Quiet - Comments

  • AliceBarnes09

    AliceBarnes09 (100)

    United Kingdom
    While this really isn't normally my sort of cup of tea (so to speak) I really liked it! This is a very good first chapter, well written, well laid out, and easy to read. The only improvement that I can think of to offer is the fact that instead of paragraphs you have used -? It's probably just my OCD but it makes it a little hard for me to read, however, as I said this wouldn't stop me from reading further and I am sure I will do
    July 17th, 2017 at 12:04am
  • Swsgirlx

    Swsgirlx (100)

    United Kingdom
    Hiya comment swap gave me this and I have a feeling I will be very happy they did. The only thing I can moan about it that your not using quotation mark and that makes it a little harder to read. I will definitely continue to read this as I am a big sleeping with sirens fan and would like to see if anything happens with Justin, and also why she is acting like she can't have an attraction towards Justin. I feel very fond of your main character gerda and i really like that she is not American or English. I will be subscribing as soon as I have submitted this comment
    September 18th, 2015 at 04:00pm
  • Swsgirlx

    Swsgirlx (100)

    United Kingdom
    Hiya comment swap gave me this and I have a feeling I will be very happy they did. The only thing I can moan about it that your not using quotation mark and that makes it a little harder to read. I will definitely continue to read this as I am a big sleeping with sirens fan and would like to see if anything happens with Justin, and also why she is acting like she can't have an attraction towards Justin. I feel very fond of your main character gerda and i really like that she is not American or English. I will be subscribing as soon as I have submitted this comment
    September 18th, 2015 at 04:00pm
  • Freeing Conscience

    Freeing Conscience (1445)

    Hi! Well first and foremost, I must complement you on the awesome layout. It is very modern, but has a rustic feel to it and it doesn’t take away from the story which is always good. Your grammar and spelling is superb and that is very rare to come by so A+ to you on that.

    One thing that I know the other comments have mentioned is your uses of dashes instead of quotation marks when you are writing dialogue. It makes the story look a little messy and is sometimes hard to follow.

    Other than that, I had an enjoyable time reading this and I hope that you continue writing because you have talent (:
    June 29th, 2012 at 09:22am
  • Nathan Sykes.

    Nathan Sykes. (100)

    Hello, comment swap sent me to this little number. I'll start off with some constructive criticism. Instead of dashes you need to use quotation marks when a character is speaking. The format really needs to be double spaced as it will be easier to read and you won't get in trouble. I personally feel like there could have been more detail starting off. But oyher than that good job so far doll :)
    June 29th, 2012 at 06:04am
  • Ohboy

    Ohboy (100)

    United States
    Alright, I liked this a lot. One of my favorite things about it is that Gerda is from Lithuania, most of the time people are from England or America in stories; which is fine but there is a whole world out there. One thing I had a problem with was following the dashed -- instead of quotation marks. Other than that it was an easy read. I hope you continue with it soon, I would love to see where the story is going. :)
    June 29th, 2012 at 05:52am