Glad You Came - Comments

  • jcov

    jcov (100)

    United States
    LOL. Well I hope you don't mind me commenting, but I believe that Bob Arthur would have been a kick ass name fo the baby!!! And aww Preston is soooo sweet. Well I know that she have reasons to push him away but did she honestly think that she can handle the child all on her own? Also, it's kinda messed up how she will proceed to raise a child fatherless... it's really selfish of her to care mostly about herself and how she's been burned by guys before.... but she didn't think about the baby and how he would have turned out when he doesn't have a father. Either way, I'm so damn clad that Preston somehow found out and showed up in the hospital room.

    LOL Preston is such a boss, disguising himself as Ander to get in the hospital room :D And it's kinda sad that the two did it drunk and at some lame party... but I'm so glad that she finally lets up.... well, she did put up hell of a fight to push him away.

    Great story <3
    March 17th, 2012 at 04:36pm