The Capitol's Tribute - Comments

  • ZuzuBear

    ZuzuBear (100)

    United States
    I love the story! I don't normal comment on stories but your's is really great.
    April 25th, 2012 at 09:18am
  • XoXHaysXoX

    XoXHaysXoX (100)

    United States
    Yeah, I lost some things too, it sucks... But I'm glad you got back to where you were in your story! Update soon?
    April 15th, 2012 at 11:03pm
  • XoXHaysXoX

    XoXHaysXoX (100)

    United States
    Update soon? I love it!
    April 4th, 2012 at 08:11am
  • pyrobubblegum

    pyrobubblegum (200)

    United States
    hahahaha I love this story. I'm a big fan of Finnick.
    April 4th, 2012 at 03:56am
  • mangoberry5

    mangoberry5 (100)

    Woa your story is awesome. And I think Grant would make a perfect Finnick too! The twists are awesome. I never would have guessed her strategy would be to be in love with Finnick. Three guys that all care for her, wow. UPDATE!!!!!!!
    April 4th, 2012 at 03:20am
  • teenagedream91

    teenagedream91 (100)

    United States
    It intrigues me that Cinna told Rixa that she is more meaningful or will have a greater impact than Katniss. In some way, that's how I see it and with Cinna telling her to win I know she won't try to even with him saying it. She will never kill her brother if they were the last two standing, I know Rixa would rather kill herself than do that. Anyone would be cold if they killed their own sibling. I guess I underestimated how pretty Rixa is perceived because even the stylists only complimented her not doing a thing. I love this story and cannot wait for more :D
    April 1st, 2012 at 08:00am
  • teenagedream91

    teenagedream91 (100)

    United States
    I never thought of Grant being Finnick, actually I don't really see anyone playing the characters until I see the movie ahaha then I decide if they are good enough. I must say that this chapter was short yet it held good information, people still react the same way despite Rixa living in the Capitol they still see her as one of the people in the Districts, it's common and she might get sponsors because of her status in the city, what Finnick suggested is just suicidal, having her and Brant teaming up with his careers, or maybe he wants her to die. Who knows honestly, he could be all nice and dandy with her but just want his District to win. I know this is crazy me guessing this but that's how I think of it. What Brant said about being already beautiful is true yet couldn't keep me from smiling really big, he is gorgeous and having those people's hands all over him always will overwhelm somebody. I can't wait until the Games start because that is when the real action begins. So funny that you said that you are going to watch The Hunger Games today because earlier today I did the same thing, I saw it with my friend again, it's the first time I have watched a movie twice in such a short amount of time especially since it's still in theaters. Can't wait for the next update
    March 31st, 2012 at 04:22am
  • teenagedream91

    teenagedream91 (100)

    United States
    What the fudging flip? Madge kissed Brant? I actually didn't expect that. Is it sad that I felt bad for Rixa about the whole Peeta thing thinking she should forgive him? What he did was pretty low despite him only doing it for sponsors. It just makes me wonder if one of them are going to come out alive or both of them die. Either way it's going to be sad or if they pull a Peeta/Katniss and they both won but hat happening twice in a row is more than unlikely. The Capitol wouldn't be happy about that one bit. At least she met him halfway in a sorts and listened to what haynitch had said. At least he conscious is somewhat cleared with this whole ordeal. Also her mom not seeing her? How fucked up is that? I knew she cavorts Brant but damn. Can't wait for more :)
    March 30th, 2012 at 06:39am
  • writhing

    writhing (100)

    United States

    It was so sad, though. I hate that everyone is so against Rixa's plan to bring Brant home. But honestly, if she wants to save her brother's life, then they should just comply and let her. That little moment near the end was like, bittersweet. I'm happy that Peeta and Rixa are talking again, but I know that their peace is going to be short-lived. I definitely think Peeta still loves Rixa. He's so concerned for her and hurt, and she's so oblivious to it all. Also, I thought it was sweet that Madge kissed Brant. If he comes home to District 12, I hope that they'll get together.

    Update again soon. :D
    March 30th, 2012 at 12:54am
  • writhing

    writhing (100)

    United States
    OH MY GOODNESS, THIS STORY IS AMAZING. Seriously, why doesn't this have like, a gazillion comments?
    The way you write is just so captivating and your description is just wonderful. I can picture every scenario perfectly.

    It's so terrible that Rixa and Brant were chosen as the District 12's tributes. I can't even imagine how heart wrenching it must be for her to have to fight Brant. I didn't think she could be chosen because of her status, but I guess she is still a citizen of District 12. I felt really bad for her when you introduced her now ruined relationship with Peeta. It's such a shame that she lost him to Katniss, but it seems like he still feels something for Rixa. I wonder if she would've just gotten with Gale, how different her life would be. I also liked the whole interaction with Haymitch and how he was telling her that she's the stronger competitor. I'm hoping that he'll at least give her some training before she participates in the Games.

    I'm definitely subscribing to this story, so I hope you'll update soon. :)
    March 27th, 2012 at 06:01am
  • teenagedream91

    teenagedream91 (100)

    United States
    Story so far is awwwesssoooommmmeeeee! :D Man the way you twist things around make remarkably make it work, I envy you for that power that you have. It's so hard to write something like this when everything is tightly fit together and trying to work things around if you want to follow the books plotline. I say you have done an incredible job at doing that. I can't say enough on how much I love Rixa, with the whole Capitol agreement and her living there and coming back once a year for the Reaping, excellent way of writing it. Even though I knew the siblings were going to be chosen for tributes for District 12 it still broke my heart shocked that well put you made Rixa's emotions being displayed so well. I was near tears quite honestly, I could feel her pain and knowing that only one of them out of the 24 is getting out alive, it just makes everything worse because if both of them die then the twins will have no choice but to start applying for tesserae and have bigger risk of being picked since their mother is a complete mess. Rixa should think about her younger siblings, she needs some motivation to stay alive to keep Brant alive which I am glad for that she is willing to help out. I am intrigued with Peeta's reaction, I have a hunch but I rather keep it to myself as to why he reacted that way. Makes me wonder what he's thinking and just shows he still cares about her even if he is engaged to Katniss. I cant wait to see what else you come with up for the story and how her 'training' sessions are going to work out, if she is going to do nothing when they prepare or show something so they will back off. I feel bad for that little boy in District 7, why do i have a feeling that he might become close with Rixa? Or maybe he will become close and then try to kill her when she least expects it. This is all just spewing out from excitement. I just love love love this story. Update soon! :D
    March 27th, 2012 at 02:41am
  • wilddflowers;

    wilddflowers; (100)

    United States
    Already in love with this story. <3
    March 26th, 2012 at 12:27am