Saviours - Comments

  • I'm glad it makes you happy :D

    God. My emotions in this chapter. It's a lot to take in ._. I really anxious for what happens next though, cause it seems like with Ryan things can go either really well or terrible. I hope things go okay ._.
    August 31st, 2012 at 12:57am
  • And here comes Ryan! Lol!! Awwwh when you described Brendon it reminds me of the But It's Better If You Do music video!! That is what I pictured and I thought he looked dayum fine there!! I can't believe he ran into him and ooo Matt steps into the story!! If it's the Matt that I am thinking of! I still think Brendon should be out of his life, I don't like him. WHAT??? He's married?? I wonder if Ryan is there to scare Mikey off and to make him go back hom! I just can't believe all that is happening and I'm trying to think about what is going to happen!! :P! OH MY GOSH!! This story is amazing and I was so glad to see that it was updated!! Little Mikey Way?? I wonder if Mikey should just tackle him!?! I'm picturing it in my mind and I don't know why it makes me laugh!! Ahahah,r eally can't wait to read more!!
    August 30th, 2012 at 01:46pm
  • I would LOVE a ryden sex tape....and this chapter. Holy shit O.O
    August 30th, 2012 at 01:10pm
  • a bit lol i was surprised at the marriage but at the same time expected it
    August 30th, 2012 at 10:00am
  • Another cliffhanger? Ah, well... I've decided not to say anything on this topic anymore. ^_^

    So... what does Ryan want with Mikey? Seriously? Please Ryan don't hurt Mikey please! I have a hunch that Ryan is gonna kidnap Mikey and torture him. And I know Brendon says that Mikey isn't safe in Manhattan. Is it because of Ryan or Ryan's mom? Damn! How can you throw in suspense to me like that? When I reached the end of the chapter I was like... o.O I WANT MORE!!

    I know Zacky knows Brendon and Brendon knows Zacky and Zacky probably knows Ryan too. And my feelings that Kyle might be a part of Ryan's gang is getting stronger. Every clue points out to that... or so I think. I hope I'm right. ^_^

    Zacky is the sweetest thing ever! I would love to have someone to be there for me just to make me feel better when I'm having a bad day. Ryan please don't mess that up. I think Mikey knows to go back to Zacky by now. So please, let Mikey go. You're married to Brendon now so you don't have to worry about Mikey taking him away. And congratulations to you, you'd managed to turn Brendon from a sweet boy to someone so... cold and cruel and hard. But I know deep inside, the old Brendon is still there and I think Brendon still has feelings for Mikey too even just a little. If he doesn't care, he won't go to Mikey and warn him about the possible danger. And I think Brendon is taking the risk just by going to see Mikey.

    I'm so glad that the banner has nothing to do with the outcome of this story. ^_^

    ps: I just remember about the closed door you mentioned in the first or second chapter, when Mikey first came to visit Gee with Zacky. I believe that the mystery is still a mystery, right? Well, I hope everything will become clear very soon.

    I hope this is everything I want to say for this update. ^_^ More soon?
    August 30th, 2012 at 09:09am
    August 29th, 2012 at 05:45am
  • I tried not to leave another comment and wait for another update to mention this but I don't think I can wait. I only realize that the banner you use for this story only has the picture of Mikey and Brendon. Where is Zacky? Does that mean in the end Brendon will be the one with Mikey? Well, that doesn't make me happy at all. -_-"
    August 24th, 2012 at 05:40pm
  • *hits plum to forehead* What??!?! Brendon? I know Mikey loves him but no, he can't keep leanding Zacy on. I feel so hurt for him. And now I'm worried the Ryan is coming to because where there's Brendon there is Ryan. Also wait, Are Frank and Gerard together or not? I'm a little confused about that part.
    August 23rd, 2012 at 11:33pm
  • He does have pretty eyes. His nose is fucking perfect so, yeah, he's it makes sense his name was Pretty.
    And Brendon we meet again. I wish he never came back. Shit was fine before he came back and fucked Mikeys life up again.
    August 19th, 2012 at 02:25am
  • Ah shit. I just...fuck. I don't even... Brendon why? Out of all people he should know best to stay away from Mikey but...god dammit! Agh...this...this can't end well.

    And, just so you know, I spent about an hour and a half texting IcamaneisaHero last night talking about our feels for this story. We came to the conclusion that this is all Gerard's fault, cause he just had to have Frank.

    I'm still so mad at Mikey for doing this to Zacky. I just want to go give Zee a hug my poor baby ):
    August 18th, 2012 at 11:01pm

    I spit all over my screen and flailed like an idiot and I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY lmfao


    That's like... mrgun All I can say. Fuuuuuuuuuu....

