Holding On To Forever - Comments

  • Kovoumakesmetingle

    Kovoumakesmetingle (150)

    United States
    I only have three complaints really.

    Add a summary. A summary is what usually draws people in to read it and will get you more readers.

    When you include lyrics, make them italic. If you don't know how to do that, here's how
    insert here
    (except without the spaces in between the i's)

    A custom background
    I personally don't know how to make a custom back ground other wise I'd make one for you but I know someone who does know how to I could ask her (or you could ask) if she would make a custom background for this story.

    Other than that, great job and I will definatly be reccomending this!
    May 29th, 2012 at 02:50pm
  • Kovoumakesmetingle

    Kovoumakesmetingle (150)

    United States
    I only have three complaints really.

    Add a summary. A summary is what usually draws people in to read it and will get you more readers.

    When you include lyrics, make them italic. If you don't know how to do that, here's how
    insert here
    (except without the spaces in between the i's)

    A custom background
    I personally don't know how to make a custom back ground other wise I'd make one for you but I know someone who does know how to I could ask her (or you could ask) if she would make a custom background for this story.

    Other than that, great job and I will definatly be reccomending this!
    May 29th, 2012 at 02:49pm