Someone Like You - Comments

  • saraw86

    saraw86 (100)

    One of the BEST, FUNNIEST,AMAZING stories ever, im in love with it. You are Highliarious ( a step above hilarious). Keep up with the writing :D :D
    October 15th, 2012 at 09:54pm
  • supposedirony

    supposedirony (100)

    United States
    Hi, I just wanted to say that your story was fantastic. The whole time I was hoping and wishing that she would get with Niall because they seemed oh so perfect. Also, I think you would like to know that that was undoubtedly the cutest ending I have ever read. I can't stop smiling and giggling. Utter awesomness, the whole thing.
    July 29th, 2012 at 10:15am
  • wowlikewoah

    wowlikewoah (100)

    United States

    But YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYY *takes another breath* that JJ & Niall ended up together!!! JIALL FOR THE WIN! (Though I had a good suspicion this was going to happen, I just can never be too sure when it comes to you. I wouldn’t have been surprised if you had just made JJ go to university, forget the boys, & adopt a baby koala. The End. :p haha) but I’m glad you didn’t.

    Anyways, let’s get down to it. First off, I’m insanely sorry it’s taken me so long to comment! (not like you were sitting by the computer crying or anything, but I still feel bad) In all honesty I saw that you had updated but I was insanely busy with summer school & work so I literally told myself that I couldn’t read it until the end of the week as a reward to myself, if I got everything done. (I’m not lying. I’m that pathetic & hooked on this story) So last Sunday I literally sat down with popcorn and a drink (like I was at a fucking movie theater!) and read the last two chapters and holy fuck balls, it was AMAZING!!

    I don’t even know where to start…actually no, I do. I’m pretty sure I say this on every comment I leave for you but I’ll say it once more for old times sake: you have the ability like no other writer I’ve ever read to throw the reader for a loop and have a surprising plot twist around every corner. But you’re so good at it, it’s not like I’m reading and going “what the fuck? Where did that come from?” it’s more like “Oh my god, yes, of course! How was I ever expecting anything else?” Ya know what I mean? For instance, though it didn’t have any great meaning for the story (at least I don’t think?), I loved how you had JJ’s dad pick her up from the airport. I was totally expecting her mom to be there & bite her head off about the whole situation but instead it was her dad, and while reading it, it just felt…right.

    Another moment where I felt like that was when Louis brought her the yet-to-be-opened University letters. I honestly thought the whole going to university dream was dead & buried but then when it wasn’t, it was just so great! You’ve really made JJ so likeable, that it was really nice to see a good thing happen to her (for once.) haha And it was also something that was just for her alone, without the boys involved, and that was kinda nice too. My heart also gave a little yelp of joy on how JJ & Louis patched things up but then when she called Niall to tell him…oh god, why do you play with my emotions like that?!?

    Speaking of that certain blonde…
    HOLY HELL, HE BOUGHT HER THE DRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I honestly could not believe it. My jaw dropped to the floor and some popcorn (in a really sexy way, I’m sure) fell out of my mouth. Then I obviously had to go back and re-read that chapter, to see if Harry had actually said it, and nope, of course he hadn’t!! YOU ARE A LEGEND! (Seriously. You should go into writing scripts for movies because your plot twists are just damn brilliant!) And then the concert tickets and the song…. Ugh! It was just SO good & unexpected! And then I loved in the epilogue how they were talking like they didn’t know Niall. When Louis says “I don’t like him”- So funny! (Well it actually made me nervous the 1st time I was reading. But then when it was revealed that it was him, I let out a sigh of relief and could see the humor in it. lol) And they finally kissed! (again, apparently) but it made me so happy!!!

    Anyways, this is a ridiculously long comment (I’m probably gonna get yelled at by Mibba but I don’t even care! SUCK IT BITCHES!...oh uh, hehe… just kidding, please don’t kick me off) But seriously, thanks so much for taking your time to write this! It has been by far my favorite story on here & I was so sad to see it end (but love how it did). I will definitely keep my eye out for anything else you write! ( * cough * a sequal, maybe? * cough * cough* Who said that?!) Thanks again!

