Answer Me - Comments

  • I agree with Holmes and Watson, spaces between paragraphs and dialogue would be good, makes it easier for people to read too, but to the actual update; I really liked it!

    I'm a little disappointed that there isn't more to it but the amount of detail that you put into it and not to mention that you got the characterizations of both Spencer and Garcia down to a T, is absolutely perfect!

    Great work, I'm definitely going to be recommending this :)
    April 3rd, 2013 at 12:29am
  • So, I just read this again. I understood it a lot more now that I'm a fan and all, haha. It was sad, though... Poor Spencer!! I can't begin to imagine what he was feeling... Just... Ahhhh! I want to give him a big hug!
    July 17th, 2012 at 02:23pm
  • One thing I would recommend is spacing between paragraphs and dialouge. It's a rule on Mibba. I'm still trying to remember to follow it, haha.

    As for the story, woah, Spencer. Everything was in clear detail and I really liked it. The layout was pretty badass, as well.
    March 16th, 2012 at 04:13pm