Common Hour - Comments

  • morshu101

    morshu101 (150)

    United States
    I was very interested to read this and the image that you used was very appealing. I thought that it was also a little amusing to have the red background was very suiting for the story. I loved Holland, they were such a great character, and I was so sad that they died. I also loved the idea behind the story.
    June 11th, 2012 at 10:22pm
  • Lady of the Moon

    Lady of the Moon (100)

    United States
    I honestly didn't know what was going to happen when I started to read this. I had a few different theories running through my head until it was revealed that Carnell is a serial killer. I have to say that I didn't expect that when I started to read this, which is good. Smile

    I also have to say that this story reminded me a little of Criminal Minds, especially when Carnell was talking about what gets him off when he kills. I don't know if you did that with Criminal Minds in thought, but I figured I'd just mention that.

    Also, I didn't see the ending coming, where Holland gets murdered. However, I do have to say that it's really his own fault for dying. But he could also be doing his job, well, former job. But up until the knife was brought into the story, I didn't see Holland dying at the end.

    It was a rather interesting read, this genre not one that I read often on Mibba, or see often on Mibba for that matter. You did a wonderful job, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Smile

    June 11th, 2012 at 03:36am
  • jcov

    jcov (100)

    United States
    OMGGG I SEE STARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay.. spazz attack = over. This song is amazing and when I first found out that The Common Hour inspired you, I didn't know what to expect. I don't think the story is weird at all. It's... different, but I freaking love it. Well, is it weird to think Carnell's last comment hilarious? I most certainly chuckled. The peaches comparison to "peeling skin" is just so epic and thoughtful of you. At one point, I was so freaked out by it, that this Joey Carnell guy is some what of a freak. Well, I think he is clever and creative :D But poor doctor... he did see it coming though. A serial killer with a knife... yeah he's pretty much dead.

    It's so clever of you to come up with this. I'm so glad that something like this come from an amazing song (I never could imagine a story like this from listening to The Common Hour)
    Great job on it, mate!
    March 16th, 2012 at 12:54pm