If Only... - Comments

  • prufrockk

    prufrockk (100)

    United States
    Hey, nice story, really smooth and easy to get through. Didn't feel like a chore, ya know? I will say that it feels sort of indulgent, like fan fiction kind of. Dialing back on the amount of feelings that Mar expresses out loud would be useful. We know she cares about him, we know that when someone we care about cares for someone else it's sad, and we know how insecurity affects people. I found myself having to giggle a bit when Kam broke up with Brielle. That's just not how breakups go. He wouldn't have been staring at a picture of another girl while they were together, and if he had, she'd have noticed and they'd have fought about it, which would have been a much more realistic way to to end the relationship. The character descriptions are unnecessary. As a person who tends to fall in love with her own characters, I suggest getting the urge to go overboard with details out by writing full on character profiles out before writing, maybe even drawing the characters out first. Then when you write your characters into the story keep in mind that you want to avoid unnecessary details. Instead of brushing her 'long brown hair, straight and boring' out of the way, try 'hair' instead. Damn, now we know she has hair. I recently read a book about a printing company, I didn't even know that the characters were all Japanese until a few chapters in and I realized that the way they were describing important faces didn't makes sense for European faces (Like there weren't many planes on the face, they were sometimes described as blank or sharp, just not things you hear about white people) and I had to research the book to find that the author is asian and that it took place in Japan. It was refreshing, and I think you should take note.
    July 14th, 2018 at 08:14am
  • greekfreak 77

    greekfreak 77 (100)

    United States
    Comment swap

    Hey, so I'll start with the good and say that your story is extremely readable and I really enjoyed the premise (admittedly, though, I hate happy endings, especially when they are hasty). However, I have to agree with previous comments about the lack of description and the unnecessary filler/subplot. Like others have said, this story has a lot of telling not showing, and this felt the most unbearable (that word seems harsh) when you attempted to capture Marianna's anxieties and awkwardness through very on the nose (possibly too on the nose) portions of eternal monologue. There are ways to express anxiety and awkwardness without having her constantly telling us that she is stupid or awkward. For some reason, as a reader, I didn't trust her and it seemed like one of those pretty girls who take selfies and then post "look how ugly I am" to get a response. And because of this, I don't think I felt what I was supposed to feel for Marianna. This may be because of my own experience with anxiety and how it manifests in me and others that I've known/work with. While the internal monologue is there, it's more complex that constant aphorisms of self-loathing. Often, it could manifest physically or in more realistic, aversive dialogue. The stuttering in dialogue, though, is a good example of showing, not telling. As far as the unnecessary subplot/filler, I realize that is due to length. This story could have been longer and could have used a strong subplot to help aptly show the awkwardness and anxiety. Even better, a strong subplot could have really been an investment in character development, and Marianna could have grown or learned something. As is, the characters are flat and static, which doesn't make for a great story. Still, it was cute, and if I enjoyed happy endings it probably would have melted my heart.
    July 4th, 2018 at 12:32pm
  • SalyaDarken

    SalyaDarken (100)

    United States
    This story is just sooo cute. I love everything about it. Though I wish the photos were fixed. ♥
    December 24th, 2017 at 08:41pm
  • lumy.

    lumy. (100)

    United States
    @ Jamie :3
    That's okay, thank you!
    September 3rd, 2015 at 06:52am
  • Jamie :3

    Jamie :3 (100)

    United States
    I'm sorry, I didn't know that posted multiple of my comment!
    September 3rd, 2015 at 04:40am
  • Jamie :3

    Jamie :3 (100)

    United States
    I'm sorry, I didn't know that posted multiple of my comment!
    September 3rd, 2015 at 04:40am
  • Jamie :3

    Jamie :3 (100)

    United States
    Initially when I got your story I was a bit nervous, but as I read it I grew it love it. Your theme was an excellent choice, I love the blue color and pale pattern. The character were good, and relatable. I remember when I was younger, I too, was obsessive over boys. I adore Mari’s stuttering, it’s a cute quirk. Overall, I really liked this story. :)
    September 3rd, 2015 at 04:39am
  • Jamie :3

