Marvel Her Beauty - Comments

  • I have never seen X-Men First Class. Starting with that, I can say that I enjoyed your story very much. It was interesting, and a perfect blend of humour, action, and romance.... I was incredibly confused for most of it, I must admit, but I still enjoyed your writing style. It is very good, and kept pullling me in, and even though I was incredibly confused, it wasn't hard to keep reading.
    August 23rd, 2012 at 07:19pm
  • Comment Swap: The style of which you write is fantastic. You don’t spend eons describing certain things; instead you use descriptive words which convey what you’re trying to say perfectly. The beginning had a fantastic hook which made the reader want to find out exactly what was going on. There are a few things to work on. Parts of it seemed to a little choppy where it was from paragraph to paragraph, I had to re-read, but it’s minor. Also, the background can be a tad distracting. Overall, it’s a fantastic story!
    August 21st, 2012 at 04:39am
  • First off, comment swap has sent me here. With that being said, am i ever glad that it did! This is the first 'first class' story that i have seen so far in my comment swap journey and! TO BOOT it is amazing! your writing style is very good, i really enjoyed reading the story, it is unique and very attention capturing. I also enjoy the layout, it's enough that you know it's there but not too much to have it distract the reader from the story!! very well done, keep up the great work!
    August 21st, 2012 at 04:19am
  • Comment Swap: I'd agree with the other comments, that you've obviously paid a lot of attention to the layout, and the story is pretty good too. I'm not hugely into this genre, but your writing style is pretty good!
    August 19th, 2012 at 02:27pm
  • I've never been a fan of x-men, I've never even watched the movie, but I'm here from comment swap, and I think that the description is really detailed and I love your style of writing in general! you should keep up the good work, because I think that x-men fans would love this!
    August 19th, 2012 at 02:05pm
  • I am from Comment Swap! I really enjoyed the way this story was written! I'm not the biggest fan of the X-Men, but i really liked how you did this story. The detail in it is amazing. Good job on the story. I liked it a lot. :D <3
    August 19th, 2012 at 09:05am
  • Story is actually pretty amazing! I'm not a big fan of X-Men, but i love your writing style! Also I love how detailed you are in the story! Overall, you're story is great, keep it up!
    August 19th, 2012 at 05:13am
  • your story sucks. just kidding. i thought it was pretty well written. I was confused as well, as I don't follow X-Men that much but I guess you have to know it to understand it. From a literature point of view, I found it very well written. one suggestion is instead of telling the reader how a person said something, describe it. for example, instead of "Who are you?" She questioned bravely, you can say something like 'She lifted her fists up and pushed out her chest, standing her ground. "Who are you?" She asked.' That way, instead of you telling the reader directly that she was doing it bravely, the reader will understand that in the way she is acting, or by what she is saying. it works both ways. other than that, the story is very well written.
    August 19th, 2012 at 05:03am
  • Comment swap:
    I have to say that I am not familiar with the X-men and the first chapter was very confusing for me to read and get through. Though I was confused the whole time reading this piece of work, I have to say that you have an amazing way of setting a good scene for a reader to start getting accustomed too. I really am interested more in the X-men, so I might be looking into it because of you now. Good job.
    August 19th, 2012 at 04:27am
  • Comment swap!

    First off I was really excited to get an X-men story because I’m a huge fan. The summary got me interested but sadly I was only able to finish two chapters because I wasn’t able to really get in to it. There were parts that were kind of confusing and weren’t that clear.
    August 18th, 2012 at 11:16pm
  • Comment Swap brought me here :)
    I'm not a big fan of Sci-Fi. Never really enjoyed anything Sci-Fi...ish, but this story is good! :) The layout is great! I love it a lot. Your character descriptions were good, you went really...deep...with them. Sadly no physical look of them. Boo to that :( But this story is good, and as I read it more, I couldn't stop. I think you wrote this story well! Great job, fantastic :)
    But again, good job! :D I like this story overall. I would recommend it to many people, especially Sci-Fi lovers! :)
    August 18th, 2012 at 11:13pm
  • Love your attention to detail! Not much of an XMen fan either, but I wouldn't mind giving some a shot, as long as they are all as excellently crafted! Keep up the good work!
    August 18th, 2012 at 11:11pm
  • I'd agree with the other comments, that you've obviously paid a lot of attention to the layout, and the story is pretty good too. I'm not hugely into this genre, but your writing style is pretty good!
    August 18th, 2012 at 09:42pm
  • -comment swap-
    I'm not usually into sci-fi type stories, but this was very well done. first off, i love the layout that you chose. it works very well with the story. i also like the depth you went to with the character discriptions. you didn't outright give us a list of their physical look, but would slowly put piece by piece into the story. it came across as very natural and had a really nice effect. overall, really good job :)
    August 18th, 2012 at 09:11pm
  • I love the layout for one thing. The colors bring out the story and make the words very easy to read. The colors are excellent together. As for the story itself, it's amazing. I can't wait for more. Each chapter is better than the last. I hope I can manage that with my story. Ginger's personality is excellent. It makes the story much better to read. There are very few errors in your grammar in this story, not enough to leave a bad review about though. Just some simple, easy to make mistakes. The chapters aren't short, but not long either. They're a good length, but being a little bit longer wouldn't hurt. To basically sum everything up, your story is amazing, the length is great, the characters are captivating. and you're a great writer.
    August 18th, 2012 at 08:28pm
  • Comment swap:
    I love this layout, it's clear and easy to read, and the colours go well together. I wish I could make layouts that well, so kudos for that.
    As for the actual content, I came into this with no background knowledge of X-Men so I may not be the best to actually be writing this comment, but I really enjoyed it. The characterisation of Ginger was brilliant, and the summary left me wanting to know more about her. There were a few grammar mistakes that I noticed, but nothing glaring (you confused "your" with "you're" and things like that a few times.) I didn't see any major spelling mistakes either.
    The chapter length is good, you don't write too much but you definitely write enough.
    To sum up, this story is really good. Essential features are there and the standard is high, combined with a brilliant layout, you're on to a winner.
    August 17th, 2012 at 09:45pm
  • comment swap!

    i absolutely love your summary, i think it leaves the reader with questions about Ginger. I usually don't like x-men based stories, but yours was definitely interesting and i will definitely subscribing to read more! well done!
    August 17th, 2012 at 08:14pm
  • Comment swap

    I love the layout its really pretty and its not out there or it doesn't distracted you from the story the story so far is really good i dont really read x-men story but this one is really good :) keep up the good work your writing skills are good.

    The chapter are a good length not to long but not to short and they keep you wanting more :) thats what you call a good story!!
    August 17th, 2012 at 12:00pm
  • The layout is gorgeous! The description in this is also good and the chapter length is perfect :) I did get a little bit confused on what was happening in the first chapter, but that could just be me haha :) and the picture on the banner is nice!
    August 17th, 2012 at 11:15am
  • While I am quite the X-Men fan, I have yet to read an X-Men story here on Mibba so when this popped up on Comment Swap, I was ecstatic. I found the layout very pretty and not at all a hindrance that some of the previous commentators have mentioned. I like your spin on the X-Men universe and I enjoy the character of Ginger. Keep up the good work!
    August 17th, 2012 at 11:08am