Memento Mori - Comments

  • OH MY GOD.
    This could possibly be the best thing I ever read on Mibba, this is fantastic! I was gripped by the enthralling story line, perfection! It was amazing, I loved it so much, a bit gory and I'm probably going to have night mares now haha but honestly fantastic, I wish there was more, idk about another character who found a cure or saved the world, but never mind it was still great and like in real life not all story's have a happy ending and at least she got to see James again. I love how you presented her and how realistic it was, it wasn't some heroin who unrealistically kept her calm, Faye's struggles of madness and suicide shows it how it would be, and you're description, use of verbs ect was just brilliant.
    Overall amazing, phenomenal and really i'm not just saying this; wow.
    March 28th, 2012 at 08:57pm