Fuck you. - Comments

  • This.Is.Me.

    This.Is.Me. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I understand exactly, but you may think I don't (because of my age) but i've written two similar stories. Dear George and Dear George...Please read this time...(rubbish names I know). Both based on true stories. I hope you find the strength to move on. x
    April 17th, 2012 at 07:29pm
  • synyster_gates12_27

    synyster_gates12_27 (100)

    United States
    You have no idea how well I can relate to this. It actually sounds very familiar to something I wrote down awhile back in class (probably because we have the same writing style). I feel as if every single thought and feeling was stolen out of my mind and displayed into this brilliantly well-organized letter. I just had to subscribe to this, just so when I break down and lose sight of my goals, this letter will be a reminder for me to say goodbye to the weak person I was made into. Also, I want to thank you for giving me hope again to move on past this and to make myself stronger. There is no choice but to pick up the broken pieces and move on past it all.
    April 17th, 2012 at 05:34pm
  • Shtrudel

    Shtrudel (100)

    All this sounds very familiar and is really well written. It's clearly a personal account of feelings but not written that way (as in, horrible with lots of … and “like, this” and “like, that).
    Spelling is flawless I think, but I'm not sure if it's “different to” or “different than”.
    All in all, I enjoyed reading it as it was not cheesy, not soap-opera'ish, but a pretty realistic train of well-written thought, similar to what I've written to a mofo many a time. That said, if this is how you currently feel in real life, I hope you'll get over him soon though I know that's easier said than done.
    April 17th, 2012 at 09:12am