    Jamie :3 (100)

    United States
    Initially -if I'm being honest- I wasn't sure I was going to like this story. But man, was I wrong. Firstly, I love the theme. The blue color was a very good choice. Secondly, I love how much of a relatable character Mari is. She's adorable. Overall, this was an awesome story. :)
    September 3rd, 2015 at 04:33am
  • Jamie :3

    Jamie :3 (100)

    United States
    Initially -if I'm being honest- I wasn't sure I was going to like this story. But man, was I wrong. Firstly, I love the theme. The blue color was a very good choice. Secondly, I love how much of a relatable character Mari is. She's adorable. Overall, this was an awesome story. :)
    September 3rd, 2015 at 04:32am
  • WeasleyWizardWheezes

    WeasleyWizardWheezes (105)

    United States
    It seems as though, besides the parts where Kamden and Marianna are talking, everything else is just filler. And, while that’s alright, that doesn’t mean you should skimp on the detail. Also some of the dialogue seems unnatural, as do some of the things she does. AND the fact she's awake for every 11:11 was a tad... obsessive. I do love her stuttering though. I myself used to stutter so I connected to her on that. But on a positive note I do like the story, and I really enjoy Kam’s character; you write him well. I did enjoy the ending cause I’m all for that mushy love stuff and it got me right in the heart. All in all, it was enjoyable, and I believe you have potential to be a great writer. Keep on writing and perfecting your craft!
    May 30th, 2015 at 02:27am
  • Aly Jones

    Aly Jones (205)

    United States
    So, I've only read the first three chapters (and I'm getting ready to finish this), but I just thought that I would go ahead and comment. This is so amazing! I've had a couple of online friends that I gave my number to and I used to text them all the time! We never called each other, though, because we were scared of long-distance calling charges. Anyway, I just find this story so cute! Mari is just adorable! Absolutely, without a doubt the cutest thing ever. Her stuttering is such a sweet trait. It gives her a quirk and makes her three-dimensional. I hate that you gave Kam a girlfriend. Kill her off. Now.

    The only thing that kind of gets on my nerves is Mari obsession with Kam. All she does is think about him and wait for him to message her. It's slightly creepy, especially when coupled with the fact that she has to be awake for every 11:11 to make a wish about him. I don't know if this used for something later in the story, but if it is I can't wait to find out.

    Something that I found slightly unnecessary in the third chapter was introducing the triplets. It's great that she has friends, but since this story appears to be completed and all the chapters are very short, I doubt those three have any real relevance to the story other than that little scene. I really felt like it would've been better if you had cut off right at the friends stood at Mari's doorway and left it at that. Of course, if I'm wrong and these characters show up again with significant importance, then please disregard what I just said.
    June 21st, 2014 at 04:30am
  • omega wolf

    omega wolf (100)

    United States
    I was really excited when I got your story for comment swap! I haven't exactly had the best luck in the past and, well, your story's the first one I've been given that I was actually excited to read. The story's a bit fast-paced and the plot's a little too perfect, but I still really enjoyed the story.
    February 24th, 2014 at 10:18pm
  • hiwagang hapis

    hiwagang hapis (1550)

    "Marianna? I'm home, dear." my mom calls, closing the door.
    If you ended that with a period, ‘my’ should be capitalized.

    I pull up at the house and grab my phone as the girls race to the door. I glance at my phone and notice I have a text. I forgot that I had it turned down..
    [space here]
    It's from a number I don't recognize, 918-815-9681.

    We follow block formatting so that means leaving a blank line before and after a paragraph.

    There are quite few grammatical errors in the story that I noticed. Some of the sentences were a little too simple in my opinion.

    I love online romances but I didn’t enjoy this story as much as I hoped I would. A factor contributing to that is your lack of descriptions or details. Details are very important because without it, a story would be bland and plain. You have to show instead of telling. Another factor is the choppy sentences. It makes some parts awkward.

