Like Music to Me - Comments

  • I think you should continue it into a regular story. I really love the feel of you writing. It's gracefully and heart felt. Your use of description really paints a story. It's has a poety feel to it that really makes it so wonderful. I loved and would really like to know what his dream is.
    January 31st, 2014 at 01:39pm
  • I'm here to (finally) judge the contest entries! Cute

    The layout is gorgeous. I love how all of the colours mesh together and work really well. It's simple, elegant and allows me to read without straining my eyes so super job on that!

    And the content. I've been reading more and more stories that include heartbreak these days and this one was really good. I love that you seem to have this recurring theme of music throughout - the snowflakes being rhythmic, the voice being a melodic chant, the harmony in the words - it all works really beautifully and helps a lot with the flow of the piece overall. I definitely agree with Hika, there's a real lyrical aspect to this story and the musical imagery that you've used really accentuates that and brings it to the fore when reading through. I love that you have Cynthia almost motionless, as if she's dead inside. You mention it at the end, but even from the beginning I get the idea that he is her everything and it's really clever how you've subtly shown that without mentioning it outright at the beginning. I like that this doesn't seem to just be a breakup; there is a reason behind his leaving and that's something that I'd definitely like to know more about if you do ever choose to continue this. It has the bare beginnings to be a really good story but as a drabble / one-shot, it stands really well because it leaves a lot to think about.

    Grammar and spelling seemed to be impeccable, I couldn't find anything wrong in that respect so well done!

    All-in-all, I really enjoyed this piece. I'd definitely like to see it continued but as a standalone piece, it's short, beautifully written and leaves me heartbroken for poor Cynthia. Thanks for entering! Cute
    October 30th, 2013 at 03:52pm
  • Definitely not my kind of story, but I really love your writing style: the flow, the lyrical aspect, the musicality of the words you use that fit the story perfectly... Bravo to you. I also love the wibbly wobbly timey wimey play with the flashback and all: you managed to get my attention, being the curious fuck I am. Anyways, this story could go anywhere, it's up to you to continue it or not, but I'd suggest you don't, seeing the power of that one chapter.
    May 31st, 2013 at 12:13am
  • this was really beautifully written. i think it would do great as a prologue to a story. your writing style has perfect flow and is just simply beautiful. this is such a beautiful piece, i almost don't want to tell you to continue it because its simply perfect.
    March 8th, 2013 at 02:50am
  • This is just beautiful, really really beautiful. You're writing flows so perfectly and it's got such a lyrical quality to it, it's enchanting. The ending took my breath away it's just so lovely and simple but so unbelievably gorgeous, I love this!
    June 14th, 2012 at 02:45pm
  • this is beautiful. it really is. the layout is beautiful, and the lyric is lovely too.

    the story is simply gorgeous. it's heartbreaking, and raw, i love how you have her in the aftermath of it all, and then in the middle the flashback. it's clever, and just really sets it home.

    i think you should leave it as it is, i would like to see what happens, if he ever does come back, but rather than continuing the story, you could write another short sequel answering that question? idk, do what feels best.

    this really is beautiful, well done. <3
    June 12th, 2012 at 11:11pm
  • I.. I.. Well.. This is just.. wow.. I am seriously speechless and I am in such awe at how much of Cynthia's heart is in this. This story struck a chord with me, it is just so well written. I just.. wow. Can I have your writing abilities? Even for just a day? :D
    June 12th, 2012 at 12:30am
  • Oh god, I teared up reading this. The way that you’ve injected so much emotion and character into this simple oneshot is admirable, and it struck a chord with me. It’s so beautifully written. It could definitely be extended into more than one chapter, but at the same time it stands alone so well, especially since it leaves just the right amount to the reader’s imagination, and that’s what makes it all the more heartfelt. I can quite literally feel the love between the lines in this story. To boot, your grammar and sentence structure is perfect, and the flow of it all is unbeatable. Awesome job :D
    June 11th, 2012 at 11:59pm
  • The way you describe Cynthia's thoughts and emotions is so well written I feel empathy for her. Your writing shows insight into how she thinks of him and how she perceives the world. Your grammar is impeccable and the use of words and flashbacks intriguing. I think you should try to work with this, make it into a regular story.
    June 10th, 2012 at 12:16am
  • Your layout is lovely and I absolutely adore the name Cynthia! Your transition into the flashback was excellent, far better than some I've seen on here! This is so short but so pretty, maybe you could even do a separate one shot about the man, I think that would be quite an interesting perspective: choosing your childhood dream over love, what could be so important you would give that up? This really is a lovely piece well done
    June 10th, 2012 at 12:07am
  • Wow, this is really good. Detailed and we written. Its perfectly paragraph spaced and I didn't see any flaws in punctuation or grammar. The layout is well made, easy to read, and fits this story perfectly well.