    Also, you missed a quote mark in this line: He shifts on the spot, palms coming up defensively. That’s not how it was, Mikes.
    Just thought you might want to know that.
    August 18th, 2012 at 02:57am
  • Small comment because I feel bad:
    I'm so glad you're getting published! Arms Crazy That's so, so wonderful! I can't even... :D
    Also, lmfao. You're awesome. And well psh, Brendon is pretty much god-like File So :P on them xD
    And - I KNEW IT! That's because Frank is pretty Con

    Anyways, on to the next chapter.
    August 18th, 2012 at 02:50am
  • Another cliff-hanger!!! I can't believe he's walked straight into Brendon!!!!!!!!!! Until you update my mind is just gonna be racing with the words 'Hello Mikey' and I will be constantly wondering 'WHATS GONNA HAPPEN NEXT????'
    Please update soon!!!!! I love it!!! My mind has gone crazy because I want Zacky to be with Mikey because they are just so perfect together! but now Brendon is back!! Whats gonna happen when Ryan comes into the picture?? Do they know about Mikey's suicide attempt?? Am I angry or okay with what Gerard did??? (I know he did what he did for love!! But he should have told Mikey!! But that would mess up his life!!!!)
    Update soon Please!!!!
    I will look out for your book!!!
    August 17th, 2012 at 01:00am
  • I don't know how to feel right now, this story has got my emotions all kinds of fucked up. Part of me wants mikey and brendon to end up together, but another part of me wants to say fuck brendon and he should be with zacky. And then there is a part of me that's glad Frank is back, but then I'm kind of angry at gerard for keeping all this from mikey, and I kind of want to blame Frank and just, ugh!!! So many feels man, so many feels

    Anyways, I can't wait for the next part. I'm so excited to see what brendon has to say. Ps, sorry if there are a bunch of typos. Autocorrect on my phone is a bitch. -_-
    August 16th, 2012 at 08:35pm
  • Sorry for the double post. ^_^
    August 16th, 2012 at 10:05am
  • Yeah, as I'd mentioned before I always had something to add after I'd posted the first comment.

    Could it be that Zacky already knew that Brendon is alive? I always have this feeling that Zacky knows. And Mikey, just tell him that you love him.

    He breathes out heavily, and a small part of me longs for him. A kiss or a hug or even the brush of his fingers against the nape of my neck. Even the smell of his skin would do.

    I miss him. Right now, I miss him more than anything.

    There, Mikey. What more do you want? You need Zacky and he needs you. You both have a perfect thing going on and don't mess that up because of you past. Zacky is the best man anyone can ask for... so far. I can't shake this feeling that deep inside, Zacky is a bit like Ryan. But that's just me being suspicious.

    I wait for him to say he loves me.

    The words don’t come.

    There's something wrong with Zacky, isn't it? He would've told Mikey that he loves his otherwise. Zacky knows something and I can feel that Zacky is also keeping something from Mikey.

    GAH! I can't wait for everything to unfold. Yeah, I hope this is my last comment for this update. ^_^
    August 16th, 2012 at 10:05am
  • How can I be satisfied when you left the chapter hanging like that? *staring accusingly* But... well I guess that's just one of those things you do to keep me on the edge of my seat. I'll just wait patiently... again. ^_^

    Well, I can understand Mikey's feeling of betrayal and his anger towards Gerard from keeping it a secret. But would it really be better if Gerard had told him the truth? Would he really move on? Would he even be happy with Zacky even though it's short. They kept it secret for your own good, Mikey. You said you're an adult but really, you're very immature. Just sit still for a while and think about everything rationally. And you can see that ever since Brendon's gone, nothing has happened to you except good things like Zacky and your relationship with him. So what are you doing still holding on to him like that? First love is supposed to hurt but it'll teach you to be stronger and prepare you for the person who really deserves you. Not everyone is lucky to have their first love be their soulmate.

    I'm rambling a little too much and honestly I don't even know if I'm making any sense. Anyway, thanks for updating. I love it. ^_^
    August 16th, 2012 at 09:59am
  • yo better not make Zacky and Mikey brake up because what they have is just perfection and now Brendon's back to fuck it up...just lovely. I really like it....update asap.
    August 16th, 2012 at 07:29am
  • I'm not even sure what I want right now o.o
    August 16th, 2012 at 06:44am
  • The sound I just made was inhuman. Nooo Brendon stay awaayy. Maybe Mikey needs this to wrap up that part of his life but I just . . . -- flips table-- on another note this is a very good cliff hanger and I'm excited for the next chapter. Keep up the awesome work! :)
    August 16th, 2012 at 06:20am