Abbey's Road - Comments

  • strigoi.

    strigoi. (395)

    United States
    Here's one of your Halloween treats!

    To start off with, the summary really drew me in. The last sentence-- However, what he finds at the end of Abbey's road may not be what he's expecting.-- was so, so intriguing. I don't even know why. It just really popped in my head and I was like OMG WHAT'S AT THE END OF ABBEY'S ROAD?! Lol.

    I really enjoy your writing style, overall. The story line is so powerful. I love your descriptive details for each character and how well you're developing them. I'm honestly really, really excited to see what you have in store for this! Please update soon? I'd be oh so happy. Cute <3
    October 20th, 2012 at 06:40am
  • kmfdm

    kmfdm (200)

    United States
    The detail is great. Not too much and not too less, just right. Really interested in this. A list full of places for Zacky to find Abbey is something new to me. Never have I read a story like this, and it's a really interesting plot for your story.

    The layout fits the story, the soft brown colors go well with the writing style and the two characters. But to me, the girl that's pictured as Abbey doesn't seem to fit my vision of her. It's just me though. And with the layout, I think it would be a lot better to read if the text was centered. Aligned at the left, the text can be quite hard to read and follow. Another thing, the background of the whole layout is just plain white. But that's just the layout. I like how you will put little flashbacks within the story, but at times it could be a little distracting. With the amount of description you use to describe Abbey is great. though I would really like to see more descriptions towards other characters. It just helps visualize a lot more to the story. I know this are small little silly mistakes, but there's a part where I got slightly confused because of one word. I think you meant to write "ate" and not "hate". Again that's only a small mistake. Overall, I really enjoy reading this. Your writing style is great.
    July 1st, 2012 at 11:57pm
  • Speeding Cars

    Speeding Cars (100)

    United States
    The layout is beautiful, the banner is beautiful, and your writing style is pretty damn beautiful as well. I love me some Avenged Sevenfold, the only real complaint I have is that the layout isn't centered and neither is the text, so it is a bit confusing on the eyes. Everything else is great though!
    June 28th, 2012 at 09:54am
  • strigoi.

    strigoi. (395)

    United States
    First off, the layout is beautiful, as is the banner. Soapy is quite talented. ^_^.

    You're writing is very strong and the way you describe what's going on is amazing. It's so mysterious and really draws you in. I can't wait to see what happens next, so I'll definitely be subscribing and recommending! <3
    June 23rd, 2012 at 11:43pm
  • Liera_Fufu

    Liera_Fufu (100)

    United States
    There's a better way to comment then this? cuz i don't know this site what-so-ever. Buuut, anyway, this was another awesome chapter, but i'm feeling pain for Zacky :( And if Brian were constantly yelling at me like that, I'd have to blow off on him
    June 19th, 2012 at 01:48am
  • glamorously

    glamorously (100)

    United States
    this is just a guess, but maybe Abbey was raped and became pregnant? or maybe she has some deadly disease?

    anyways, i love this story <3 keep it up!
    June 16th, 2012 at 06:29pm
  • canadianrose

    canadianrose (100)

    Wow, this story is amazing. You have a powerful story line and you've really described each character well, even in such a short time. It's great and it's a story that draws people in. Keep up the good work :) (sorry I had to repost this, the last one wasn't long enough and for some reason I couldn't edit the last one).
    June 16th, 2012 at 04:49pm
  • canadianrose

    canadianrose (100)

    Wow, this story is amazing. You have a powerful story line and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Keep up the good work :)
    June 16th, 2012 at 04:45pm
  • inactive;

    inactive; (105)

    Neutral Zone
    Oh my God! As I expected. This story is gonna bring so much tears into my eyes. You are so amazing! The emotions in this story are so spot on and I feel like I was actually there in the story.

