump out a super good chapter tonight for you if you return the favor ;)
    June 21st, 2012 at 01:26am
  • Um. Ouch. Mike, harsh.

    Experimental or not, still a douchebag move. I mean I suppose I can understand but from someone who's the girlfriend I feel like I shouldn't. I could understand why he would feel the need to find out if he liked you or not because that could easily explain his attitude toward the situation between you and Andy but as I stated in the last comment it could also be because he feels super awkward about his two best friends seeing each other/hooking up or whatever you wanted to call your complicated relationship.

    I hope I don't do something drastic like seek revenge because revenge is never the anSWER OKAY. I hope I verbally slap Mike in the face or something because I kind of see it as an insult because if he was dating someone, why could be question his feelings for another girl, and most importantly, why would he have the nerve to EXPLORE these said potential feelings? Rude. But, as usual, I am looking forward to the next update because I'm curious and excited for what will happen next.
    June 6th, 2012 at 04:18am

    Dear God, Mike. I love you man, but you have to do something about your raging tits. I feel conflicted because I can understand because you're both his two best friends and it'd be weird for him but at the same time, as his best friends, he should have your best interest in mind.

    Good job on breaking your promise, though, Kell. Round of applause for you.

    I actually really liked this update for two reason: one, because I said something, and two, the aspect of the emotion in your relationship as apposed to the physical. Let's face it, you two are perfect for each other. (Just don't let Jake know winkwink.) The ending script between you both made my heart melt. You're fabulous. Get together.

    June 1st, 2012 at 04:18am
  • Wooo! That was great! I mean, Mike's being an asshole, but I'm glad she and Andy finally DID SOMETHING. And I understand you had to make Mike be an asshat, but still. Anyway, good job! Can't wait for the next update! :)
    June 1st, 2012 at 04:05am
  • Ohp ohp ohp I am WAY too excited now that this tour is happening omg MY QUESTIOOOONNSSS.

    Why is Mike being an asshole? Well not really an asshole but he's being completely abnormally uncool and not nice and it sucks because you and Andy and you and Andy and Kendy. That's your ship name. Kendy. I like it.

    I don't like Alex. I mean he seems totes chill but I have a feeling he's not and you're trying to be a sneaky little bitch and lull me into a false sense of security and then he turns around and becomes a complete tool so therefore you need to make him, you know, GO AWAY.

    I'm sorry for a short comment I suck but my ind cannot handle you lol omg.

    Also, Kelly, ily 2 bby.
    May 31st, 2012 at 04:29am
  • Hey, whoa there. First of all Simone is a fabulous name. Not really, but I'm defending my honor. I like me. I don't like how I'm all PDA with my bby Mike but hey, it's Mike Hranica and tbh, I really can't picture myself NOT being all over him.

    FIRST OF FUCKING ALL, I really like the double update. I guess I know what I'll be working on now. Vaguely irrelevant, but important to let you know nonetheless.

    Second, I'm going to apologize on my ignorant character's behalf. Ten minutes is no suitable time to get ready for a date. What monstrosity is that. Also, your outfit seems really adorable. Also, just in case you were curious, I would figure out a way to get you out of the date. Alex seemed cool and all but a) he seemed totes sus, and b) he isn't Andy. I like you and Andy together. Andy is cute. You are cute. You would be cute together.

    Simone and Mike dominated the conversation and it was adorable, as usual.
    Simone and Mike dominated the conversation and it was adorable, as usual.
    A D O R A B L E .

    Although I heavily appreciate you giving me undeserved credit for being able to hold a balanced conversation with Mike, I hope you realize that most realistically I would just stare at him in awe and let him talk.

    The end of chapter 10 made me flail and cry and scream and cry some more and shake and shutter and cause irrational things to my body until I read that you were jealous. Don't be jealous, I have a feeling Mike and I in this story aren't as smooth sailing as we appear. And jsyk, I would defend you and Andy. Don't think for a second I wouldn't slap some sense into both those boys and tell Mike to lay off and tell Andy he needs to hurry the fuck up and ask you out because you're both too dorbz for words.
    May 1st, 2012 at 06:28pm
  • UGH.


    Mike should be with Kelly, not Simone. I have something against the name Simone. It makes me feel like I should kill a puppy.

    But Kelly and Andy is a good pair too. I just don't like Simone. Anyways, your stories are just so unf.

    sweet mother of god.

    They make me stay up at night! Not that I don't mind.

    If I have misspelled any of the words, I blame the iPad.
    April 20th, 2012 at 07:29am
  • THIS STORY IS CAUSING SO MANY PROBLEMS. It's like part of me is like, Mike, bby, I love you but you need to let your best friend do what she wants, but I can understand because if something were to go wrong he'd be fucked. I just hope that won't happen, but I highly doubt that things will be smooth sailing because HEY, life sucks sometimes. Shit happens.

    Second, I hope you realize that we would make fabulous drunks and even though I don't ever see myself realistically getting drunk I like how you make me sound when I am.

    Third, you and Andy are FAR too cute together and it drives me crazy and he needs to speed shit up and ask you out so you two can be cute and official and perfect so Mike can calm his tits just a little bit.

    I can't wait for more please update ASAP xoxo
    April 20th, 2012 at 07:04am