Not Ready to Die - Comments

  • antivist.

    antivist. (100)

    Comment Swap redirected me to this story. And it’s actually funny because I’ve had already commented 2 months ago in this. But oh! What the hell… This story is amazing, well written and the plot is good, I could read it again. So I did it… Reading this story was really amazing, The whole how the sacrificed girls blood into that weird ritual to talk to their demon master and shit was like wow. I was holding into the seat waiting for what was happening next, wow. And when they talked with well Azazel, well... it was spooky, I had the imagine in my mind, but oh, my god... wow really good. *claps* I kinda would have wanted a different ending, maybe something more edgier and bloodier, but the chase in the woods was .___. Movie clip everywhere. But that's just me and anyways you did an amazing job. I just couldn’t stop imagining this parallel universe where the guys from bands get possessed by demons and sacrifice their fans blood and blabla… xD Ha ha ha. Well in fanfiction everything can happen. Also your writing style is very good, I didn’t noticed any spelling mistakes and if there were there weren’t many. The layout was really good, it went pretty smoothly with the whole vibe of the story. :DD
    September 10th, 2012 at 06:19am
  • antivist.

    antivist. (100)

    I'm going to make this short; It was awesome, the plot, the demonish supernatural stuff, really cool btw.
    June 13th, 2012 at 08:27pm
  • Jennalyn__

    Jennalyn__ (100)

    United States
    that was absolutely fantastic! my god, i loved it. it was so dark and eriee. it kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time! it was very well written and the description was amazing. i like how you didn't give everything away in the first few sentences, but kept the reader guessing. it was awesome! Keep writing! ~Jenna
    June 13th, 2012 at 06:15pm
  • caniaccowgirl

    caniaccowgirl (100)

    United States
    comment swap;
    So, I must say, when I saw that it was a A7X story, I was a little bummed (I promise this comment gets better). However, once I started reading this, I actually enjoyed it. It's dark, yes, but I love the supernatural element to it. Plus the fact that it went along with some of the things from the actual show Supernatural - I'm sort of in love with that show. I thought that was a nice twist to it. Also, it was very well written. You've got a nice tone for the subject matter and the sentences flow very nicely. Good job on this!
    June 13th, 2012 at 06:03pm
  • kmfdm

    kmfdm (200)

    United States
    This was amazing! I am a huge Supernatural fan and seriously I just had the whole scene playing in my head. It was just amazing.

    Very well written. Had the whole freaky, cool, supernatural, demonish feel to it and I enjoyed reading it. No grammar errors, nothing wrong with how it was written. I also love how you made it into third point of view, it added more mystery to it.

    I love, really love how much of an awesome plot your story was. Very original, never have I seen this kind of story. The song you picked and the image did very well fit with the story, I like that. I also like how there was a little bit of smut to spice up the story, and how Brian was kind off the center of attention.

    I love your entry, I think you did a great job. You have such a great writing style and a great passion for your writing! Well to sum this up, greatly written, amazing and original plot, and I just really enjoyed reading this! Thank you so much for entering the contest!
    May 1st, 2012 at 02:50am
  • holli.sullivan.sykes

    holli.sullivan.sykes (150)

    United States
    First of all, I just have to say: Amazing plot! That literally kept me on the edge of my seat, and I absolutely loved it.

    Your grammar was wonderful, for the most part, which is one of my favorite qualities of a story. There was a moment--near the end--when Brian is searching for Alice in the forest, and it kind-of goes from third person to first person in Brian's point of view; I'm not sure if that was on purpose or not, but I found it a little confusing. Other than that, there were only very minor things I managed to pick out! Very good!

    Once again, the plot was very interesting and original. I also noted that you said it would be more easily understood if I'd seen the show Supernatural and I haven't. But I seemed to understand it just fine. So kudos for that! You were ready well before the deadline, so I'm very pleased about that.

    Thank you so much for the entry and submission, and I'll be sure to let you know when the results are posted! Cheers!
    April 24th, 2012 at 01:48am