Chasing Shadows - Comments

  • Nice story :) maybe I just don't get around too much, but I feel like you've managed to twist away from the vampire genre which is- sadly- now mostly so overdone that it's depressing. I like that you take it from the other side: vampire hunters instead of vampires, and I'm glad to see some evil vampires, finally! I was worried for the breed; they're on the verge of extinction in the face of their sexier, more family friendly (?) counterparts. With regard to the fourth chapter, it does seem a little different from the other three, but I left a whole night of sleep eyween reading the first three as the last, so it could just be that. Regardless, it was still a good chapter, and it was nice to see what Colin was up to and what he was doing after the initial grief was over. Also something about the time lapse made me oddly excited.
    Yes. So. I enjoyed that :)
    March 27th, 2012 at 09:11am