Abbey's Road - Comments

  • n. josten

    n. josten (1270)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    I can’t believe how heartbreaking this was! This actually just completely messed me up. I thought it was going to be this angsty story but they were going to reunite and I was so mad at Abbey in the beginning because I thought she did it for selfish reasons, but surprise?? The more the story went on, the more it all was just so heartbreaking. Every little bit of angst you added—Abbey’s pregnancy, Jimmy dying, Zacky’s drinking problem—just amplified everything for the end. It added so much power and poignancy to the ending. Especially with that entire scene where Abbey and Jimmy kept telling Zacky that he had to stay because everyone else needed him. I could feel his heart breaking but him reluctantly accepting it. I really, really like that you didn’t kill Zacky off honestly. I was really worried you were going to, but I was relieved that you didn’t. I think it’s going to hurt but I do think he’ll move on eventually.

    I also really liked your writing style! It was simple yet descriptive. I never had trouble picturing the image you wanted the readers to have. You were also so detailed in the emotions of everyone. I appreciated that you didn’t focus solely on how Abbey and Zacky were feeling even though they were the main characters, so to speak. I knew how the rest of the boys were feeling about everything, too. It helped me connect to everyone emotionally because I understood Zacky’s pain and Abbey’s guilt, but I also shared that concern and frustration the rest of the boys felt about the entire situation. Zacky’s coping mechanism were so unhealthy and I was so, so worried he was going to give up. Your writing style and how you focused on the details of things helped me really empathize.

    You did have some spelling errors and a few words missing here and there, but nothing too major. However, I did think you used the “emerald-eyed/chocolate-eyed [noun]” descriptor a little too much. It doesn’t stand out until you sit down and read everything in one go, which I did. Repetitive descriptors and sayings stand out a lot to the readers—like more than the author—when they’re reading everything in one sitting. I would kind of recommend maybe reading over it and trying to use different adjectives to differentiate between the boys rather than ‘[color]-eyed’, you know?

    Overall, this was a really well-written and heartbreaking story so good job!
    July 4th, 2017 at 08:58pm
  • losing control.

    losing control. (4250)

    Board Moderator
    The whole story was just so sad. I thought you were going to kill off Zacky too near the end there and I was like MY POOR HEART CAN'T HANDLE ANY MORE.

    I really loved the amount of emotion that was in this entire story. There was a nice range of emotions as well; even though the whole story had a sad feeling across it, in the flashbacks and through Abbey's different adventures, you really packed a whole lot of everything in every chapter. I felt like I could really relate to Zacky at the beginning, even though I haven't necessarily dealt with anything like that in my life, just from how well you wrote his emotions and thoughts. You could tell just how devastated he was, and how determined he was to go find her even though he could barely deal with everything he was feeling.

    I felt so awful for Abbey. I couldn't even imagine blaming yourself for getting something like cancer, just because she chose not to keep a baby. And having to go through getting an abortion and then getting sick it just so horrible to think about. Through that, I kind of understood why she ran away. I know if I was dealing with all of that, I wouldn't know what to do and I think you wrote her spectrum of emotions and how she was dealing with them incredibly well.

    Near the end when Abbey died, my heart completely broke for Zacky. I was really happy that they were together again, but having the person you love die in your arms is just, ugh. The tears. I liked that you often referred to how the other characters were dealing with the same thing Zacky and Abbey were, as well. Even though the two of them were obviously at the forefront of the story, you didn't just leave them out and make it seem like they weren't dealing with the impact of all of those events as well which I really appreciated.

    I also loved the last line, about how he could sort of smell Georgia peach. It made me smile even though I just wanted to cry about everything else that had gone on.

    There were a few mistakes here and there, mostly just missing words or the wrong word in different sentences, but nothing that a bit of editing couldn't fix.

    Overall I think you did a wonderful job with this story. The plot was very well thought out and executed and I couldn't stop reading because I needed to know what happened, even though it broke my heart. Great job!
    July 6th, 2016 at 07:57am
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Summary / Layout

    The layout is lovely, really unusual colours but also really nice! The summary gives a good overall description of the story and hooks the reader in well, which is always good because I hate writing summaries and I always get excited / mildly jealous when I see people who can write good summaries, haha! All in all though, clicking into the page would definitely keep my attention if I had just stumbled across this.


