Fate Has A Way - Comments

  • Ugh, I hope Alisha gets bitten in the ass by this mess, she is really horrible. And poor Mariann, she and Ava look so much alike it's scary :O
    June 22nd, 2012 at 07:38pm
  • First, when Maddi grabbed Mariann by mistake all I thought was, 'doesn't Maddi know what her own kid wore' because unless they dressed alike or are covered head to toe in dress up Maddi should remember what Ava was wearing (for ex: If Ava wore a green shirt & Mariann wore pink, Maddi knows Ava's in green). Though in a hurry you might be careless so I slightly forgive her.
    I'm still wondering if Maddi's memory starts with the crash or if she actually remembers, because why is she mad Ally said she was at the wedding if she has no clue about it or why it was so heartbreaking. Or maybe her memory ends in a period between the breakup and the wedding. But I'm still for a scene with the twins having Ava over and Alisha going bat shit insane. Because she hates her kids and she hates Maddi so why not have a constant reminder of her (Ava) and your own kids who she seems to despise under one roof. What could go wrong? Wink Update soon!
    June 22nd, 2012 at 07:00pm
  • Geez, Alisha is a horrible excuse for a mother, Zach should dump her sorry ass. I bet she married him for the money, she has no interest in her kids whatsoever Sad
    June 22nd, 2012 at 02:25pm
  • Wait, does Maddi now remember everything, or is the crash just where her memory starts? Because if it's the former then Maddison now has to face the music that she acted on an impulse (anger at Zach getting Alisha pregnant) thus she basically shut Zach out. I have a feeling it's that as it's the one that leads to why Maddi would be mad, Zach will wonder how she loved him and knew she was pregnant, yet didn't have the nerve to stop the wedding. But hopefully they will both be rational if she does remember, he's hurt for having his daughter have no true meaning of the word Dad( and her lose meaning s someone who's not Zach) and she felt she was protecting herself and Ava (for example; what if she stopped the wedding and he told her he wanted to stay for Alisha because of the pregnancy, now she has to reveal her pregnancy and make him look like a playboy man-whore).

    Alisha's decision to dump the twins on Travis and Ally (To cheat on Zach, I assume) is going to bite her in the ass. Because I have a feeling next time the kids get dropped off somewhere it might be Maddi's (if Zach and Maddi work it out) and then I'd love to see the girls do an almost Parent Trap scheme on their parents, with Travis and Ally as the adult supervision. The one scene I'm pushing for is Ava going to the Parise house to play and one of the twins telling her they wish she was Maddi. Although I kind of expect and look forward to something crazy for Alisha to do (maybe some fake but damning evidence in a custody battle?). Update Soon!
    June 22nd, 2012 at 06:05am
  • First, I stand by my theory that someone needs to have Zach know Maddi was in a car crash & has memory loss, because Ally certainly knew that Maddison had no clue as to Ava's dad. Ava will be in the same boat and will possibly reject Zach since all she knows is Ryan and it's not like Maddi's telling her about her real dad. Also Zach is kind of acting in an almost stalker fashion. I get that this is a pressing concern for him, but you don't corner someone in a grocery store over paternity. It was almost doomed to have him look psychotic. And, poor, poor Ryan is seemingly setting him up for Maddi to think he's cheating, because he seemed he wanted to end that phone call about a minute after it started.
    I have a feeling that if Zach does initiate the idea of Ava coming over to play with the twins that Alisha will have a feeling something's going on. She doesn't seem stupid and the idea of your husband particularly agreeable to play dates with a girl you know is his kid would sound alarms. Update Soon!
    June 22nd, 2012 at 12:04am
  • First, the whole idea of needing Ava's biological dad's signature makes me wonder how the school hasn't gotten sued from house holds like Maddi's and one where one parent died. I'm happy Ally told Maddi that she isn't choosing between her friends, because Ally can't make herself the middle man of these two. I question the idea Maddi had no clue Zach was here, because she knows Ryan's playing for the Devils and they have a job where you can find the team online! I understand not thinking they'd send their kids to the same school, but the probability they still would have seen each other is huge.
    On that note, Zach knows that the school requires parental signatures from the twins. I wonder if he'll try to sign Ava's almost in secret, because he is her father. One scene I'm pushing for is a playdate between Mariann and Ava at the Parise household where the girls and Michael play together, and while Zach finds it adorable that all his kids are playing and getting along Alisha is flipping her lid. Meanwhile the ids have a playdate at Maddi's and the twins innocently tell Maddi that they wished their mommy was like her. But something tells me Alisha's not going down without a fight. She doesn't seem the type to accept failure. Update soon!
    June 18th, 2012 at 10:29pm
  • Ugh, I hate Mrs. Jones, what a bitch. Poor Avalon, she shouldn't have to hear that Sad I hope Zach comes to his senses and dumps Alisha, she is a horrible excuse for a mother Sad
    June 18th, 2012 at 10:23pm
  • I love this<3 they need to get their shit together!
    June 18th, 2012 at 09:57pm
  • I loved this update!
    June 16th, 2012 at 03:59pm
  • I loved this update!
    June 16th, 2012 at 10:55am
  • Love this story
    June 16th, 2012 at 12:15am
  • Someone needs to tell Maddi about the fact that she and Zach were engaged and were having sex when she conceived Ava, because they might want to protect her but currently they're hurting her. Because right now she's on a path where a lot of shit is going to hit the fan (Maddi) at the same time. Also someone like Ally needs to tell Zach about Maddi's memory loss because Zach seems to have no clue about the crash and I won't be shocked if he confronts her for not telling him she was pregnant, especially since the math would tell the truth, she knew she was pregnant when he told her about Alisha. This is going to cause Maddi (who's clueless about this whole timeframe) to think he's just pissed she's moved on with Ryan. Although I'm almost certain poor Ryan is going to get his heart broken so I hope they leave with Maddi trying not to string him on once she starts falling for Zach, because subconsciously she should still remember the pain of being cheated on, even if she doesn't remember the event.
    I personally can't wait for the kids to play a more central role in this story. Because the issue of the day is that of of the 7 people truly affected by this (Maddi, Zach, Ryan, Alisha, and the kids) only 2 know and Alisha sure as hell isn't telling anyone. And although I hope the kids become friends and both want what the other has (Mariann & Michael want to have a caring mom like Maddi and Ava wants to have her real dad like the twins have with Zach) and almost set Maddi and Zach up, it's still a tough situation to explain to 5 year olds, I mean it took Zach a couple of hours to make leaps in logic that should take about 5 minutes. Wink
    June 15th, 2012 at 10:57pm
  • Geez, men can be so damn dense *rolls eyes* I do hope Zach gets rid of Alisha and hooks back up with Maddi, she'd make a much better mother for the twins Sad
    June 15th, 2012 at 10:40pm
  • I just started reading and love it, Alisha is fucking evil :O Zach better dump the bitch before she messes up the kids for life, she's a horrible mother :O
    June 15th, 2012 at 08:12pm
  • Zach's pov was great and i dont know how he cant see that ava is his daughter
    June 14th, 2012 at 02:30pm
  • AHHHHH more please! Also I loved Zach's POV. :)
    June 14th, 2012 at 05:40am
  • If Zach doesn't put this together that Ava is his daughter, then he's in denial. She looks just like his daughter, has the name he and Maddi talked about, and the ages match up perfectly. He won't want to admit that he's missed such a valuable part of Ava's life. I have a feeling Zach is going to vouch for Maddison so Ava's not kicked out of school. He actually might encourage Mariann & Ava to be friends so he can have an excuse to be with Maddi. Plus, I can't help but imagine Alisha in this scenario. If she hates her own kids, then imagine her reaction to her daughter hanging with Ava, whom she knows is her husband's kid. But when Zach starts to pursue Maddi and form a relationship with Ava, I hope he's conscientious of the fact that he has twins that are already in a fragile state, believing they are unloved by Alisha, if Zach doesn't devote time to Mariann, Michael, and Ava equally the twins will be left feeling unloved by both their parents, which would be a disaster. Because if he does this right the kids , especially the girls, could get along, but if he does this wrong then he has 2 broken families.