    I definitely can't wait for next update and gosh, Zacky will be so heartbroken. =(
    June 14th, 2012 at 10:02am
  • dirt whispered.

    dirt whispered. (100)

    United States
    The summary was perfect. Easily drew me into the story. This is a great story idea - one that isn't overly used; unique - and I'm sure it will turn out to be hit. Your writing is very good, too. I can't fault you for the few miniscule errors here and there, as we all make them. And beyond those, this was nearly perfectly written. So, good job!
    June 12th, 2012 at 09:09am
  • Josie.

    Josie. (150)

    United States
    I usually really stray away from Avenged Sevenfold fiction, but this story is absolutely intriguing. I love the way you write, and your third person is extremely strong. I also love the mystery behind it, and how he's trying to find her based on a list. You have a brilliant story on your hands, and I can't wait to see where it goes!
    June 10th, 2012 at 09:15am
  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    I have to admit that I did find the summary to be a bit too cluttered, and I found the links to characters pics and the disclaimer to be unnecessary. This is labeled as fanfiction, so it's safe to assume that you don't own any characters I recognize. There's also a character page specifically intended for character pictures.

    Moving on to the actual content of the story, I really adored the amount of description that you wove into this piece, and though I was able to visualize Abbey clearly, I can't say the same for the other characters. Granted, I'm aware this is a fanfic, so the majority of people that read this are going to be familiar with the characters, but I'm not, so I couldn't really get any sort of grasp on them aside from just a bunch of names. I also felt like some of the phrasing was a bit awkward in places.

    That being said, I thought the premise of this fic was absolutely adorable, and I wish you nothing but the best with this story.
    June 9th, 2012 at 07:05am
  • inactive;

    inactive; (105)

    Neutral Zone
    I click on the story. And I saw Zacky Vengeance's banner and I was like, "YEAH! ZACKY!" He's my favorite! I don't usually read heterosexual fics but as I read the summary, I just wanna know more. You got me hooked.

    I totally love how you start the first chapter. You descriptions really paint a picture in my head and my heart went out to Zacky.

    Any other night, he and Abbey would be together, cuddled on the couch. Abbey would lean heavily on Zacky, her short, soft auburn hair fanning over both of their shoulders. Zacky would touch it, caressing the tender curves of her neck, and their attention would no longer be on the tv. Their eyes wouldn't leave each other for the rest of the night, and the eye contact would eventually lead to passionate kissing, which in turn would lead to love-making that would have both Abbey and Zacky singing one another's praises and leave them sweaty and spent.

    This paragraph, for me is just perfect. I love the way you describe their passion yet, not going into too much details. It's awkward for me reading a descriptive sex scene between man and woman even though I am more than happy to read man on man sex scene. It's just me being totally weird.

    When I reached the end of chapter 2, my eyes were brimming with tears. This is so sad! T.T Even though I think it's good that you wrote the story in Abbey's view as well, I think it's better if the whole story only evolves around Zacky and his journey finding Abbey. Like, when he reached each destination, Abbey would leave some kind of clue or something for Zacky. But, that's only my personal opinion. This story is amazing enough as it is.

    This story reminds me a lot of P.S. I Love You by Cecelia Ahern. I cried so much reading that book and I have a feeling I'm gonna cry as much reading this as well.

    Your writing is good and I totally love your description. I noticed a few errors but they can easily be fixed. And I love the flashbacks. They made my heart ache, knowing this story would have a sad ending.

    You have done a very amazing job! I'm definitely subscribing.
    June 8th, 2012 at 10:12am
  • Liera_Fufu

    Liera_Fufu (100)

    United States
    Is something wrong with Abbey? Is she gonna die at the end?? Dx oh no, i'm scared now Dx but this is still good! I have a feeling this story is gonna make me cry
    June 4th, 2012 at 10:15am
  • Liera_Fufu

    Liera_Fufu (100)

    United States
    This sounds amazing! you're idea for this story is brilliant and one i've never encountered before. awesome job so far =]
    June 4th, 2012 at 09:59am