    I find the beginning of this story really sad, mainly because I've actually been through this. When I was younger, one of my best friends just left during the night without even so much as a word and I didn't even know if she was alive for years. We're back in contact now, luckily, but the first part of this definitely brought me back to that horrible feeling I always got in the pit of my stomach when I thought about where she had gone. Losing a friend suddenly is the worst, so I can definitely relate to Zacky in the first part of this. The way that you describe his emotions as he talks about the list is really lovely as well. You can really tell that they both had a strong bond, and that her elaving has kinda sent Zacky on a downwards spiral. And then his determination to go and find her, oh man.

    Abbey's travels have that wonderful air of being excited about being someplace new, but also being sad about what she's left behind. You can tell by the way that she continually thinks about Zacky and refers things back to Huntington Beach. I totally see her as a tease right now though, with the chase she's got Zacky embarking on. It's kind of cute in a way, but on the other hand I see it as absolutely terrible, because she's kinda... I don't know, prolonging his suffering? I'm in two minds as to whether I find it incredibly, incredibly romantic or awful. I guess I'll just have to decide at a later date, haha.

    The further into this I get, the more I'm seeing how the title links in, which is awesome. Zacky's following Abbey from Las Vegas to Texas to Montana to anywhere and it's creating this little path -- Abbey's road, in a way. It's so clever. I love clever little inferences like that so I'm really impressed that there's this borderline metaphor kept all the way through this story that keeps it going. It also just reinforces how much Zacky loves Abbey, and it kinda justifies his actions with the constant drinking and the grumpiness and the desire to just hide away from everybody. It's not even something that you dump on us at the beginning either, it's done in a way that basically builds and builds. As a reader, I can almost see the downwards spiral that he's getting himself into, it's almost scary.

    Oh, I knew that there was something up that was causing Abbey to run and hide! The first mention of disease and I'm instantly gearing up for this not to end well, oh no. And then the whole thing with Jimmy, and the fact that Zacky finally realises what he's doing -- it's all so heartbreaking, I almost don't want to read on for fear of what's going to happen!

    That ending, oh man. I knew she was going to die but I didn't know it was going to be that much, and the final line about the Georgia Peach. That was beautiful, a really nice addition.


    This was a really good story! The plot was very well thought-out, and the way you write made the whole thing terribly heartbreaking. I was hanging onto every word towards the end. Nice job!
    April 4th, 2016 at 04:05pm
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    I only read the first chapter but gosh already so much emotion! I thought it was cute that he got so happy to find her list. I can't wait to read more of it when I have more time to actually get into the story fully. I'm sure I'll leave another comment or two as I go along
    April 23rd, 2015 at 01:23pm
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    I'm a big ball of emotion right now and I think you should be offering free hugs at the end of your stories! lmfao

    Beautiful, so beautiful and heart wrenchingly good! I love Emily Dickinson quotes, I thought the one you used was perfect to finish off the story. And I'm so glad that Zack is alive! I was so sure he would end it, so many times!!

    Perfect end to a perfect story. Now I shall go and carry on reading your Brian novel XD
    August 24th, 2014 at 11:41pm
  • Kara Vengeancee

    Kara Vengeancee (100)

    United States
    This was the most emotional story ever and I loved every second of it. I'm bawling, but I loved it. Fabulous job.
    August 15th, 2014 at 01:35am
  • AngelicWasteland;

    AngelicWasteland; (100)

    United Kingdom
    ... wow that was... emotional. The whole story was amazing, you used just enough description, you didn't over do the emotion which could have been easily done especially at the end. It was beautifully written and just amazing :)
    August 4th, 2014 at 04:28pm
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    Not even gonna lie, I'm in tears right now. The ending was so perfect. It gave us a sense of finality, but it also permits us to imagine that Zacky is going to go on and heal and be okay, eventually. Kudos. I loved this story! Thank you for giving us such a wonderful tale <3
    July 20th, 2014 at 06:11am
  • efflorescxnt

    efflorescxnt (100)

    United States
    That was a really great ending. I loved this story<3
    July 20th, 2014 at 03:13am
  • llizzie'cullen

    llizzie'cullen (100)

    Awww Brian trying to be a good friend is adorable Cute
    Actually, all of them being there for Zacky, with everything that has happened, is amazing! How they all gather around him, knowing that he needs them, even if he doesn’t admit it to himself…
    Of course, Johnny had to make a stupid comment Facepalm XD
    The scene where they spread Abbey’s ashes was very emotional… I loved how Zacky just threw himself at Johnny, finally seeking comfort… Sad
    Abbey’s memorial is also very emotional. It was sweet of her parents to ask Zacky to do the speech, but I don’t think it helped him much…
    And the guys shouldn’t have let him go alone, although it would be practically impossible to keep him there if he didn’t want to stay…
    I think his meeting with Jimmy and Abbey was really beneficial for him, because it made him realise that his friends suffered two losses just like him and are also very worried about him too… He needed that shake…
    And the sneak peak on the day they met was awesome!
    I’m very sorry to see this story end, especially because I only found it yesterday! tehe But you ended it in a good place, with the hint that Zacky will give life another chance.
    Really good work! Cute
    July 20th, 2014 at 02:05am
  • mrsmshadz

    mrsmshadz (100)