    I really enjoyed reading this, even though it was sad, but thats what made it so excellent. You made the emotion com eout perfectly. Well done, keep writing :)
    June 9th, 2012 at 08:34pm
  • Aw, that was so sad! How could he leave her like that! I would love to know where he went and why he was going, so please make this into a regular story!
    The layout is awesome too and the background color fits the mood. I feel bad for her friend who's outside of her house though.
    I love how there are no grammar mistakes!
    June 9th, 2012 at 08:22pm
  • Awww... this is so sad. It's short but still it's perfect.

    You have a serious writing talent. The description, characterization, metaphors and everything in my view is perfect! I do try to find something wrong with this piece but I can't find anything. So, kudos to you.

    Keep writing. ^_^
    June 9th, 2012 at 06:57pm
  • Your layout is simple and pretty, and that's the way I like to read my stories. Normally I'm put off by the layouts but this one is awesome. It was the first thing that I noticed, and the sentence on the banner actually has some relevance to my life right now, so I thought that I could relate to this story... and I was right. You have an elegant and beautiful style of writing, I love the way you describe Cynthia's feelings on the four words he had spoken. I would love to read this as a regular story, to see how the characters develop. Well done :)
    June 9th, 2012 at 06:17pm
  • I really liked the way you worded this. Your description and word choice left nothing to be desired. It was very well done, especially since that's the first thing I critique people on. Telling them to grab a thesaurus XD

    Your layout is also really well done, adding to the sense of longing/nostalgia that the story leaves you with. My only real critique is that while this was meant to be a short story, is to perhaps make it a bit longer and add to the story between them, or reveal what he is going away for.

    But other than that, great job :) Loved it.
    June 9th, 2012 at 06:30am
  • I just want to start off by saying your layout is just so lovely. I love simple and calm layouts, and it really did the job of stirring my interest towards this story. The quote in the banner adds to it and I'm just so curious to dig into the story!

    Ugh, I just love the details. I am a total sucker for detailing in stories; I love it when I can SEE the story unfolding through descriptions and crafty words. And you delivered just that. I can see it as if it was a movie!
    I love the dramatic feel you started off with and the way you portrayed Cynthia really gave me the cooled feel of distance within the character.
    And I love the flashback conflict. It's not the same-old 'he-cheated-n'-left' or some typical break up I read of often. The guy loved her too, and whatever it was that made him leave, it was killing him to do what he was doing. Even though I don't agree with the way he did it, I can't just straight out HATE him. This character seems to have much more depth than that.

    I really, really, REALLY want to know more about what's going on between the two. So to answer your question I am going to say yes! This should be a regular chaptered story; it's too good!

    If you do decide to continue with this story, I am definitely subscribing. But you definitely got my rec on this one.

    Thank you for sharing this!! =D

    One spelling error: If he did—if he so much as touched her pale, soft skin, so much as felt her warmth against the cold that had overcome him—then he would loose his resolve.
    ~It should be lose. Unless you were trying to say loosen. But the first makes better sense.
    June 9th, 2012 at 02:36am
  • Wow! This was amazing. You write beautifully. I would absolutely love to see you continue with this.

    I would really like to see what happens with Cynthia and how she deals with her loss.

    Recommended and subscribed. :]
    June 7th, 2012 at 01:08am
  • Reading this was heart wrenching! I think I'd like to see you continue this as a regular story, just to see what happens and Cynthia copes. It's still an awesome one shot though if you decide to leave it at that. It can stand on it's own. :]
    June 5th, 2012 at 09:33pm
  • Your descriptions are amazing!!! I died from how well this was written! Her emotions are spot on and I feel like this would make a really good story! How she replayed the words in her head was perfect! Losing somebody you love like that... You wrote it perfectly! I do encourage you to think about making this into a full story! I feel like it would be an enjoyable read! Keep writing! :)
    June 5th, 2012 at 06:42pm
  • D'aawhhh, this is so adorable!!! I really do hope something works out with them... It's only the start but I like it, it's well written :) Nice to let us know what happens before, some authors don't do that :l
    June 5th, 2012 at 04:11am