My Neighbors are Killers - Comments

  • Hahahahaha, I didn't like the story overly much itself, but I adored your Author's Note. I suspected as much, and it crackked me up. Love it
    September 27th, 2012 at 06:55am
  • I like the creepy animal mask photo you have. I may be the only one but it gives the story a kind of foreboding atmosphere, or perhaps that's just because those masks scare me--also, the title fits. >.>

    Hahah, this is so precious. I love how the little boy is so paranoid about it and the repetition of the phrase 'my neighbors are killers' make this fantastic. I love how it sounds like a child's story but I doubt anyone would be okay with this being a kid's book simply because it's fairly obvious what the hidden meaning is. Great job
    July 27th, 2012 at 02:49am
  • This was literally one of the best things I have ever read on Mibba. Period.
    July 21st, 2012 at 10:32am
  • I think this one-shot really captures a child's imagination, which I don't really find in stories these days. I love the description on what the child thought his neighbors were doing to their "victims". But I think my favorite part of this whole piece was the final paragraph. It had me giggling like a little girl!

    As others have said before, I thought the repetition of the phrase "my neighbors are killers" was cool and really added to how convinced the little boy was that his neighbors were killers. This was really a fantastic one-shot. Good job!
    July 19th, 2012 at 09:34pm
  • Haha. I liked it! This is a very interesting idea for a story, but I'm sure you already knew that. :p

    As someone else mentioned, the way each paragraph begins with "My neighbors are killers" adds a really nice touch to the story, and it made the change to "My neighbors aren't killers" have a real impact. It's written very smoothly, too, which made it all the more pleasant to read.

    I'm curious as to how old the narrator is, though. I feel like the speech is much too adult for someone who isn't old enough to know about sex, and that threw me off a bit. It wouldn't hurt to give the narration a more childish feel. Also, as someone else also said, the ending was a bit anti-climactic. It was cute, but it just felt kind blah to me. I'm kind of a horror buff, though, so feel free to ignore me. I just like freaky endings. :p

    Overall, though, it was a very nice little story. I enjoyed reading it. :)
    June 1st, 2012 at 02:21am
  • Oh my gosh that was the funniest story ever! I once heard my neighbors wife screaming once and I thought he was beating her, turns out they were just having sex >.< This story should be a lot more popular! I loved how you didn't turn it into one of the those freaky stories where the kid gets eaten or something. And I liked how the story was kind of poetic and how every sentence except for the last, started with My Neighbors are Killers.
    May 24th, 2012 at 11:49pm
  • I really enjoyed the start of this- the way every sentence started with 'My neighbours are killers'. It could have been repetitive, but instead it was kind of thrilling. The descriptions were delicious: 'Or it’s the grinding of a chainsaw, gnawing the victims’ bodies apart.' Wow. Just wow.
    While that description didn't seem like something a boy in the second grade would say (not that I know how old kids are in the second grade- I'm English) I ate it right up.

    However, I found the end just a little too anti-climatic. I was wound right up and waiting for something - even something ambiguous - and I felt a little bit disappointed by the point blank revelation that, actually, the little boy was wrong.

    Despite that, I really enjoyed this. I liked the narrative voice and the structure and (as said) I LOVED the description :D
    May 3rd, 2012 at 02:27pm
  • This was actually amazing lol. Really cute, in a strange way.
    Good job :D
    April 29th, 2012 at 10:10pm