    Example: My phone turns on, and I see that I have six text messages and two missed calls. One text is from one of my few friends here. My only three friends in this town are triplets, Joseph, Harlow, and Anna. They want to come over, so I tell them they can in an hour.
    Simple sentences are welcome once in a while but they can get boring so it’s better to stick with compound, complex or compound-complex sentences. You can relay the idea or action through those sentence structures.

    Furthermore, I couldn’t see the interplay between the plot elements in your story. I can’t really imagine what Marianna looks like too –let alone Kamden. I don’t even know the setting of the story.

    These links will explain my point better and hopefully, can help you grow as a writer:
    Avoiding Information Dumps
    How to Write Proper Dialogue
    How to Show and Tell In Writing
    August 19th, 2013 at 11:43am
  • A Decade in the Sun

    A Decade in the Sun (320)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Well that wasn't 200 thingys. Sorry about that! Anyway, the font is the only thing that bugs me about this, mainly because it's overused and a bit tacky. Having read through some chapters again I did notice a few grammar errors but they don't really affect your flow much. I like the plot, it's realistic and unique at the same time. :] xxx
    August 10th, 2013 at 02:54pm
  • A Decade in the Sun

    A Decade in the Sun (320)

    Great Britain (UK)
    *Comment Swap* Hey! This is really sweet! It's got a nice flow to it and the layout is really nice. I don't like the font much though, but other than that it's very calm and relaxing. I didn't notice any mistakes or anything, and I really loved this. :] xxx
    August 10th, 2013 at 02:42pm
  • Snow.White.Queen.

    Snow.White.Queen. (100)

    Here from Le comment swap.
    Well I liked this. You have a few mistakes, but I wouldn't worry. It flows pretty well, a few awkward lines, but nothing major. I like the plot, and the layout is really nice. I like your style of writing too. Good job!
    July 30th, 2013 at 08:34pm
  • red981456

    red981456 (100)

    United States
    Via Comment Swap!

    Alright at first I was kind of unsure where your story would take me but after reading through it I really like this story. I didn't find too many grammatical errors within this story. Overall your writing style is great! Now going away from the technicality of things, I love the idea of your story. I can relate to this story on a personal level. I've always wanted to start off my own story about an online relationship but never quite got around to it. I love yours and I think I'm going to read through all of it because I really love how you played out this story so far. =) Keep writing and good job, this story is amazing!

    June 13th, 2013 at 07:19pm
  • JeremyTheThirteenth

    JeremyTheThirteenth (105)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    (Comment Swap)
    First off, I just love the setting of this and how you used mibba instead of facebook (which is used ALL the time) I love the wish concept and I've never really seen a story like this that didn't end up in rape or break up hehe. I love the small, choppy chapters. I would have been awesome to know how they got involved as friends and what happened when they first met when Kamden goes to college. The dialogue was excellent and only a few errors that I noticed. The layout was okay but I liked how in the picture that the girl had flaws in her hair and stuff and it wasn't all photoshopped to make it all perfect, but the layout kind of seemed frilly, not really matching the story of Marianna being so worried of what Kamden would thank of her. But overall, I enjoyed this! :)
    June 8th, 2013 at 11:03am
  • capheus

    capheus (100)

    Saint Kitts and Nevis
    This story's not bad, and it is pretty interesting. I haven't read a story on here like it, the only thing I'd really have to say about it is that I feel I was kind of just dropped into the middle of the story without much background information, even though it is kind of cleared up throughout the story. It also felt a little rushed.. I think maybe I'd feel better about it if there was something more going on with the two main characters, but that's just me.
    April 25th, 2013 at 04:12am
  • AngelBlue

    AngelBlue (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    {Comment Swap}
    I have to say that was incredibly easy to read. I didn't think I'd like it all that much but was pleasantly surprised. Marianna, I found to be relatable as I've had similar conversations with my own boyfriend!
    This has real potential to be expanded on so that the reader has more information, for example, about the respective home lives of the main characters, that sort of thing. Also, I would have to agree with the comment below mine about the cliches and generic characters. It's something that all writers do at some point so don't worry about it too much.However, it was really sweet and I liked. Good job!x
    April 17th, 2013 at 02:54am