    On the point of Ally, she has Maddi's best intreats in minds, but like Zach she doesn't see she's hurting someone she's trying to protect. Personally, I think either Maddi has remembered/ figured out that Zach is Ava's dad, or she's just like Zach in the idea that she doesn't want to admit her past mistakes. Ally believes that mentioning Zach will drive Maddi away, & she's already give up Zach, & doesn't want to lose Maddi. But Maddi needs to own up to the fact that she let her anger get the best of her (although she had every right to be angry) & gave up her happiness and Ava having a father because she felt betrayed and almost thought it was the 'right thing.' He cheated on her with Alisha, so Maddi was certain he'd pick Alisha and their baby over herself. Can't wait for the next chapter!
    June 14th, 2012 at 05:06am
  • God, Alisha is borderline abusive with how she's been acting, calling her kids brats. I'm pretty sure Michael's scared of her, poor kid. I loved how Zach has some reason to stay with Alisha. He wants to save his kids from a bitter custody battle that Alisha would likely win. Because, sadly, the twins are only 5 which most courts say is an age where you don't know what's best for you, and in a court system that 9 times out of 10 will side with the mom unless she really is abusive or messed up.
    Personally though, with Zach I see a situation where he's trying to put his kids first, but he has kids in a marriage that has more verbal arguments then reality TV & kids who don't believe their mom loves them. It's obviously Zach still has feelings for Maddi, so I have a feeling he might eventually move out and try the twins staying with Maddi and Ava. I hope Maddi and Zach get together without too many hearts broken (and by hearts I mean Maddi's fiancee, I'm fine with whatever happens to Alisha). Part of me hopes that Zach see potential with him, Maddi, Ava, & the twins to be a family and he ends up with custody from the twins. But part of me thinks the twins ( especially Mariann) will team up with Ava because the twins will want Maddi for their mom & Ava will want Zach as a dad, not knowing he already is her dad ( can't wait for that revelation, especially to the kids).
    June 13th, 2012 at 11:32pm
  • Thank you for the shout outs! Can't wait for the next chapter
    June 13th, 2012 at 10:57pm
  • I'd like to see Zach's POV, mainly because it'd establish his home life. Because right now, everyone is wondering why would Zach stay with Alisha? If we see how unhappy Zach is, his lingering feelings for Maddison, but also why he thinks staying in a loveless marriage is best for his kids it'll help us understand why he hasn't filed for divorce when he knows his wife is cheating. Maybe Alisha has told him that if they divorce she could win custody of the kids( because she can be there 24/7 while his schedule means he's not home half the year) & not let him really see them? Or maybe he's scared of the impact of a divorce on little kids & how much he'll get to see them when he's home?

    Also I think it'd be cute if the twin that looks just like Ava became her best friend, as it would cause them to be around each other even more. Plus if Zach got divorced & Maddi's engagement ends, maybe this causes his daughter to spend a lot of time at Ava's house & warm up to the idea of Maddi as her stepmom and have her and Ava do an almost Parent Trap type set up.
    June 13th, 2012 at 08:58pm