    I feel kinda embarrassed asking this because it may have been purely coincidental, but the girl with Harry at the end? Jess? Was that my possible cameo? If it wasn’t, please ignore this and don’t judge me. If it was, thank you, thank you, thank you!
    July 21st, 2012 at 05:22am
  • CourtneyClimbs

    CourtneyClimbs (100)

    THE ENDING OF THIS STORY WAS FANTASTIC! you kept me hooked the whole time on this story! hope to read more amazing work in the future
    July 19th, 2012 at 11:58pm
  • Underdog425

    Underdog425 (100)

    United States
    YAY!!!! this is what I wanted to happen the entire story. I wanted JJ to stop dicking around with Harry and get with Niall and it happened!! Hooray!!!
    July 11th, 2012 at 08:08am
  • username123456

    username123456 (100)

    United States
    I'm sooo glad I read this when you posted the last chapter and epilogue otherwise I would have cried without a happy Jiall ending. I know I was a hardcore Jarry shipper, but screw that, Jiall is PERFECT! I guess I just always saw Niall as the best friend and nothing more, like JJ. And when everything came together, just, omg, I don't even have the right words. I LOVE stories like these.

    I'm also super happy you didn't glide over or even sugar coat all the legalities of this with the PR and the lawyers, and the accusations and how cruel some fans are. Absolutely perfect! And her and Louis being okay again and her getting into Uni! Just, so many loose ends were tied up perfectly.

    And the SONG. OMFG the SONG!!!!! Niall wrote her a song! Just too freaking cute! I'm just soo glad Eleanor forced her to go to Sweden, and that Liam and Zayn are cool spies that got her a ticket.

    The ending. Honestly, if you ended it any other way, it would have been terrible. Everything about it was perfect. Niall telling her he loved her, JJ saying it back and then freaking out. Utter perfection. I honestly might have murdered you if you had them get together at the end of the chapter instead of the epilogue.

    I'm just soo happy they're together and happy. I really, really love the dynamic between Louis and JJ because they really are family. They lie to each other, they get angry, they hide things, they say things they don't mean, but eventually they get over it, suck it up, and move on. I just LOVE this story and don't be surprised if I read it again because I really want to gauge Niall's reaction during everything all over again because he's a fucking Irish sweetheart who bought her the dress too and the tickets! Gah, I just love you for this amazing story!
    July 10th, 2012 at 01:22am
  • ashleygreenethebest

    ashleygreenethebest (100)

    United Kingdom
    omfg. Seriously, ignore every single thing I have ever said about Harry and JJ, this was THE perfect ending. I'm literally dying at the thought of this ending, I just wish there would be a sequel (hint hint). Anyway, just wondering whether I should become a lesbian because I'm so obsessed with Eleanor. She is hilarious, I want her to be my best friend.

    You are officially my favorite writer EVER. And I'm not just talking about on Mibba, or any other site for fan fictions, I mean published authors. I literally can't think of anyone who can write better than this, you describe things so well, it's like they are right in front of me. I was almost crying as she cried, that's how emotionally attached I am to the characters in this story, and although I actually don't like most people, I have to admit that I want to be JJ.
    These last two chapters were amazing, I loved how Liam and Zayn were pretending to be spies, and how Harry is with someone now. It was so sweet when he said about breaking Niall's legs, because you can tell just how close they are and how much he cares.I also think it's great that you've included how JJ's family was affected. which truly shows just how selfless she is.
    I think I may have pissed myself when I found out that Fizzy hadn't actually opened the letters because she was scared of being sued, and I'm so happy that she got in where she wanted.
    No matter what I've said in the past, Niall and JJ are not too much like brother and sister, he is a sexy beast. Seriously. I guess that, like JJ, I fell in love with the things that Harry was doing for JJ, but then it turned out to be Niall and I was like 'WHOA!'
    Please please please write a sequel, I want to see what happens when he goes on tour and she goes to uni, and then they introduce each other to their families as boyfriend and girlfriend.
    I just can't get over how perfect this is, and I'll probably just go on and on, so I'll shut up now.
    Anyway, if there isn't a sequel or anything, then thank you for writing so well, I've really enjoyed this!
    July 9th, 2012 at 08:34pm
  • ashleygreenethebest

    ashleygreenethebest (100)

    United Kingdom
    omfg. Seriously, ignore every single thing I have ever said about Harry and JJ, this was THE perfect ending. I'm literally dying at the thought of this ending, I just wish there would be a sequel (hint hint). Anyway, just wondering whether I should become a lesbian because I'm so obsessed with Eleanor. She is hilarious, I want her to be my best friend.

