Poisoned Magnolias - Comments

  • For some reason the mystery dude reminded me of the guy with the Cape in sailor moon. I'm horrible with names :(

    Anyhow, amazing story. Nice to see something back in the medieval times without game of thrones. Liking it so far and can't wait for more!
    April 5th, 2013 at 07:22am
  • This mysterious looming feel of death following lestat around is a bit depressing, but intersting as well.. Hmm... I wonder if death will come soon for him of if something will change this upcoming event.. Hmm... Now I really know what's killing lestat, but what about mystery dude? Hmm... Still an awesome story. Good chapter. Smile
    October 12th, 2012 at 09:12pm
  • I had forgotten about this.. Just a little xD but it's still ass good as I remember ^^ hmm.. So it is known to all that they are alive.. Well celeste/lestat at least for a little while, two weeks right? Hmm... I wonder if/how that will change.. Hmmm... Also wondering what will be next in this.. Good chapter and looking forward to more. Smile
    September 25th, 2012 at 06:08pm
  • Okay so new to the story. I really like it so far, it's new, fresh and original. I like the writing style of it, the right amount of detailing and great characters. I like how things are described, how the characters are build up and how they interact with one another. I like the way the point of views are split up for this. It just fits. I like the feel to it, the events and how it's progressing so far. Hmmm.. I think there was a typo or two, but nothing to distracting. Other than that it's a good story, I'm subscribing and I'm looking forward to even more. Smile
    July 16th, 2012 at 12:22am