We Are Gypsies - Comments

  • I'm re-reading this and wondering why I never left a comment. I love your story and the characters; you always have a way of enticing me with the narration and dialogues; they're always full of emotions and this nostalgia-like feeling, sometimes even desire clinging to hopeful eyes.

    The way I read this is that the narrator is not letting life catch up with them, but them catching up with life. Settling down, having a house, a job, and responsibilities tie you down to one place. It's like passively waiting for death to catch up and life to pass by. On the other hand there's the constant running, moving, looking for life and running from death and all those pesky responsibilities that come with "settling down". I loved this, Dru. I really did.
    June 12th, 2013 at 07:24pm
  • This is so beautiful and different from when I am used to reading by you. I'm so used to reading Panic! at the Disco slash. But this was a lovely kind of different.

    Your writing is absolutely beautiful. I can never get over how perfectly who phrase everything and how you always manage to pick the perfect handful of words. You're like a painter with words. I feel like you take me away whenever I read your stories. This story brought me into such a peaceful setting.

    I love the title and the role that it plays in this story. Your female character seems so innocent and poetic. She seems so far away from the world.

    You left me with so many questions. I want to know so much more about these characters. And I want to know what they seem to be running from or searching for. I just really want to know more about everything. Curiouser and curiouser.

    You're amazing, Dru! Mr. Green
    May 24th, 2012 at 01:13am
  • I really love this. I actually just finished a book in which one of the main characters was a Gypsy, and reading this right after makes me happy, haha! The two characters you have here are definitely unique. The relationship is sweet in a sad sort of way; I'm not quite sure how to describe it. You sure wrote it beautifully, though. I'd love to see this as a longer story, honestly.

    One thing that confused me, though, was the switch between referring to the girl as "you" to "her" in the last few paragraphs. I think using "you" would flow more with the rest of the story, and it also allows the reader to step more easily into the narrator's shoes. Besides this variation, there were no other mistakes from what I saw. Really enjoyable piece!
    April 17th, 2012 at 11:25pm
  • There is something really interesting about the relationship dynamic between the two characters. It's almost like a child and parent relationship as opposed to something romantic, with one character picking up the pieces and trying to rebuild, and the other obediently and loyally following along.

    If you plan to write more of this, I think this style of story telling- slice of life snapshots- would be really amicable to a nonchronological organization, because I know as a reader I am equally interested in what happens to them next and what happened in their past to bring them here.
    April 17th, 2012 at 08:46pm
  • This is really interesting. I like the idea of endless travelling in stories and you've pulled it off really well here. The opening is perfect and immediately establishes how the narrator moves around a lot. So yeah, love it.
    April 17th, 2012 at 08:45pm
  • This is very original. I've never read something like it.
    I saw your journal and decided to check it out since you
    are so excited about it. I love it, actually. It's about Gypsies
    and it's something I don't see many write about. I'm interested
    on seeing where this is going. I love the layout and the summary is
    intriguing itself. I'm going to subscribe to this. It's good because
    now I have something to read.
    Please update soon.
    April 17th, 2012 at 08:35pm
  • New story. Original fiction. Het.
    Yeah, I know. It's weird.
    But this is what I've been seeing in my head lately. Just first person snapshots of time. Let me know what you think because this is one of the first pieces I've written in awhile where it just happened.

    April 17th, 2012 at 08:17pm