    You are officially my favorite writer EVER. And I'm not just talking about on Mibba, or any other site for fan fictions, I mean published authors. I literally can't think of anyone who can write better than this, you describe things so well, it's like they are right in front of me. I was almost crying as she cried, that's how emotionally attached I am to the characters in this story, and although I actually don't like most people, I have to admit that I want to be JJ.
    These last two chapters were amazing, I loved how Liam and Zayn were pretending to be spies, and how Harry is with someone now. It was so sweet when he said about breaking Niall's legs, because you can tell just how close they are and how much he cares.I also think it's great that you've included how JJ's family was affected. which truly shows just how selfless she is.
    I think I may have pissed myself when I found out that Fizzy hadn't actually opened the letters because she was scared of being sued, and I'm so happy that she got in where she wanted.
    No matter what I've said in the past, Niall and JJ are not too much like brother and sister, he is a sexy beast. Seriously. I guess that, like JJ, I fell in love with the things that Harry was doing for JJ, but then it turned out to be Niall and I was like 'WHOA!'
    Please please please write a sequel, I want to see what happens when he goes on tour and she goes to uni, and then they introduce each other to their families as boyfriend and girlfriend.
    I just can't get over how perfect this is, and I'll probably just go on and on, so I'll shut up now.
    Anyway, if there isn't a sequel or anything, then thank you for writing so well, I've really enjoyed this!
    July 9th, 2012 at 08:34pm
  • Zen Molek

    Zen Molek (100)

    United States
    I'm glad that they ended up together, they are soo cute.
    the Epilogue was really reaaaaaaally reaaaaaaaaally cute with the banter and whatnot! <3
    so saaaaaaaad that's it over but I'm so glad that it all worked out great!!
    definitely one of my favorite fics!!
    July 9th, 2012 at 07:35am
  • grl_lk_moi_320

    grl_lk_moi_320 (100)

    United States
    July 9th, 2012 at 03:54am
  • Swimchic

    Swimchic (100)

    United States
    This was awesome!! Absolutely loved it!! I was hoping Niall was the one and he was!! eeeep!
    July 9th, 2012 at 02:48am
  • from the morning

    from the morning (100)

    United States
    YESSSSS I KNEW IT. I mean. I loved this entire story and I'm really sad to see it end but the ending was great and I enjoyed every second of it! I just love Niall and JJ's relationship.
    July 9th, 2012 at 02:44am
  • saudade.

    saudade. (100)

    United States
    Oh, thank the Lord! I'm so glad they're all okay! And JJ and Niall! Finally, thank God it's official, teehee. You've done a wonderful job and I can't wait to read anything else you come up with.

    I loved the ending and how you kind of kept Niall out of the picture until she went out to the car. Glad to hear JJ's got her shit together, haha!
    July 9th, 2012 at 01:10am
  • girl at the rockshow

    girl at the rockshow (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I loved the ending, I stick by what I said in my previous comment (let's ignore the embarrassing outburst :P)
    I also think that some of the chapters in Niall's POV is a really good idea and i'd love to read that :D
    July 9th, 2012 at 12:27am
  • ProudThespian

    ProudThespian (100)

    United States
    i think doing a couple chapters in Niall's POV would be great! :D
    July 9th, 2012 at 12:17am
  • girl at the rockshow

    girl at the rockshow (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Just read this entire story in like 3 hours and I have to say that you are a brilliant writer and as a new reader/comment-er/whatever I feel my opinions are invalid for this story, but; WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? IT WAS ALL GOING SO WELL!
    I'm sorry, this story is so amazing and evidently has me all over the place. I really hope this is not the end of it and JJ comes to her senses soon :)
    July 9th, 2012 at 12:08am
  • ProudThespian

    ProudThespian (100)

    United States
    Update soon! :)
    July 9th, 2012 at 12:06am
  • ashleyliz_x

    ashleyliz_x (100)

    United States
    my heart just broke for her and niall :( they can FINALLY be together but :( heart broken! update soon please
    July 8th, 2012 at 11:53pm
  • justSJ

    justSJ (100)

    United States
    Ahhh wow so intense! I was also wearing a Summer Set tank top as I read this :) haha!
    July 8th, 2012 at 11:48pm
  • HelloOlivia

    HelloOlivia (100)

    I'm actually like crYING that this story is almost over. My feels are all over the place right now.
    July 7th, 2012 at 07:59pm