Surprises of Life - Comments

  • JulieCHEE

    JulieCHEE (100)

    I think that you need to change you're summary. Add some details make it so we couldn't not want it read the story.
    I also found the story lacking in visual description you describe what things sounded like more than what they look like. I do like how at time you're writing is historically accurate but at times it also wasn't quite there.
    I did however enjoy it. :)
    February 1st, 2014 at 03:45pm
  • domiemarie

    domiemarie (100)

    United States
    Comment swap has brought me here to your story. I must say that you have caught my interest. A few pointers though, maybe add some more details? A saying of mine is if an author can pull my into a story, its a story worth reading. There were parts where I felt pulled in and other times, I couldn't imagine the scene. So be creative about it, add more details! It wouldn't hurt. I didn't find any spelling errors or grammar errors, so that is good. It made it an easy read for me. Keep up the good work! I would love to read more and see how you develop your story. :)
    August 26th, 2012 at 12:54am
  • QueenofSpades

    QueenofSpades (100)

    United States
    The summery could use a little expanding i think. It's a little to straight to the point i think. Possibly try making it more enticing, less just listing of facts maybe?
    I think the over all idea is an interesting one, however.
    You have a very direct writing style, which is fine but may hurry the reader along to quickly.
    hmmm. the title suggest there's going to be quite a few interesting twists that might happen along the way.
    July 10th, 2012 at 03:58pm
  • inactive;

    inactive; (105)

    Neutral Zone
    The summary is interesting. But your first paragraph is just kinda repeating the summary again.

    Your writing is good. I'm not much of a grammar-nazi so I don't really get too worked up when there are any mistakes. However, I agree with the person below.

    I think this story needs a little more flavor to it. You should add more personality to the characters and let it flow smoothly.

    This story has potential. Keep writing. ^_^
    June 9th, 2012 at 07:24pm
  • electrovoid

    electrovoid (100)

    United States
    First off, it'd be good to space the paragraphs. While real books don't do that, reading online is made much easier when the paragraphs are not all clumped together.

    I liked the first chapter, but I left feeling like I was missing a lot of the story. The plot you've suggested in the summary seems very interesting, yet in the first chapter everything is a little flat. The concept is good, but maybe add more description and add more personality to the characters? I like Alexa (is that short for Alexandria because Alexa by itself is odd for the time period...) and Luc. Their relationship seems sweet.

    I would just recommend fleshing the story line and characters out a bit more. That would improve everything and make your story all the better! I do like the idea, however, so totally stick with it!
    June 8th, 2012 at 11:52pm
  • Rebell

    Rebell (100)

    United States
    When I was about to read this I was worried. Mostly because when it comes to Historical Fiction I really like it to be accurate and I've seen so many stories where the dialogue isn't right for the time period. But I was pleasantly surprised. The only thing I think you should do is space it out more, but besides that this is really good.
    I'm subscribing!
    June 8th, 2012 at 11:47pm
  • Kawaii Emotions;

    Kawaii Emotions; (100)

    United States
    Well, the first thing I would suggest is using a little more line spacing. just looking at the first chapter is a little overwhelming because there's so much text. I'm not really feeling the scene too much. it comes across very one dimensional. Maybe you should try more description and more dialogue to juice up the story. However, I think, if done correctly, this story could be a real hit. The story line seems different and could really be interesting.
    June 8th, 2012 at 01:38am