The Random Musings of a Social Invalid - Comments

  • ForgetMe.

    ForgetMe. (100)

    United States
    Okay, Okay. So it is five in the morning here and I have a terrible head cold, which in turn, means that I have not slept in days. Not to mention the fact that this is day five of straight work on top of said head cold. So if I rant, please forgive me, doll.

    I found this to be absolutely adorable. It is written absolutely perfect and makes me feel quite at home while reading it. I also adore that this is just nonsense of the life that you are stressing out about, which most high school graduates do. I wouldn't know how to actually say that it's going to be okay, because I decided against campus classes.

    What I do know, however, is that you are going to be just fine. No-- I don't believe it's going to work out in every which way opposite from what you are expecting, but I do know that the type of person you are, you're going to make the best out of every situation.

    I adore you, doll. This was perfect and I am so excited for you to take the next journey in your life. Tell me all about it!
    March 25th, 2012 at 10:59am

    INKLET (100)

    United States
    This was a very entertaining read. Nicely articulate. I feel as if it ends abruptly, however. Perhaps another paragraph focusing on a general overview of the narrator's super anxiety would tie the bow nicely on an otherwise adorable musing.

    "This prompted an immediate anxiety attack registering at least a seven on the Richtor scale."

    I can't get enough of this line. Ahaaahahahah
    March 23rd, 2012 at 09:49pm