Serendipity - Comments

  • recycledsweaters

    recycledsweaters (100)

    United States
    i wish I was kidding but i just spent like the entire night reading most of your old stories... (sleep is for the weak? i'm telling myself this my brain is mush at this point) but can i first just say what a wonderful writer you are? like seriously, i am floored and not cause i'm exhausted. that being said...

    can you write a full-length halvo story? you write him so well, this was such a heartwarming one shot to read. damn, i wish it was longer.

    also, if you get random comments throughout the day on your old stories, it's me being creepy and gushing over them.
    July 15th, 2014 at 03:30pm
  • thecitylights

    thecitylights (100)

    United States
    please update!!!!!
    January 8th, 2013 at 04:41am
  • zillyboo

    zillyboo (100)

    United States
    I ran across this and I loved it so much!!! Mostly because I love Eric so much but so good!
    March 12th, 2012 at 04:25am
  • raja sahara

    raja sahara (100)

    United States
    Oh, my God. Jenna, this is perfect!
    I'm going to try and leave a super long comment about this but my mind is so jumbled! aslkjaskj

    Okay, first! I love Eric. Like hands down, Eric is just SO adorable. And I love how persistent he is--it's exactly how I imagined him to be, you know? Like he's this goofy kid who'll do anything that he wants as long as he gets it. From just one tiny little meeting, he's obsessed with her (me...haha, i have no idea what pronoun to use :P). I would totally love that. Eric Halvorsen chasing after me. Yes, please.

    I love also how you totally got my life down man. Harry Potter, How I Met Your Mother, and the fact that I must have no boys in my life until my goal is reached. Though I don't really do the third because upon entering high school, I've given up on that dream. But Eric changed meeeeeeee. Me gusta. A good type of boy to do that. Seriously.

    Over all, I really truly loved this. This was a super cute one shot and the pacing of this was really good. As stupid as this sounds, it was a giant story mushed into one chapter (which is the definition of one shots, I guess lulz) and you didn't rush any parts and nor did you drag anything out. Plus, it was really realistic. Not everyone will just drop everything for that one boy. Some people need a lot of time to figure things out before they decide on things. And especially on things like school and anything related to your future.

    I loved this. Mucho.
    Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu <3
    March 12th, 2012 at 04:08am