Monster - Comments

  • I quite liked this! I would have wanted to see an entire story, the opening was perfect. I think it deserves more content. :) its a great idea.
    June 22nd, 2013 at 05:08am
  • Okay before I start writing this comment, I'm gonna give you a heads up and confess to being a person who likes Paramore's music but can't seem to stand them as people... Right.

    The layout is horrid. I'm sorry but it is.

    The text is WAY too big and the background and layout colors' clash horribly. You should probably think about changing it and fast because I have to change to the default layout just to read it.

    I love the start. I REALLY love the start. It draws you in and lets you know instantly what's going on.

    Her band mates have left and now she doesn't feel like she belongs and has no idea what to do with herself. And Brendon? He's that best friend who picks up everyone around him, especially Hayley.

    I love how Hayley's mood suddenly changes and no one seems to see why.

    And the ending? Gah! Hayley actually managing to kill herself is just incredible and heart breaking. Brendon was so obviously in love with her but never could tell her. Damn. Incredible.
    June 6th, 2012 at 09:04pm