    United States
    Cry I loved this story. I just didn't like how selfish Abbey was in leaving Zaky. I know she had her reasons but, Zaky could of had more time to be with her before she died. Sad
    July 19th, 2014 at 11:54pm
  • mrsmshadz

    mrsmshadz (100)

    United States
    Omfg!!! This... omg... I can't... So sad...I'm crying.... Hope you update soon.
    July 19th, 2014 at 09:55pm
  • error error

    error error (100)

    United States
    The layouts you use are flawless, omf. Just like your last two stories, this one is just as fabulous. I've only read the first chapter of each, and damn. They're flawless. You have just enough character description, just enough detail - just enough everything. Your writing is what everyone strives for, Jesus.
    July 19th, 2014 at 12:44am
  • llizzie'cullen

    llizzie'cullen (100)

    So, I read the whole fic yesterday before going to sleep and I actually cried reading the last chapter... Cry
    I really loved it and I can't wait for the last chapter, where I hope Zacky has some happiness waiting for him... Cute
    That's all I can say for now...
    July 18th, 2014 at 11:02pm
  • risque;

    risque; (100)

    United States
    You describe and detail everything so perfectly. I could almost feel the emotion, I love that you have two different point of views but it doesn't seem drawn out which I find a lot. I liked the different views about how he felt and how she was feeling.
    July 18th, 2014 at 10:21am
  • Fuck You Mibba!

    Fuck You Mibba! (135)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    The first thing I have to write as a response to this story so far is WOW! I just read all the chapters that it has in one moment. I love this story. I think the way you managed to write a chapter telling her side of the story and then the next his side and so on, was amazing. It made the story so much powerful. I knew from the first chapter that she had cancer. I knew somehow that she was sick and it made my heart ache for her and Zacky. I loved the way you used the perfect words and details to describe how they felt. You described in details their emotions and their actions.

    I have to say that having flashback memories of things that happened between them that were connected to what they were going thorough at the moment was just brilliant because it makes the reader be more in depth with their stories. It made the prospective to know their lives before the present which I found it just amazing.

    I felt their pain throughout the story because it is a sad situation.

    I loved that Zacky was somehow doing a scavenger hunt to find the woman he loves and to find answers, even though it was very sad at the end.

    "Goddammit, I can't lose you too, Zack!" Brian howled. Zacky immediately fell silent, shocked at his friend's outburst. "I've already lost Jimmy. It would kill me - Matt and Johnny, too - to have to put another one of my brothers in the ground." I have to be honest and say that in this part my eyes became all watery and I had a huge lump in my throat. I felt it.

    I cried in chapter 12.

    You have an amazing writing style. Every word drew me more and more into the story. I didn't want to stop reading. You are an amazing writer who knows how to use vivid imagery so the reader can feel every little emotion they are going through.

    Excellent story and can't wait to read the last chapter.

    xoxo, RP
    July 2nd, 2014 at 03:26pm
  • Kara Vengeancee

    Kara Vengeancee (100)

    United States
    So I just read all of this in basically one sitting and now i am cryingCrying or Very sadCrying or Very sadCrying or Very sad
    June 20th, 2014 at 03:43pm
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    Okay, I need to just take a minute.

    I think that is one of the most heartbreaking chapters I've ever read. Period. God, the emotion I felt from your words. It takes a truly talented writer to evoke emotion like that through their words.

    Even right at the end, Abbey was thinking of Zack. She is truly selfless. Even though her way of going about things could be perceived as being selfish, she was only ever thinking of Zack.

    This will devastate him. First Jimmy, now Abbey. I won't be surprised if he truly loses it and hits rock bottom. But I hope he can find some sort of peace.

    Loved it <3
    June 14th, 2014 at 08:40am
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    Cry God...after Jimmy, this is a completely devastating blow to the entire Avenged family, and it kills me to think of what this is going to do to Zack. My grandfather died of pancreatic cancer, so this actually hit home. I can't wait to see how you end this.
    June 13th, 2014 at 08:17am
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    I hope you know you left me crying like a little baby. Such a heartbreaking chapter...
    June 13th, 2014 at 01:16am