Marvel Her Beauty - Comments

  • I think the length of the first chapter is perfect! It was really descriptive and I was able to get a good feel for Ginger within the first few paragraphs. Great job! I do think that you should edit your commas a little bit, especially in the first sentence of the story. That was comma overload!
    July 17th, 2012 at 11:26pm
  • The Comment Swap sent me here, and I must say that I actually have really no knowledge on X-Men. I used to watch the cartoon when I was really young, but that's it, so bear with me here. Now, the layout I really liked. I don't know why it drew me in so much, it just did. The summary was really nice, too.
    A girl with no hope had to become Hope for others.
    A girl of many Talents, had to find the right Talent to save the world.
    A girl who loves everyone, had to find a reason to not love the enemy.

    A girl so fragile, had to become the ultimate Weapon.

    ^I really liked all of that in the summary. It really draws the person in.
    Also, the chapter 4 title- I understand the My Chemical Romance reference;)

    I really enjoyed the way you wrote the first chapter. Honestly, I wasn't expecting so much action in just the first chapter, but it is a superhero story, so what's to be expected, right?

    I think you used great great detail and the scene was epic, to say the least. I spied very few to no spelling/grammar errors.

    Great job!
    July 17th, 2012 at 08:07pm
  • I'll start with Comment Swap led me here, and I will go on to say I LOVE THE X-MEN. I love the anticipation you had in the summary and I'm loving what I've read so far! You have wonderful writing skills and I didn't see many grammatical errors at all. I really hope you continue, there needs to be more X-Men stories!

    -Lindsey. <3
    July 17th, 2012 at 07:57pm
  • Hey, I'm here through comment swap. I've never really took an interest in x-men so I was kinda skeptical but I've found myself enjoying it. The summary leaves you wanting more and waiting for the anticipation to see how this story will go! I like your writing skills and I think you've done a brilliant job of the story so far, good luck with the continuing it! :)
    July 17th, 2012 at 07:36pm
  • I really like this story!
    All of the characters seem very true to themselves which is really nice to see!
    May 10th, 2012 at 10:44pm