Nothing - Comments

  • Smoothies

    Smoothies (100)

    United States
    I absolutely adore this.

    First off, I love how you made the Riddle class, and how the character isn't human. At first, I was confused when I read "I let out a gusty, too loud sigh from the set of small holes behind my ears and opened the uppermost layers of all seven of my eyes." because that obviously doesn't go with human anatomy. But then I got to the line “The prompt will be using Earth Human footage.” and everything made sense.

    The next part is wonderful. I love the fact that these other beings use footage of humans to learn. I think each of the scenes works perfectly with the riddles. I particularly liked the scene that went with the rich.

    The ending was very good. It ended very simply, which I think fit in well with the rest of the story. It showed that it was still just a Riddle class, in contrast with the scenes that were viewed.

    I don't really have any con crit, as I think this is great as it is. Amazing job!
    June 30th, 2012 at 05:14am